I Always Liked Mary Ann

28 May 2021, 15:49


I did not mean to post the original post (about being a bad guy) here.

So, some things in people's responses will make no sense. This is my fault, and I feel appropriately guilty (which is the minimal amount, in this case).


Just sit right back
And you'll hear a tale
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from a tropic port
Aboard a tiny ship

I forget the rest, because I just thought about Mary Ann, and I'm a guy.

The Pixie
28 May 2021, 16:18

Is this guess the song lyrics? I'm guessing something by Billie Eilish?

28 May 2021, 16:53


Good guess (probably, although I am not at all familiar with said notable, except I know she whispers and has blue (or green?) hair), but it's a clue for an NPC-heavy game-in-progress.

I meant this forum post to be a Gist, but I apparently had two tabs open in my browser and failed to pay proper attention.


System Masters
28 May 2021, 16:53

There aren't any bad guys on this website :)

25 Jun 2021, 19:01

I don't know. To a squiffy guy like me, the quest guys are a bit shady.

26 Jun 2021, 00:58

the quest guys are a bit shady.

We're also a bit rock and roll.

27 Jun 2021, 02:14

In a boy band sorta way? grins

27 Jun 2021, 02:44

Ha! That was a pretty good one.

...but it's more like in a Pink Floyd sort of way -- the Gilmour stuff, mainly.

Okay, maybe sometimes it's more like the Muppets, but we totally stopped trying to be like the Monkees right after some people said they monkeyed around.

28 Jun 2021, 00:10

Well, to be true, sometimes Squiffy fans are a bit like the Banana Splits.

28 Jun 2021, 18:47

I had to look up the Banana Splits. I completely missed that cartoon, and, although I'm assuming I was probably better off, I'm going to find an episode to watch anyway, just to be sure.

29 Jun 2021, 02:40

Ahh K.V. you must have had a sheltered upbringing (or a late one) Banana Splits was a must watch every afternoon. Along with The Goodies. We even had them here in the backwaters of Aus. The version we had wasn't a cartoon but real actors in costumes.
Here's a taste

The Pixie
29 Jun 2021, 10:13

We had it Saturday mornings in the UK. It was live action, but incorporated cartoons, my most vivid memory being the guy in Arabian Nights saying "Size of ..." and then becoming whatever animal he named. This was early seventies, so I am showing my age... But the Monkees was even earlier.

29 Jun 2021, 11:38

I think I was too young for Banana Splits; but remember some saturday morning variety show briefly having a segment called 'The Pineapple Chunks' which I think was a rough parody. Mum found it funnier than I did.

29 Jun 2021, 12:57

Pixie, yeah, I used to watch that on Saturday mornings (and there's MY age, kiddies). You make me smile with the Arabian Nights. The genie would always shout out "Robon Kobar!" to make his magic work. I was living in Southern California outside LA back then, so it's pretty much a seventies flashback for me. Brown hills and smog, seen through a web of buzzing power lines.

Amazing to me to remember that Saturday was really the only time to watch cartoons. Now they have channels and streaming and all that. Shoot, I remember getting the TV supplement in the paper every week and going through it, circling all the movies I wanted to watch.

This was so long ago, computers on TV always had flashing lights and a couple of tape drives spinning away. And to think, they went directly from that to Squiffy!

29 Jun 2021, 13:03

To add to the flashbacks, I remember coming home from school every day to watch Gilligan's Island. Loved that show. Had every episode memorized. Remember wishing for a way to watch them whenever I wanted.

Then one recent day I was hanging around unmotivated and found a TV station broadcasting "Island" back to back! Cool! Sat down and started watching. Limped through two shows and thought, "Ugh, you gotta be kidding. These actually suck..." Now I could understand my dad's frown when he'd walk through the room while we watched so long ago.

I will say that in the early eighties, while going to college at Virginia Tech, Dawn Wells (Mary Ann) came to town with a theater group putting on the play "Chapter Two". I bought the first ticket sold, sat in the middle of the front row, and when Wells came out was totally (and delightedly) shocked. She STILL looked hot as a griddle, even years later.

29 Jun 2021, 23:08

Mary Ann was definitely hot.

30 Jun 2021, 04:47


01 Jul 2021, 16:37

I concur. I'd do anything Mary Ann asked me to do, ever since I was 7 or 8 years old.

Sadly, Dawn Wells passed away in December, 2020.

Tina Louise is now the only living castaway.

02 Jul 2021, 03:11

And Tina hated being a castaway. She wasn't in any of the remakes and really didn't associate with the others.

I always loved the story where, in the first season, the theme song referred to the professor and Mary Ann as "and the rest" (later they changed it to "the professor and Mary Ann".

So Dawn Wells was in the hospital for some sort of minor surgery. She got flowers and a card from the actor who played the professor, who signed it something like "the other half of 'the rest'". Funny!

02 Jul 2021, 03:14

Also, here's a trivia game - back when Trivia Pursuit was a big deal (way long time ago) they came out with a Vice Deck. I was at a New Years Eve party and didn't know anyone (such parties weren't really my thing). I got into the Trivial Pursuit game and got ONE POINT (my total score) for answering the following question-

When was the only time alcohol was brought onto the Island? (please, no googling!)

02 Jul 2021, 12:46

I always loved the story where, in the first season, the theme song referred to the professor and Mary Ann as "and the rest" (later they changed it to "the professor and Mary Ann".

I heard Bob Denver convinced them to add "the Professor and Mary Ann" when they rerecorded the song when the show switched to color.

02 Jul 2021, 13:02

When was the only time alcohol was brought onto the Island?

I remember them making some fermented berry juice one time. (I remember my uncle Jerry explaining to my 7 or 8 year old self about the muscodine wine he was making and drinking while watching the episode.)

I also seem to remember them getting a couple of Russian astronauts drunk one time, but I think maybe that might be something from parody and my memory is faulty. Probably a Robot Chicken or something.


I was going to say "cosmonauts", but I wasn't sure if "Russian cosmonauts" was redundant. So, I stuck with Russian astronauts. [Shrug.]

03 Jul 2021, 02:12

Well, they made cider for the giant spider but the key phrase is "brought onto". But you are correct, sir! The Russians brought two bottle s of vodka and the castaways poured one out and filled it with water to drink the Russians under the table.

03 Jul 2021, 03:34

Well, they made cider for the giant spider but the key phrase is "brought onto".

Ah! I was trying to remember why they made that stuff!

The Russians brought two bottle s of vodka and the castaways poured one out and filled it with water to drink the Russians under the table.

Holy crap! That really was a Gilligan's Island?

My brain filed it under "parody of Gilligan's Island" for some reason.

I always liked Jeannie better than Gilligan's Island. In fact, when Jeannie's evil sister (also named Jeannie, and also played by Barbara Eden, except (somehow) sexier and with a brown wig) shows up, I start drooling and forget my name for a week.

04 Jul 2021, 12:30

Yeah, I remember her. She was really hot, and unlike her squeaky clean wet-blanket sister, she knew what she wanted and had the magic to do it.

If there every was a character of pathos, it was the NASA doctor, Doctor Bellows. I mean, here was a guy just trying to do his very important job and going slowly nuts because of the strange things he'd seen. It would have made more sense for Major Nelson to just visit him, introduce him to Jeanie, explain the full situation, and tell him that, with his powers, there was nothing he could do and he should just play ball. After all, Jeanie could ensure that our Space Program was a total success.