08 Feb 2006, 09:34
The site went down a while ago when the owner abandoned the project.

I found the website using a different URL. Anybody who is interested in Quest will love this software.

09 Feb 2006, 13:06
Apart from the fact it's just one, poorly designed page.

16 Feb 2006, 14:35
it's not THAT bad.

16 Feb 2006, 14:40
It's clearly a remarkable project if even the owner has abandoned it. I can just see the endorsements for it:

"So amazing even the owner has buggered off and started using something else!"

"So stupendous it's got ONE whole page!"


16 Feb 2006, 16:36
You've sold me on it!

How much do I pay for this fantasmigorical piece of software?

16 Feb 2006, 19:27
davidw wrote:It's clearly a remarkable project if even the owner has abandoned it. I can just see the endorsements for it:

"So amazing even the owner has buggered off and started using something else!"

"So stupendous it's got ONE whole page!"


1. It was abandoned due to other commitments
2. There is a whole site
3. It has tons of features, a designer and player.

16 Feb 2006, 21:44
if there's a whole site how come the links don't go anywhere?

16 Feb 2006, 21:50
If an old post I once read on RAIF is to be believed, SUDS was abandoned because:

a) no one was using it
b) it couldn't compare to the likes of Tads or Inform (or just about any other system around for that matter)
c) it wasn't much good

Can anyone name one SUDS game they've ever played? Nope, didn't think so.

16 Feb 2006, 21:52
If anyone is interested, they can download the files from ... tions.html

Just don't expect to be writing the next Photophia or anything.

17 Feb 2006, 09:55
ok.. jsut for the record i've tried SUDS.... now if you want ill-designed, confusing interfaces with no real instructions on how to do anything, the crappiest games ever made and a reason to hunt the author of this program down and kill him, get SUDS. that it all....

17 Feb 2006, 11:40
It's basically a point-and-click text game from what the site makes it out to be.

18 Feb 2006, 19:46
you'd never have wanted to kill yourself more if you didn't play this. One of quest's greatest featurer in the GUI is the easy layout, simplisity, and straight-forwardness, now somehow make a anti-quest, the complete opposite of it that somehow still manages to run without qrashing the computer (which i think is suds only good point).

20 Feb 2006, 10:30
You think Quest's GUI is easy, simplistic and straightforward? Granted, it's better than SUDS' GUI, but there are so many ways in which it could be improved upon.

Its confusing interface is probably the main reason why it's used to little.

11 May 2006, 02:34
I actually downloaded the program. It's pretty lousy. It doesn't make text based adventure games, either. Those require some typing. It makes drag-and-drop games, which suck.

11 May 2006, 03:51
The answer is probably just a google click away, but from your opinions, is there a text game program that's really simple to use and understand, has good games, and people that still....actually PLAY them?

11 May 2006, 08:05

11 May 2006, 12:26
If you're after something a bit more complex, you could always check out the newly released Inform 7. It's pretty amazing, although takes a while to get to grips with.

23 May 2006, 04:45
I think the bubbles on the website are purple and kinda cute!


23 May 2006, 11:24
good graphics don't make a good game, and a flashy website for a game that's crap?

23 May 2006, 11:59
well its more important for it to look good, dont you think? even if game was most awesome creation, if website was ugly then nobody would go there. I saw a MySpace page where it was black background and red writing. i didnt even look at that person profile.

can we swear on this website?

24 May 2006, 02:37
i didn't mean i wanted to swear or use cuss words. i was just asking because in another folder here someone was saying something abut words that ryhime. i still dont know what word you mean because that isnt bad word here.
but i dont' know if i should say it or not.

24 May 2006, 04:24
SUDS is crap. Inform 7 is actually quite amazing, Adrift is useful (as is Quest). Adrift is well along now while Quest if new, but Inform7 is looking amazing.

24 May 2006, 04:37
hiya slayer!

24 May 2006, 08:08
I don't think Adrift's been round for much longer than Quest has, it just has a larger userbase so tends to be talked about more often. And, too, the fact that Quest has yet to produce a really good game hasn't helped.

24 May 2006, 09:35
I'll show you, show you all, Mystic Hour of Midnight will put Quest on the map, with huge arrows pointing to it!! Muhahahahahahahaa. No really!

24 May 2006, 15:28
What engine do you use to make your rpg's? the online ones?

24 May 2006, 15:41
elexxorine wrote:What engine do you use to make your rpg's? the online ones?

I do mine using Visual Basic programming, the same language used to make Quest :)

24 May 2006, 21:52
I was under the assumption that it's called interactive fiction because it's written and not image based. :roll:

25 May 2006, 00:52
Zelimos wrote:


What engine do you use to make your rpg's? the online ones?

I do mine using Visual Basic programming, the same language used to make Quest :)

I don't quite understand the smilie there..

And how does making ones own 'engine' suddenly give someone the right to say whether another is good/rubbish?
You could kick a stone - but you don't suddenly become an expert in kicking stones... Nor does your opinion of stone kicking rate more than anyone who is entertained by watching this act of stone kicking.... I really don't know why I came up with stone kicking, but you could always replace this with 'football' or anything you want...

And yeah - I'd agree.
Interactive fiction was surely meant to be stories which you could interact with.. Not just a 'choose your own story' kind of thing... Which SUDS is more like.

25 May 2006, 12:21

Never said I was an expert

Good, because I didn't either.

And your point, unless you didn't explain yourself correctly, was that you can only call SUDS crap when you've made your own engine - which is entirely false. You don't suddenly gain some 'higher power' just because you've done something like that... It doesn't give your opinion any more credit over Mr Average Joe.

27 May 2006, 17:09
You should still respect their views though, even if you disagree with them.

29 May 2006, 01:43
do you all live at home or have your own place? i can't wait to go to college and get a dorm room. yeahhhhhh!!!!

30 May 2006, 07:25
i'm still a kid and am allowed to live with my parents, tron on the other hand has had 4-6 years to move but hasn't quite got the idea that living with your parents when you're grown up is really really geeky! seriously.

30 May 2006, 12:09
I'm 21, and I really REALLY don't earn enough to rent my own place - unless I want a 1 bedroom place... which I already do..

I'd rather rent a place with someone, but I aint gots no-one to go room-mates with.

30 May 2006, 12:38
One of my friends parents pay for her sister to live on her own. Not all the money needed but they give her the rent money. My dads got a lot of money but hes divorced now.