Are Text Games Dead?

12 Dec 2005, 18:11
A discussion on text games and current gaming preferences.
No, text games are not dead, there are many MUDS, MUCKS still running strong. I see the possibility of creating a game with Quest and advertising it on the many MUD and gaming websites.

The newer 3D and 2D games are great but if your looking for a really good roleplay environment, text is still the way to go as people have to interact with words and it is much more challenging to develop good roleplay (in my opinion) then a 2D or 3D multi-player, online game.

And, as many of the newer games cost a fair monthly fee, and many text games are free that also plays into the picture.

What are your opinions on the subject?

steve the gaming guy
12 Dec 2005, 19:22
The main positive thing about text games, other than using your imagination instead of graphics, is the freedom of commands.

Get the stick, Look at the stick, Eat the stick, Throw the stick, Brew stew with stick, etc...

22 Dec 2005, 09:38
Yeah. The newer games are atually making me kinda mad due to the fact that kids have no imagination anymore. I liked the older games with terrible graphics and reading (oh god novil consept there, reading) But it was cool because it was like an actual adventure, not a movie with buttons.

28 Feb 2007, 12:22
I have to agree with you all Text Adventure games allow you to use your imagination. I have gotten into hack and slash the monster games, to were you can loose yourself in them. Can't do that in a graphic game, You have to be able to use your imagination. Most of the games thaty were most popular on the Major BBS relm were Text Adventure Games. all the other games you could buy for $25.00 to $200,00, but all the Text Adventure Games were $499.00 to $999.00.

28 Feb 2007, 14:24
Couldn't agree more with you guys. Children today expect too much from the game without putting anything in themselves. A friend of my nephew joined an popular online RPG (no names mentioned) only to quit when he found out you have to paly before getting stronger.... I mean!!!!! ARG!!! That's the whole point of RPG. Anyways, with text you also have a very trick over the graphics, that is emotional writing. With graphics you have to try very had with added music and stuff you make the player feel actaly what you want. This can be done much easier with writing, making them feel actally what you want and descibe things/people is a certain way (as in with opinions) to make the player hate/like them. Huge advantage, also though I do like some games and think the graphics can help certain genres, with rpg's text is much better as imersion is needed, and with good writing you can be stuck in the game world like people get glued to novels!!!! Except it will never end!!! Muhahahahaha!

steve the gaming guy
28 Feb 2007, 20:36
My comment was my input about why text isn't quite dead. HOWEVER, when I played King's Quest V, my first graphic adventure game, I was hooked on those things.

01 Mar 2007, 10:14
With small pockets of people like us still using IF, it will never die.
And yes, I agree with the imagination thing. Kids at school, even 15 year olds, just can't work basic things out like I can. Now whether or not that has to do with the fact I play IF or my brain is wired "differently" (as I've been told), I don't know. But personally, I don't think it's any excuse.

01 Mar 2007, 13:44
007bond wrote:my brain is wired "differently"

Just as I always suspected :wink:

02 Mar 2007, 06:25
Not in a dumb way, in a way that apparently lets me understand things quicker then the average person.
Still, I'm just going on what I've been told and know nothing more then what I've told you guys.

05 Mar 2007, 14:06
It's called being smart, most people are idoits... Anyway it's prolly not *that* you use IF, but rather that your mind is geared towards IF and clearer thinking. Give a random person of the street a computer with an IF running, he'll read a few lines, and walk away, can't be bothered, 'I have... read?!' he'll prolly think... And go back to WOW or something and let his eyes melt in their sockets from the over-done graphics.

steve the gaming guy
05 Mar 2007, 19:26
Hurray for overdone graphics!

05 Mar 2007, 20:38
Hurray for WOW!

06 Mar 2007, 12:04

10 Mar 2007, 04:32
gotta agree with elexxorine!
Some of the stories I've heard about WoW have put me totally off it.
And yet everyone I know seems to of started playing it! It's scary! :shock:

10 Mar 2007, 09:38
Play it then decide. You might be pleasantly surprised.