Programmer past experience

23 Mar 2017, 03:20

Here is a question that I am curious about...
(Nice if this was a poll... but anyway...)
What is people here past programming experience?
Have people here programmed in other languages before
or did they start first with Quest?

Me, personally, I have worked in several DOS based Basics and up to Visual Basic 6.
Did very little with C, Logo, and assembly... (But only enough to recognize the coding if I were to see it)
And about 2 to 3 months with Quest... (Enough to see the differences and how they are the same)

23 Mar 2017, 03:31

You are light-years ahead of me!

Quest was my first real experience with programming anything... that is if you don't count work on an old Apple back in junior high school circa 1988-89! I tried to write a Zork similar program. I wish I could find it now!! Haha.

I've learned a ton about Quest programming with even more yet to learn. Not sure how applicable it is to other programming languages though. The syntax - all the <,>",',/'|'_,(,),[,], etc - absolutely KILLS ME!!

23 Mar 2017, 17:52

Some basic from when I was younger. Very basic basic.

10 print "Do you know Basic?"
20 Input A$
30 If A$ = "yes" then goto 50
40 If A$ = "no" then goto 60
50 print "You do know basic"
60 print "You don't know basic"

God knows if that works but I'm remembering from over 30 years ago.

The Pixie
23 Mar 2017, 20:35

I started with BASIC too, on a BBC micro ca. 1982. I did some Pascal in college, and, and failed, to get my head round C++, then in the late 90s dabbled with Java. More recently I have been using Ruby.

23 Mar 2017, 21:42

Quest taught me programming, I found quest knowing absolutely zero at coding/programming, and now I'm taking programming school classes, knowing C++, Java, Python, MSDoS (well the modern computer's command box/prompt shell), and MASM32 (Assembly), pretty well (varying degrees of how well I know them, lol).

Still stuck on learning Data Management, Assembly, and Computer Architecture, before I can move onto the upper division programming classes, sighs.

I can say from direct experience that quest is a great way to learn programming, you'll be able to learn the main programming languages (C++, Java, and Python, and I'm sure the web languages too: html/xml/etc) easily after using/learning quest's scripting, though, it does take some time to get used to all the symbols and etc quirks of each language, and at least a good year to learn the main stuff that the languages are able to do.

24 Mar 2017, 05:07

I've been programming since 1991 or so, and professionally since 2000. Nowadays I mostly work in Python and HTML5, but I also have experience with Java and PHP. And of course I tried many other languages over time. In the way of interactive fiction, I probably have the most experience with Alan 3, but that didn't pan out.

24 Mar 2017, 08:29

I'm giving away my age but...
I started programming in 1971 (with Fortran and Pascal) but then largely stopped in 1990 until returning a couple of years ago (when I retired). I decided to learn about the Quest system by re-implementing the first text adventure I ever played, which was L: A Mathemagical Adventure on the BBC Micro in 1984. It was implemented in BBC Basic but there were only a couple of places where I couldn't mimic the same code in Quest. This game is currently unlisted but is complete if anyone is interested in taking a look. I also made some changes to the original game to 'improve' it!

24 Mar 2017, 11:48

I started with Pascal when in university in the early '80s. Taught myself to code in C in 1990 because I wanted to program a Zork-like game on my Atari ST. It got way out of hand and now - 25 years later - I have a complete text adventure authoring system for windows and linux. Over 20.000 lines of C code :-)

@Silver, I think you need sort of a stop statement between line 50 and 60.

24 Mar 2017, 18:05

Surprise, surprise!

From the looks of this thread, I may be the youngest old guy here (although felix may be close to my age)!! Today is a good day! Haha.

24 Mar 2017, 18:11

I always assume everyone is younger than me! (I'm 43).

@marnix ah yes otherwise answering yes will print both lines!

24 Mar 2017, 19:30

So close Silver, but...


41 here.

28 Mar 2017, 05:34

I started way back in the 80's on a TI994a. Not sure now what language it used, but it was very much like BASIC. Advanced to trying to programing on an AppleII+, moved to Pascal for a WWIV bbs doorgame called Cyberspace, and then graduated to C and coding both a Rom mud and a Merc mud for almost ten years. Now I'm mucking about with Quest and learning C# and Unity.

29 Mar 2017, 02:48

Looks like most people here started on other languages, mainly, Basic before moving to Quest...
And only 1 started with Quest...

07 Apr 2017, 01:49

Brings noobieness to the table. I have done nothing before Quest :( I've only been here for like....a year and a half?

07 Apr 2017, 02:23

3 and a half more years Anonynn and you'll be at least my level (I still consider myself a noob coder too, and 5 years ago, I was a total noob, having done zero coding before finding quest, like you, though I've been at it for 5 years now, you only a year and a half)

You far surpassed me in game making, you really work hard, pumping out more content and/or improving your game/code!

08 Apr 2017, 01:13

Aw, thanks for the compliment and the vote of confidence. You shouldn't discount your own progress so easily! You work hard helping a lot of people on the site too, HK and you answer questions that I'm like.... .......o_0 !

14 Apr 2017, 16:25

Hm. :D I have some experience coding in JASS, which Blizzard Entertainment made specifically for their "Warcraft 3 World Editor" program, in which I have deep and extensive knowledge. I've taken up two projects on there and have been working on them for the past several months; one is very much playable, the other is a more ambitious project that will require quite some time yet to finish.

I also have some experience coding in HTML for webpages, up to and including making my own webpages and uploading content to them using the appropriate software.

As for Quest, I only started just recently. ^_^ It's been a really fun ride so far, though; I really love how it lets me so easily string together scenes to create simple interactive novels. Writing was always a hobby of mine, and Quest provides a great gateway for me if I ever create something worth showing to others. I'm about 30% through my first one already! It's NSFW, though, sooo probably not a good idea to discuss it here, hehe. ;)

14 Apr 2017, 17:12

NSFW??? Not Safe For Workplace???
Already sounds interesting... :)

16 Apr 2017, 01:10

also too: W = work/world(human society)/women/wife, laughs ;)