New Games

04 Sept 2005, 00:41
I've finally got round to going through the stack of games that have been uploaded in the last few months. This means there are at last a few new games in the archive:

50 files were submitted in total, 40 of which were actually Quest games. Of these I've approved 6. My top tip for getting a game approved is to not start it with sentences like "this is my first game hope u like it, it's set in my house".

04 Sept 2005, 03:06
Didn't you like my game Alex? It was called Life,

04 Sept 2005, 09:23
Well, I'm mighty impressed with the quality of the games I've tried so far:

Star Wars: Escape From Dagobah The forest location lists trees that can't be examined and advises that they can be climbed but doesn't include a command for it. If that isn't bad enough (and it is), items need to be referred to by their full name and not just abbreviations - so "x cargo contract" works but "x contract" doesn't. Oh, and the "v. battery" needs to be typed like that - don't forget the full stop, kids, or it won't work. On top of that, we have room descriptions as good as "you are in Forest". A quality game and no mistake.

Operation: Sleepover was almost as impressive. There's a closed door but the "open door" command isn't understood - amazing bit of programming at work here. Several items are lying on the desk but none of them can be taken. And - best of all - the font is a horrible green colour! Oh, and not forgetting that for some reason that probably seemed like a good idea to the writer (but not to anyone else), he's buried the game away behind so many different sub-folders that half the time spent with this game will probably be finding it.

Then I moved on to Haunted Horror which begins its first location with the classic lines "You are in the front Porch. There is Door here." Grammatically bad as well as being poorly written. Examining your car when you're actually sat inside it reveals that "I can't see that here". There's a folder that can't be read but it can be opened. And... well, that's as far as I got before my will to live just vanished.

In all honesty, Alex, I think you'd have been better not uploading these games at all. Of the games I played, there's not one that's even playable. These things show Quest in a terrible light.

Makes me shudder just thinking about how bad the games you turned down were...

steve the gaming guy
07 Sept 2005, 14:10
I played the Star Wars game. It wasn't quite as horrible as I was expecting. I would like to point out that I'm not trying to defend these games.
I want to mention, though, that some people seem to be relying on Quests' compass features and clicking features, therefor, forgetting to add detail for players who do not use them as much. For example, when I played Star Wars, when I find objects, I right-click on them in the room window and click take/pick-up. Other players prefer to type "take object".

I agree that people should take more time in creating game detail for room descriptions and other alt names for objects.

12 Nov 2005, 01:45
I played Operation: Sleepover... I liked it. First quest game I played... Good writing and humour.

12 Nov 2005, 19:22
If you liked that I'd be amazed what you'd say if you'd played a decent game.

29 Nov 2005, 13:58
you should have a system where a game is put up for a month. after that if it doesn't get any good reviews it is deleted as simple as that. harsh but fair.

29 Nov 2005, 19:23
And you don't think authors will realise that and just log on under a different name to write a glowing review of their own game?

Aside from anything else, there are quite a few completely dire games on the site that have wonderful reviews. Surely no one's seriously going to claim that The Former deserves 4 stars? It's so bad it's almost unplayable.

06 Dec 2005, 13:37
then make a commity, who shall test the games and determin wheather they are good enough......

06 Dec 2005, 18:46
That's been suggested before. The idea never went anywhere.

08 Dec 2005, 11:21
i wouldn't mind having the job. if alex sends me the game via email i would test them etc....