Full BBC Micro Nostalgia Experience

31 Aug 2019, 15:01

If you played text adventure games on the BBC Micro in the 1980s and want to remember exactly how it felt at the time, check out this site: http://bbcmicro.co.uk//index.php

It has most of the old games and allows them to be played online with the same interface, running at the same speed, and with matching sound effects, including disk transfers! This includes the two mathematical games that I re-implemented in Quest:
L: A Mathemagical Adventure (http://bbcmicro.co.uk//game.php?id=2147) and
Giantkiller (http://bbcmicro.co.uk//game.php?id=2116).

Comments on my 'improvements' are welcome!
L Too: http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/E4HRQb_VPEO4nP1a0jEL9g/l-too-another-mathemagical-adventure
Giantkiller Too: http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/Y98GFs8DuEudlCTxnHX1Ug/giantkiller-too