Probably a good idea...

19 May 2019, 22:39


I was thinking... the forum/community is kind of like a big city/town/village.

How would everyone like a role playing simulation game based on the forum community?

Also, suggestions & ideas would be nice.

20 May 2019, 02:02

You should take a look at Pixie's Quest.

It was loosely based around that concept... and it is one hell of a game.

Richard Headkid
20 May 2019, 03:26

You should take a look at Pixie's Quest.

I just tried to hit myself, but, alas, I am only a pseudonym . . .

21 May 2019, 02:19

Funny... I tried to hit you too.

Richard Headkid
21 May 2019, 03:30

I tried to hit you too.

I fart in your general direction!