Business Tycoon.

02 May 2005, 03:20

Still working on Business Tycoon, and even Have my own forums dedicated to it, i'll give the url out later once i open Alpha one testing stage.

anyways, the First release of BT=Business Tycoon will consist of 3 Cities, all of which are in the USA"This is after all Alpha/Beta Testing Though.

The Cities i'm Currently thinking of is: Seattle, L.A and New York.

The Game will also consist of 2000 other Companies, competing for resources to just like your company, Now the Total number of other Companies MAY Change, because 2000 is ALOT!, but more releases will usually mean more companies.

Types of Companies will grow as well with every release., Also the Game is Open Ended"Doesn't End", Your Job will be to get famouse and Rich and to stay there!!, the AI of BT Will be very hard to implement but i'll do my best.

The Story goes, you recently won money from Lotto and Decided to start your own Company, Also BT has a Economy.

Thats all for now, any updates i'll post here :)

03 May 2005, 20:19
sounds interesting to say the least. Are you sure all this can be accomplished using quest?

03 May 2005, 21:07
Sounds like one of these massively over ambitious games that hasn't got a hope of ever getting finished cough*Shadow Project*cough. But good luck with it all the same.

03 May 2005, 22:20
oh I'll finish it thats for sure and yes it can be Done with Quest, i been working on BT about 3 monthes now, The In Game Clock works"except for the AM/FM Hand, but that'll be fixed.", every week"in game there will be more unemployed people you can Hire for staff and the Game will tell you how many can be hired.

The hardest challenge to me will be making the other Companies because they have to run on a AI script and Each Company will have a Diff AI Script, so if i make 2000 other Companies in the first release then that means 2000 Diff AI Scripts.

Also how do you make one?, unlike other Simular games you wont just POOF have one or, POOF Buy one!, You Read a Book at the Cities Library, Example: Hardware Book Vol 1 for cost 7 Points and $1,000 To Buy, once you read it"Examine it" Your Experience in Hardware"Computers, TV's, VCR's etc" will be at level of this Post there is 5 Levels in Each Field.

Also BT has RPG Elements, Just about everything you do you'll Get experience for"and Level up".
Levels are important and Simbalizes power, Like for may not beable to read a Hardware Book Vol 2 until your level 5, Plus to buy the book it cost money and Build Points"that you get for leveling up or even quests.".

Set Wages for Employees, Name your self, Name your Company, Get Filthy Rich, or Filthy Poor!, Use Banking Options, Gain Experience and Levels, Visit 3 Cities"that will have lots of rooms each", Take a Airplane, Buy and Drive a car, Go on Optional Quests, Get Married, Have Children, Talk to NPC's, "FUTURE IDEAS: Many More Cities, Even other Countries, Many more Company types, More Companies, More Company Options and many other Ideas.

Not all of them Ideas may get in to the Game and not all of them Ideas will get in on the First RElease.

I Understand some People will say it's a impossible Project for one man to do with Quest, if you think so then why not Help me?, Coding, Designing etc.


P.S: I Never give a Release date, Thus even one man can do this game with Quest.

04 May 2005, 00:08
here are two Screen shots of BT So far.

I Deleted the Screenshots because they made the posts to wide!...LOL, if you want to see the Screenshots let me know.

04 May 2005, 05:04
I Did a Change to BT, now it wont be 200 people every week you can hire"since 200 a week isn't enough for 2000+ Global Companies."

The Number is now Random, 50 to 20000"Globally", and remember Other Companies AI Will/May Decide to Hire more people as well so even 20000 may go fast, also once a week on the Random Hire number it'll be reset, it wont accumilate, that means the remaining Employees will simply Die! if there not hired by a company.

Some Other News, BT Will now be Multiplayer, Allowing 30 players to play at once and eventually BT Will allow 1000 Players to play at once!.

I Figure More the marrier!.

Other News: I Know Quest doesn't Allow Huge Numbers, but there is kind of away around this that i'm introducing into BT.
Money For Example, Has Several Qualities in BT....Copper, Silver, Gold, Plantium and Diamond, People in a City, on Staff etc works in 10000's...The Symbol: TT will stand for 10000, T Stands for anything under 10000, TTT Stands for 100000 and TTTT Stands for 1 Million, so here are a few Examples: Lets say you Look at your Stats and you see Under World Stats: TTTT: 0 , TTT: 0 , TT: 5, T: 9500 That means What ever Stat that is, its saying there is: 59500 of it, weather it's people, money etc, Here is a more Complicated Example: TTTT: 5, TTT: 0, TT: 9, T: 500....anyways what all that goolosh says is there is: 5,090,500 of whatever stat your Looking at. Thats 5 Million 90 Thousand and 500 Respectively. TT Would not have Reached 10...instead TTT Would reach 1.

Also i wanted to Show the things that might be planned for BT.

Below are Ideas, All may or maynot make it into BT.

Allow players to simply get Jobs, not just own a Company.

Once Political Type and other Countries are Implemented, Allow for Warfare which will effect Global Product demand.

Once a week"in game" Have a News Report automaticly That informs the player of the Top Leading Companies of the Week and other News.

Implement Religions.

Open up Housing that Players can Buy/Rent or Rent out.

Continue to work on all of the Games AI to seem more Real.

Implement Evil Jobs and Alignment, Evil Jobs Like selling Drugs, Pimping, Killings etc.

Allow Players to reach for the Stars"Quite Literally".

Allow for Customization of Companies in Every Detail.

Implement the Games Stock Market.

Implement Different Currencies.

Expand BT To a Multiplayer Game Support. "IN PROCCESS NOW"

Implement Night/Day and Weather.

And now Below this Line is Ideas on Company Types.

Software PC-IN
Software Game Systems-IN

Wherehouse-NOT IN
Factory-NOT IN
Store-NOT IN
Vehicle Builder-NOT IN
Fishing Company-NOT IN
Newspaper-NOT IN
Magazine-NOT IN
Mover Company-NOT IN
Security-NOT IN
Political-NOT IN

IN Means already being worked on, NOT IN Means Not being worked on yet.

If You want to Help with BT Let me Know.

I Need At Lease 2 More Designers and 2 More Coders and a Webmaster"Whom is Good", Also Need 2 GM's and 1 Advertiser.

Game Designers will Help Discuss Game Balance Issues, Ideas etc with the Coders.

Coders will Discuss Balance Issues, and Game Ideas with the Designers, They will also do the Coding via Quest.

The Webmaster will Keep our Webpage up to date and manage everything webpage related except our Forums.

GM's will be our Game Masters, also player support agents, in Game, or on the Forums.

Advertiser will Simply Tell people about BT Etc..add BT to Game Sites and Search Engines for free.

Our Group will be called: Black Label.

If Interested in any Position let me know!.

Thanks :)

04 May 2005, 15:20
its starting to sound very impossible at the moment. You must be a damn good programmer, i certainly look forward to the final results

04 May 2005, 17:59
Is there any reason why half your words start with capitals?

04 May 2005, 19:04
I'd also like to point out that a couple of months and you time doesn't work correctly?
It'll take YEARS for you to complete this based on that fact alone, not including anything else you've written down.

04 May 2005, 19:41
Yep, this sounds more like the sort of project that a group of people should be attempting, not a single person. And unless you either cut corners or rush things, the finished game is likely to take years.

I expect a few months to go by then there'll be an announcement that you're not writing the game any longer, probably attributed to a 'computer crash'.

04 May 2005, 21:35
The words cynial and un-supportive comes to mind when i read these posts and i for 1 hope you suceed in this project and i have the upmost respect that you are taking on such a dawnting task.

I am also under going a big project, a stategy game, sort of like C & C or Age of Empires.

I will post more news on this when i start my own thread.

Anyway, good luck to you and if you require any help in the web side or even the ASL side PM me and ill see what i can do.

05 May 2005, 04:12
Thank you francisstokes, At Lease somebody supports me, and to all the others i didn't say i'm doing it alone, if you read my entire Post before you say Nagative thoughts to me you'll See that i said:

If You want to Help with BT Let me Know.

I Need At Lease 2 More Designers and 2 More Coders and a Webmaster"Whom is Good", Also Need 2 GM's and 1 Advertiser.

Game Designers will Help Discuss Game Balance Issues, Ideas etc with the Coders.

Coders will Discuss Balance Issues, and Game Ideas with the Designers, They will also do the Coding via Quest.

The Webmaster will Keep our Webpage up to date and manage everything webpage related except our Forums.

GM's will be our Game Masters, also player support agents, in Game, or on the Forums.

Advertiser will Simply Tell people about BT Etc..add BT to Game Sites and Search Engines for free.

Our Group will be called: Black Label.

If Interested in any Position let me know!.

Alex is right, so many friggin Nagative bashers/Flamers on these Forums, I Wish you'd all get off your arses and start your own Friggin Project rather then Critisize others, as for davidw, Yes i'm not a ace Speller like you, Sue me...this isn't a commercial Game!, and Yes by my self it may take 5 years...10 years....who cares at lease i accomplished something with Quest, thats more then what others who Dont do sh*t for the Community can say!.

I'll Continue my Project and Support the Quest Community because I For one Believe in the Quest Program..., So Thoughs who'd Rather Bash/Flame rather then work on a Quest Game...Move on to another Forum, save us the Trouble.

Again Thanks to all the REAL Quest Supporters, Hope some of them Come back., also i'm not a Rookie Quester...i have had Quest at lease 2 Years, Sure i have NO Full Games made yet, But at lease i'm not ashamed of it and i admit to it!, All i can say is, I'll do everything in my power to Complete BT,


PS: I Never announce when a project stops., it's not my style.
Dreaming Can Help you succeed at making a game, Ask you Dream of such a thing?

A Screenshot from BT....I Decided to post one to show everyone the many hours i have put into BT So far.

Thats Directed at People who dont believe i'm getting anywhere in BT, and that all they think i'm Focusing on is the Clock...LOL, It's actually Funny. :)

05 May 2005, 04:53
Below is my Current Complete Game Code, I Add onto it in a couple days there will be more, I Posted this so The Screenshot in Last Post is Backed up!.

' "Business Tycoon"
' Created with QDK Pro 3.53

!include <net.lib>

define game <Business Tycoon>
asl-version <350>
gametype singleplayer
start <Seattle Library Lobby>
game author <Michael Willey>
game version <Alpha 1.000>
game copyright <Michael Willey 2005 all rights reserved.>
game info <Business Tycoon is Currently in Alpha, please report any bugs/glitches or errors to me at:|n|nThis Game is Fully supported by me and i'll add onto the game alot, and try my best to fix known bugs.|nThanks and enjoy.|n|n|nMichael Willey>
default fontname <MS Song>
default fontsize <16>
startscript {
panes off
set numeric <Random; $rand(1;200)$>
set numeric <Random2; $rand(1;200)$>
do <Startup>
do <moneycomparisons>
set numeric <Time; 12>
set numeric <Year; 1>
set numeric <Day; 1>
set numeric <Month; 1>
set numeric <Year; 1>
set string <Timeto; AM>
set numeric <Time2; 12>
set numeric <Day2; 30>
set numeric <Monthholder; 12>
set numeric <Monthtoyear; 1>
set numeric <DaytoYear; 1>
set string <Timeto2; AM>
set numeric <Timealso; 12>
set string <Dayofweek; Sunday>
set string <Dayofweekm; Monday>
set string <Dayofweektu; Tuesday>
set string <Dayofweekw; Wendsday>
set string <Dayofweekthu; Thursday>
set string <Dayofweekfri; Friday>
set string <Dayofweeksat; Saturday>
set string <Dayofweeksun; Sunday>
set numeric <ComputerHardware; 0>
set numeric <Software; 0>
set numeric <GameCompany; 0>
set numeric <Hotel; 0>
set numeric <Construction; 0>
set numeric <Janitorial; 0>
set numeric <Computers; 0>
set numeric <Computer Accessories; 0>
set numeric <Video Games; 0>
set numeric <PC Software; 0>
set numeric <XBOX; 0>
set numeric <PS2; 0>
set numeric <Nintendo; 0>
set numeric <PC Games; 0>
foreground <blue>
say <|jc Now Loading all variables.......|n|n|n>
foreground <black>
wait <Press a key.>
say <Please type in your Desired Owners name and hit the enter key.|n|n>
enter <Owners Name>
say <Your name is now: #Owners Name#.|n|n>
wait <Please hit any key, but hit it softly.>
say <Now to start playing please hit any key!, and enjoy the game!.|n|n>
foreground <red>
say <You are #Owners Name#, you recently won some money from Lotto, with this money you decide to set off to form a company of your own!.|n|nAlways remember, you can type: H and hit enter to bring up the help menu, i suggest you do this before playing. :)|n|n|n>
wait <Press any key to continue.>
foreground <black>
panes on
timeron <Time1>
command <s> {
msg <|jc ----------- MAIN STATS -------------|n>
foreground <blue>
say <Name: #Owners Name#..|nCompanies Name: #Companies Name#.|nPoints Left: %Points%.|nCompanies Rank: %Companies Rank%.|nEnergy: %Energy%/5000.|n|nYou Employ: %comtotalemployed% people.|n|n|n|n|n|n|n|n>
foreground <black>
msg <----------- OTHER STATS -------------|n>
foreground <blue>
msg <Your Companies Daily Trades: %comdailytrades%.|nYour Companies Monthly Trades: %commonthlytrades%.|nYour Companies yearly Trades: %comyearlytrades%.|nTotal Companys Daily Trades combined: %alldailytrades%.|nTotal Companys Monthly Trades combined: %allmonthlytrades%.|nTotal Companys yearly Trades combined: %allyearlytrades%.|nAvailable People to hire: %availemploys%.>
foreground <black>
command <h> choose <HELP>
command <t> do <showdate>
command <c> clear
command <m> {
panes off
choose <Main Management Menu.>
panes on
command <b> {
foreground <green>
msg <-------- BANKING ---------|n|nDiamond Bars: %Diamondbars%.|nPlantium Bars: %Plantiumbars%.|nGold Bars: %Goldbars%.|nSilver Bars: %Silverbars%.|nCopper Bars: %Copperbars%.|n|nPersonal Money: %Personal Money%.|nCompanies Money: %Companies Money%.|n|n>
foreground <black>
error <badcommand; I don't understand your command, please type H to see the available commands.>
define variable <Owners Name>
type string
value <No Owners Name>
display <Owners Name: !>
end define
define variable <Companies Name>
type string
value <no company>
display <Companies name: !>
end define
define variable <Personal Money>
type numeric
value <10000>
display <Personal Money: !>
end define
define variable <Companies Money>
type numeric
value <10000>
display <Companies Money: !>
end define
define variable <Companies Rank>
type numeric
value <2000>
display <Companies Rank: !>
end define
define variable <Energy>
type numeric
value <5000>
display <Energy: !/5000>
end define
define variable <PersonalBank>
type numeric
value <0>
display <P Bank Account: !>
end define
define variable <BusinessBank>
type numeric
value <0>
display <B Bank Account: !>
end define
define variable <Points>
type numeric
value <17>
display <Points: !>
end define
define variable <availemploys>
type numeric
value <0>
display <Employees Left: !>
end define
define variable <Diamondbars>
type numeric
value <0>
display <Diamond Bars: !>
end define
define variable <Plantiumbars>
type numeric
value <0>
display <Plantium Bars: !>
end define
define variable <Goldbars>
type numeric
value <0>
display <Gold Bars: !>
end define
define variable <Silverbars>
type numeric
value <0>
display <Silver Bars: !>
end define
define variable <Copperbars>
type numeric
value <5>
display <Copper Bars: !>
end define
define variable <EXP>
type numeric
value <10000>
display <EXP until Next level: !>
end define
define variable <Level>
type numeric
value <1>
display <Level: !>
end define
define variable <IQ>
type numeric
value <50>
display <IQ: !>
onchange {
foreground <green>
msg <Your IQ is now: %IQ%.|n|n>
foreground <black>
end define
define variable <Crimes>
type numeric
value <0>
display <Crimes: !>
onchange {
foreground <red>
msg <Your Crime Stat has Changed, Crime stat is now: %Crimes%.|n|n|n|n>
foreground <black>
end define
end define

define synonyms
end define

define room <Intro>
end define

define room <Seattle Library Lobby>
look <|n|n>
description msg <|jcTime: %Time%:00 #Timeto#|n|n#Dayofweek#|nDate: %Month%/%Day%/%Year%|n|n-------------------------------------|n|nYou are in Seattles Library, in the Lobby area.|n|n>

define object <Book Shelf>
look <You Noticed Computer books, construction books....hey wait!! books??, never even knew those existed! also noticed lots of other books.>
take msg <You cannot take a shelf, and besides, why would you want to? not to mention the fact that this shelf has hundreds of pounds of books on it! :)|n>
speak <You cannot speak to a Shelf, at least not until i implement Mental Institutions. :)>
examine choose <SeattleLibraryShelf>
end define

end define

define room <PEOPLEHIDES>
north <Seattle Library Lobby>
end define

define room <GOODS>

define object <Wood Grade A>
end define

define object <Wood Grade B>
end define

define object <Wood Grade C>
end define

define object <Wood Grade D>
end define

define object <Iron Grade A>
end define

define object <Iron Grade B>
end define

define object <Iron Grade C>
end define

define object <Iron Grade D>
end define

define object <Steel Grade A>
end define

define object <Steel Grade B>
end define

define object <Steel Grade C>
end define

define object <Steel Grade D>
end define

define object <Glass Grade A>
end define

define object <Glass Grade B>
end define

define object <Glass Grade C>
end define

define object <Glass Grade D>
end define

define object <Water Grade A>
end define

define object <Water Grade B>
end define

define object <Water Grade C>
end define

define object <Water Grade D>
end define

define object <Mop Grade A>
end define

define object <Mop Grade B>
end define

define object <Mop Grade C>
end define

define object <Mop Grade D>
end define

define object <Broom Grade A>
end define

define object <Broom Grade B>
end define

define object <Broom Grade C>
end define

define object <Broom Grade D>
end define

define object <Wax Grade A>
end define

define object <Wax Grade B>
end define

define object <Wax Grade C>
end define

define object <Wax Grade D>
end define

define object <Polish Grade A>
end define

define object <Polish Grade B>
end define

define object <Polish Grade C>
end define

define object <Polish Grade D>
end define

define object <Vacume Cleaner Grade A>
end define

define object <Vacume Cleaner Grade B>
end define

define object <Vacume Cleaner Grade C>
end define

define object <Vacume Cleaner Grade D>
end define

define object <Blower Grade A>
end define

define object <Blower Grade B>
end define

define object <Blower Grade C>
end define

define object <Blower Grade D>
end define

define object <Construction Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Construction Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Construction Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Construction Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Construction Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Computer Hardware Book Vol 1>
look <You see the Computer Hardware Vol 1 Book.>
speak <Nice Try, you cannot talk to a book :)>
examine if not ( %ComputerHardwareb1% >= %ComputerHardwarecomb1% ) then {
inc <ComputerHardwareb1>
move <Computer Hardware Book Vol 1; GOODS>
foreground <blue>
msg <You have now read Computer Hardware Book Vol 1.|n|n>
foreground <black>
else msg <You Currently do not need to learn this book, you already read it.|n>
displaytype <Book>
article <it>
gender <it>
end define

define object <Computer Hardware Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Computer Hardware Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Computer Hardware Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Computer Hardware Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Software Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Software Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Software Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Software Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Software Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Hotel Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Hotel Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Hotel Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Hotel Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Hotel Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Janitorial Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Janitorial Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Janitorial Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Janitorial Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Janitorial Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Computer Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Computer Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Computer Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Computer Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Computer Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Computer Accessories Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Computer Accessories Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Computer Accessories Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Computer Accessories Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Computer Accessories Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Sell Video Game Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Sell Video Game Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Sell Video Game Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Sell Video Game Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Sell Video Game Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <PC Software Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <PC Software Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <PC Software Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <PC Software Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <PC Software Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Game Company Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Game Company Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Game Company Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Game Company Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Game Company Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <XBOX Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <XBOX Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <XBOX Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <XBOX Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <XBOX Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <PS2 Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <PS2 Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <PS2 Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <PS2 Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <PS2 Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <Nintendo Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <Nintendo Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <Nintendo Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <Nintendo Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <Nintendo Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <PC Game Book Vol 1>
end define

define object <PC Game Book Vol 2>
end define

define object <PC Game Book Vol 3>
end define

define object <PC Game Book Vol 4>
end define

define object <PC Game Book Vol 5>
end define

define object <""COAT"" Newbie Coat>
end define

define object <""COAT"" Jersey Coat>
end define

define object <""COAT"" Warm Thick Coat>
end define

define object <""JACKET"" Newbie Jacket>
end define

define object <""JACKET"" Win Breaker Jacket>
end define

define object <""JACKET"" Expensive Thin Jacket>
end define

define object <""SHOES"" Newbie Shoes>
end define

define object <""SHOES"" Low Top Shoes>
end define

define object <""SHOES"" High Top Shoes>
end define

define object <""PANTS"" Newbie Pants>
end define

define object <""PANTS"" Shorts>
end define

define object <""PANTS"" Expensive Pants>
end define

define object <""BELT"" Newbie Belt>
end define

define object <""BELT"" Thin Belt>
end define

define object <""BELT"" Thick Belt>
end define

end define

define room <FOODS AND DRINKS>
end define

define room <COMPANIES1>
end define

define procedure <showdate>
msg <|jc ------------------------------------|n|n|jcTime: %Time%:00 #Timeto#|n|n#Dayofweek#|nDate: %Month%/%Day%/%Year%|n|n------------------------------------->

end define

define procedure <Startup>
set numeric <ComputerHardwareb1; 1>
set numeric <ComputerHardwareb2; 2>
set numeric <ComputerHardwareb3; 3>
set numeric <ComputerHardwareb2; 4>
set numeric <ComputerHardwareb5; 5>
set numeric <Softwareb1; 1>
set numeric <Softwareb2; 2>
set numeric <Softwareb3; 3>
set numeric <Softwareb4; 4>
set numeric <Softwareb5; 5>
set numeric <GameCompanyb1; 1>
set numeric <GameCompanyb2; 2>
set numeric <GameCompanyb3; 3>
set numeric <GameCompanyb4; 4>
set numeric <GameCompanyb5; 5>
set numeric <Hotelb1; 1>
set numeric <Hotelb2; 2>
set numeric <Hotelb3; 3>
set numeric <Hotelb4; 4>
set numeric <Hotelb5; 5>
set numeric <Constructionb1; 1>
set numeric <Constructionb2; 2>
set numeric <Constructionb3; 3>
set numeric <Constructionb4; 4>
set numeric <Constructionb5; 5>
set numeric <Janitorialb1; 1>
set numeric <Janitorialb2; 2>
set numeric <Janitorialb3; 3>
set numeric <Janitorialb4; 4>
set numeric <Janitorialb5; 5>
set numeric <Pointscomb1; 7>
set numeric <comdailytrades; 0>
set numeric <alldailytrades; 0>
set numeric <comweeklytrades; 0>
set numeric <allweeklytrades; 0>
set numeric <commonthlytrades; 0>
set numeric <allmonthlytrades; >
set numeric <comyearlytrades; 0>
set numeric <allyearlytrades; 0>
set numeric <comtotalemployed; 0>
set numeric <comtotalemployedpro1; 1000>
set numeric <comtotalemploydpro2; 3000>
set numeric <comtotalemploydpro3; 6000>
set numeric <maxemployed; 30000>
set numeric <Hardwarest; 0>
set numeric <Hardware1; 1>

end define

define procedure <moneycomparisons>
set numeric <ComputerHardwarecomb1; 1000>
set numeric <ComputerHardwarecomb2; 3000>
set numeric <ComputerHardwarecomb3; 5000>
set numeric <ComputerHardwarecomb4; 7000>
set numeric <ComputerHardwarecomb5; 10000>

end define

define procedure <Exp200>
if ( %EXP% >= 201 ) then dec <EXP; 200> else do <Levelup>

end define

define procedure <Exp500>

end define

define procedure <Exp800>

end define

define procedure <Exp1200>

end define

define procedure <Levelup>
set <EXP; 10000>
inc <Level>
inc <Points; 2>
foreground <blue>
msg <Congratulations!, you are now Level %Level% and you now have %Points% Points.|n|n>
foreground <black>

end define

define timer <Time1>
interval <0>
action {
if ( %Time% = %Time2% ) then {
set <Time; 1>
timeron <Time2>
timeroff <Time1>
else {
inc <Time>
timeron <Time2>
timeroff <Time1>
end define

define timer <Time2>
interval <0>
action {
if ( %Time% = %Time2% ) then {
set <Time; 1>
timeron <Time1>
timeroff <Time2>
else {
inc <Time>
if ( %Time% = %Timealso% ) then {
if ( #Dayofweek# = #Dayofweeksun# ) then set <Dayofweek; Monday> else {
if ( #Dayofweek# = #Dayofweekm# ) then set <Dayofweek; Tuesday> else {
if ( #Dayofweek# = #Dayofweektu# ) then set <Dayofweek; Wendsday> else {
if ( #Dayofweek# = #Dayofweekw# ) then set <Dayofweek; Thursday> else {
if ( #Dayofweek# = #Dayofweekthu# ) then {
set numeric <Randomemploys; $rand(50;20000)$>
set <Dayofweek; Friday>
set <availemploys; %Randomemploys%>
foreground <blue>
msg <There are now %availemploys% to hire for this week.|n|n>
foreground <black>
timeron <yourcompany>
else {
if ( #Dayofweek# = #Dayofweekfri# ) then set <Dayofweek; Saturday> else {
foreground <blue>
say <------------------------------------|n|n|jc It is a new week, it's now: Sunday!.|n|n------------------------------------->
foreground <black>
set <Dayofweek; Sunday>
timeron <24hDays>
timeron <Time1>
timeroff <Time2>
end define

define timer <24hDays>
interval <0>
action {
if ( %Day% < %Day2% ) then inc <Day> else {
if ( %Month% >= %Monthholder% ) then set <Month; 1> else inc <Month>
set <Day; 1>
timeron <Year>
timeroff <24hDays>
end define

define timer <Year>
interval <0>
action {
if ( %Month% = %Monthtoyear% ) and ( %Day% = %DaytoYear% ) then inc <Year>
timeroff <Year>
end define

define timer <Holidays>
interval <5>
end define

define timer <Oliver Corpmain>
interval <60>
end define

define timer <yourcompany>
interval <0>
action {
inc <Company Money; %comweeklytrades%>
foreground <blue>
msg <#Companies Name# just made x%comweeklytrades% from last week!.|n|n>
foreground <black>
timeroff <yourcompany>
end define

define timer <yourcompanyai>
interval <5>
action {
if ( %Random% <= 2000 ) then {
inc <Companies Money; %Random%>
timeron <yourcompanyai2>
timeroff <yourcompanyai>
else {
dec <Companies Money; %Random2%>
timeron <yourcompanyai2>
timeroff <yourcompanyai>
end define

define timer <yourcompanyai2>
interval <5>
action {
if ( %Random% <= 2000 ) then {
inc <Companies Money; %Random%>
timeron <yourcompanyai>
timeroff <yourcompanyai2>
else {
dec <Companies Money; %Random2%>
timeron <yourcompanyai>
timeroff <yourcompanyai2>
end define

define timer <yourcompanyai3>
interval <5>
action {
if ( %Random2% <= 5000 ) then {
if ( %Random2% <= %Random% ) then {
inc <Companies Name; %Random2%>
timeron <yourcompanyai4>
timeroff <yourcompanyai3>
else {
timeron <yourcompanyai4>
timeroff <yourcompanyai3>
else {
dec <Companies Money; %Random%>
timeron <yourcompanyai4>
timeroff <yourcompanyai3>
end define

define timer <yourcompanyai4>
interval <5>
action if ( %Random2% <= 5000 ) then {
if ( %Random2% <= %Random% ) then {
dec <Companies Name; %Random2%>
timeron <yourcompanyai3>
timeroff <yourcompanyai4>
else {
timeron <yourcompanyai3>
timeroff <yourcompanyai4>
else {
dec <Companies Money; %Random%>
timeron <yourcompanyai3>
timeroff <yourcompanyai4>
end define

define text <intro>

end define

define text <win>

end define

define text <lose>

end define

define selection <HELP>
info <Choose a topic.>
choice <General Help.> {
foreground <black>
msg <------------- GENERAL HELP -------------|n|n>
foreground <red>
say <to get to the help menu at anytime just type: h .|n|nto find out every stat in the game, simply type: s .|n|nto completely clear the screen type: c .|n|nto Find out the Date and time in Business Tycoon type: t .|n|nYour Goal in the Game is to Succeed at managing your Business, This Game is open ended and doesn't really end.|nThere are other Companies out there aswell, competing for Resources, there is a fine line between Success and Failure.|n|n|n>
foreground <black>
end define
define selection <SeattleLibraryShelf>
info <What Book do you wish to look at?>
choice <Computer Hardware> choose <ComputerHardware>
choice <""ABOUT Computer Hardware"">
choice <Software> choose <Software>
choice <""ABOUT Software"">
choice <Making Games> choose <Game Company>
choice <""ABOUT Making Games"">
choice <Hotel> choose <Hotel>
choice <""ABOUT Hotel"">
choice <Construction> choose <Construction>
choice <""ABOUT Construction"">
choice <Janitorial> choose <Janitorial>
choice <""ABOUT Janitorial"">
choice <Help>
choice <Nevermind.>
end define
define selection <ComputerHardware>
info <Which Computer Hardware Book do you wish to Study?>
choice <Computer Hardware Vol 1 for x1000 and 7 points?> if ( %Personal Money% >= 1000 ) and ( %Points% >= %Pointscomb1% ) and not got <Computer Hardware Book Vol 1> and ( %Hardwarest% < %Hardware1% ) then {
dec <Personal Money; 1000>
dec <Points; 7>
inc <IQ; 5>
inc <Hardwarest>
do <Exp200>
give <Computer Hardware Book Vol 1>
foreground <blue>
msg <You Just used x1000 dollars and 7 points for purchasing this book, you gained 200 EXP and you now have x%Personal Money% of your personal money left and %Points% Points left.|n|n|n|n>
choose <SeattleLibraryShelf>
foreground <black>
else {
msg <Either you dont have enough money, or you dont have enough Points or you already have this book in your inventory, or You have already Learned this Book.|n|n>
choice <Computer Hardware Vol 2 for x3000 and 10 points?>
choice <Computer Hardware Vol 3 for x5000 and 13 points?>
choice <Computer Hardware Vol 4 for x7000 and 17 points?>
choice <Computer Hardware Vol 5 for x10000 and 20 points?>
choice <Steal Computer Hardware Vol 1!> {
foreground <red>
say <Librarian: Hey!!, What are you doing!, You Better not Leave without paying for that Book!.|n|n>
end define
define selection <Software>
info <Which Software books do you wish to buy?>
choice <Software vol 1 for x1000>
choice <Software vol 2 for x3000>
choice <Software vol 3 for x5000>
choice <Software vol 4 for x7000>
choice <Software vol 5 for x10000>
end define
define selection <Game Company>
info <Which of these books you wish to purchase?>
choice <Making Games vol 1 for x1000>
choice <Making Games vol 2 for x3000>
choice <Making Games vol 3 for x5000>
choice <Making Games vol 4 for x7000>
choice <Making Games vol 5 for x10000>
end define
define selection <Hotel>
info <Which of these books you wish to buy?>
choice <Hotel vol 1 for x1000>
choice <Hotel vol 2 for x3000>
choice <Hotel vol 3 for x5000>
choice <Hotel vol 4 for x7000>
choice <Hotel vol 5 for x10000>
end define
define selection <Construction>
info <Which of these books you wish to buy?>
choice <Construction vol 1 for x1000>
choice <Construction vol 2 for x3000>
choice <Construction vol 3 for x5000>
choice <Construction vol 4 for x7000>
choice <Construction vol 5 for x10000>
end define
define selection <Janitorial>
info <Which of these books you wish to purchase?>
choice <Janitorial vol 1 for x1000>
choice <Janitorial vol 2 for x3000>
choice <Janitorial vol 3 for x5000>
choice <Janitorial vol 4 for x7000>
choice <Janitorial vol 5 for x10000>
end define
define selection <Main Management Menu.>
info <Advisor: what do you wish to do Sir?>
choice <Manage Employees> choose <Manage Employees>
choice <Buy Products>
choice <Check out my Companies Rank>
choice <Banking>
choice <Nevermind>
end define
define selection <Manage Employees>
info <Advisor: What do you wish to do sir?>
choice <Hire more Employees> choose <Hire more Employees>
choice <Fire some Current Employees>
choice <Nevermind>
end define
define selection <Hire more Employees>
info <Advisor: how many sir do you wish to hire?>
choice <Nevermind> choose <Main Management Menu.>
choice <5>
choice <10>
choice <15>
choice <20>
choice <25>
choice <30>
choice <35>
choice <40>
choice <45>
choice <50>
choice <55>
choice <60>
choice <65>
choice <70>
choice <75>
choice <80>
choice <85>
choice <90>
choice <95>
choice <100>
choice <105>
choice <110>
choice <115>
choice <120>
choice <125>
choice <130>
choice <135>
choice <140>
choice <145>
choice <150>
choice <155>
choice <160>
choice <165>
choice <170>
choice <175>
choice <180>
choice <185>
choice <190>
choice <195>
choice <200> if ( %comtotalemployed% <= 30000 ) and ( %Companies Money% >= 1400 ) and ( %availemploys% = 200 ) then {
inc <comtotalemployed; 200>
dec <Companies Money; 1400>
dec <availemploys; 200>
foreground <blue>
msg <You have paid 1400 for 200 employees and you'll need to pay this weekly to them employees, you now have %comtotalemployed% employees in #Companies Name#.|n|n|n|n>
foreground <black>
else msg <You either don't have enough money, Maxed out in Employee count or there is no employees to Hire..|n|n>
end define
define selection <Bank>
info <Advisor: What do you wish to do at the bank sir?>
choice <HELP>
choice <Deposit>
choice <Withdraw>
choice <Transfer Funds>
choice <Donate Locally>
choice <Donate Nationally>
choice <Buy Diamond Bars>
choice <Buy Plantium Bars>
choice <Buy Gold Bars>
choice <Buy Silver Bars>
choice <Buy Copper Bars>
choice <Nevermind>
end define
define selection <Goldbars>
end define

05 May 2005, 10:48
Haha, nice one David.

MetalGod, who is doing what now?
Two posts saying that it'll take you ages to do this and you get edgy?

Just because the more experienced fellow's don't go "woop" and support everything, doesn't mean we're not helping... Look into most C++ newsgroups, you'll find the same attitude.

As for your clock remark, again. No-one said "concentrating". Stop making up sentances or 'reading between the lines... What we say is "as-is", not intended for interpretation, or between-line-reading. They are just facts... And the fact that a clock is 'simple', and you've had the game going in development for over 1 hour and yet it STILL doesn't work, will mean that it'll take you still a long time to come up with some kind of good code, especially AI or user-input manipulation.

So in total, that whole post is a highly flammable, oil-soaked rag just waiting for something to spark it off!
Another note to ask is "where does spelling come into it?". David mentioned something about capitals - being grammatical - but nothing about spelling.

I'm selling my argument short, since there are LOADS of points in that post which are just wrong, but I think my point has come across.

05 May 2005, 17:20
Ok i tried to play it and all i coud do was read a book.
Looking good though.

Is everyone against each other here?

05 May 2005, 17:24
Dunno, its gone way down hill since iwas last here, its a real shame it used to be a really nice palce.

05 May 2005, 18:02
You sure know how to overreact to some relatively minor criticism, Metalgod. For my part, I've seen more than enough people start threads like this announcing they're in the process of writing some uber-epic-gigantic-amazing-fabulous game that everyone else knows is never going to be finished. You want to prove me wrong? Go ahead and do so. But until you do, I'll retain my cynicism. And hey, even if I'm wrong it'll be a decade before anyone knows it. :P

As for the spelling issue... well, this is a text adventure so the most important part in it is the text. If you're happy to write a text adventure with barely legible text, spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and so on, you go ahead and do that. Just don't expect anyone who plays the game to turn a blind eye to such things.

05 May 2005, 19:16
you could type the code in something will a spell checker and just 'add' all the wierd codey words....

05 May 2005, 23:52
To Tr0n, My Point is Clear, It's Not Flaming, I Posted This Thread to Tell people about BT...not to add Trash talk Posts by countless people, i'd never do such a thing on your thread so why do it on mines?, If you want to give me Advice then please do so.....

I'd also like to point out that a couple of months and you time doesn't work correctly?

Tr0n, Thats more then just you saying it'll take me years, that is Flaming, Your saying: Dang your clock doesn't work yet after a couple of monthes!?, Damn you suck at programming!.

And Believe me i read every Line, Don't forget the Lines you missed, does: me asking for help ring a bell?

More Experienced?, That to could be considered Flaming/Bashing but i wont go that far, Experienced is Gained by Doing, not Talking.

I Understand you mean good, But as i stated in My Post, i'm seeking Help and even if i dont get any I'll still work on BT, I'm Just tired of people who has never began work on a Quest Game and all they do is Critisize others, Not saying you do, but you get my Drift eh?, So when people Flame/Bash on my Thread or how i type then that is irrelivent to the purpose of my BT Thread, This Community use to be Helpful...and in reply to the C++ Forums....this is the Quest Forums not the C++ Forums.

In Reply to: davidw
I Understand what your saying about This being a Text Game, and that spelling needs to be good.
But Again it's a Hobby Game not a Job, i could careless if people complain about grammar issues or spelling issues.
As long as the Game is Playable, Fun and Bugless.
My Wife"in Real Life" is very good at spelling and grammar, she'll fix any mistakes she finds before Release 1.

and to me it wasn't Minor Criticism, and i realize you've seen many people start Threads announcing Games made with Quest, but thats one thing these forums are for, if you hate that fact then it's your prob not mines.

Overreaction is my Speacialty, i will Overreact to Defend against your so called Minor Criticism.
You Can't critisize someone and expect them to bow and simply say: i understand, your right and i'm wrong.
This is the Real World.

in Reply to: elexxorine, Thank you for your advice, I'll consider that.

in Reply to: francisstokes, Yeah so far only one of the Books in game works, the Computer Hardware Book Vol 1., I'm Currently Moving it to Multiplayer capabilities, after that i'm adding one NPC Company with Full AI, there are 23 or so Steps needed for the In Game Seattle Area, i wrote all of them down, from most important to lease important.

Unfourtenetly it does seem as if there is hostile gossip on these forums, but this wont deture me on continueing to make BT, wether it be alone or as a group.

06 May 2005, 06:02
Here are the Current steps i'm taking on BT, These are directly from my Forums.

Configure BT to Run as Multiplayer.

Get one NPC Company working with FULL AI.

Fix the AM/FM Hand on the Clock.

Implement 5 More NPC Companies with FULL AI.

Completely Implement the Bank.

Implement All of the Current Books.

Add 2 More Company Types, Complete with Sub Types and Objects.

Add The Seattle Courthouse, Jail, Hostpital, Police Station, Fire Station, City Hall and The Seattle Mental Institution.

Add more Seattle Rooms.

Implement More NPC Companies, no Less then 10, with FULL AI.

Fully Implement Stats Page/City Stats/Business Stats.

Fully Implement the Copper, Silver, Gold, Plantium and Diamond Cash.

Implement More Company Types, complete with Sub Types and Objects, no Less then 5.

Implement All of the Current Goods Objects.

Implement Foods and Drinks, Which is Related to Fully implementing the Energy bar.

Implement The Seattle Airport.

Implement 5 Vehicle types.

Implement Jets Players can buy.

Implement Night/Day.

Implement Weather.

Implement Holidays.

Fully Implement the Business Management Menu.


Open up Alpha 1 Stage to only a few People.


End Alpha Stage 1.

Delete user Accounts.

Implement Travel and Then L.A and New York, make sure all aspects in Seattle works in the other Cities to.


Allow only Staff members to play BT.

After Awhile, Start Alpha 2, Allow 10 Accounts max, excluding Staff accounts.


Fix any Bugs/Glitches or Errors that People have found, but dont spend days on a Bug unless it's Critical.

Stop Alpha 2.

Delete user Accounts.

Do Some Grammar and Spelling fixes.


Implement more Business Types and Many more NPC's.

Implement More FOODS/DRINKS.

Start Alpha 3, Allow 30 Accounts max excluding Staff accounts.


Fix any Possible bugs.

Fix any Spelling and Grammar errors.


Stop Alpha 3.

Delete user accounts.

Take in consideration of any player Suggestions and Ideas.
If we use there Ideas/Suggestions they get Credit for it.

Start Beta 1 Public, Allow any number of accounts."Keep in mind, only 30 people on the game at once, untill we upgrade to 1,000 people at a time."


This List can Change in Order, Depending on any Prob's i come accross.

06 May 2005, 08:31
Haha, that post is hilarious!
It's the flame thrown into the oily rag... which you have thrown towards a petrol station.

I'm just gonna flip you the bird and walk away simply because I can't be bothered to a) insult you, b) defend myself, c) put up any kind of a fight.

Just go on with your distorted view on reality.

[Edit: I hated the way I had 'veiw' instead of the correct 'view'..]

06 May 2005, 09:07
Tr0n don't you ever stop?, Your Like the energizer bunny that wont go away...LOL, and i dont mean that as a insult, i meant it as a joke...LOL, I'm Trying to update people on my Games Progress, but then....dum da dum dum dum!!! comes Tr0n...LOL, I'm Laughing in Real Life...for real!! Tell me Tr0n....How many games you completed with Quest?.

There are those who Use the Community for Support, then there are those who only come here to Critisize people, there is a PM on these boards ya know, if your going to Flame/Bash me at least do it in Private, that way you wont look to bad"BASHED"...oops sorry...LOL,

and you said this in your last post: Haha, that post is hilarious!

What post are you refering to?

Don't forget to answer my Question, How many games did you complete with Quest?

How many Games did everyone Combined complete with Quest?

So before you critisize me, Look at the percentages.

Thanks. :)

06 May 2005, 18:11
Way to go about publicising your game before it's even been released, Metalgod. You think there's going to be anyone you haven't had a go at by the time it's actually out?

(Of course, we all know you're never going to finish it, but even so...)

06 May 2005, 22:09
To davidw, I Dont mind announcing my Game, or even showing people the code, It's not Commercial, and if anyone ever decides to Copy it then no biggy, because to them it wouldn't be Original, but to me it would be since it's Originally mines.

and If i dont finish it, who cares?, unlike Some people, I at least try.

Remember what you once said davidw?, I Remember clearly...

davidw wrote:Option 4 for me I'm afraid. I keep meaning to start work on a Quest game but I generally find the interface too longwinded for even the most simple things, and before long I simply quit.

One day though...

06 May 2005, 23:08
Ah, Metalgod, but I have written a few games outside of Quest so when it comes to actually finishing them... well, I think I've got you beat hands down there.

06 May 2005, 23:23
You act Like your competing with me, But you haven't done any thing within a Quest Game, And i to have done games Before"not in Quest", i'm also Learning the C Language.

But enough of our antic Bragging, This is the Quest Forums, if you want to compete with me in a Quest Game, then please do so, at least this will bring Life to these forums. :)

Also i had Adrift"the program your likely refering about", It Sucks...not enough power, it's to easy and not enough functionality.

07 May 2005, 05:45
davidw wrote:Is there any reason why half your words start with capitals?

I did that for a while. sometimes people just do that. Why complain about it, you can still read it all the same

07 May 2005, 06:07
I Now Put up BT's Server much Earlier then anticipated, Mostly because the Quest Community could use one!.

The BT Game will still be Built around the Server and BT Will improve and advance from there.

To Learn more about The BT Server go here:

To Connect Directly to the server, make sure you have a Free copy of Quest, Then click on this link: qnet://

Remember click on the First Link first to learn more, Thank you.

07 May 2005, 11:31
Davidw, i think you need to get over yourself. So what if MetalGod doesnt finish his game? Its coming along well and ast least hes trying, its a hugely ambitious project but he seems to be giving it his full attention, jsut have some respect man.

07 May 2005, 12:35
Adji is right, it does have my Full attention, i'm spending over 10 hours a day on it the last 7 days.

by the way, Business Tycoon has a webpage now to:

It's not much but it fits the Bill, untill i can get a REAL website :)

07 May 2005, 12:55
I think I have the right to be cynical.

Okay, I'm bored with this argument so I propose to sit back and wait for a few months till the project stalls.

07 May 2005, 13:19
to francisstokes, I'm Keeping the server up but i had to leave...i need to Sleep...LOL, but i'll be back on it later today, Take care :)

07 May 2005, 22:31

May 07 2005

Our Server will be up and down all day, so if you get kicked or crashed you'll know why, Reason is because i'm Running Test's.

Thank you

08 May 2005, 06:40
davidw wrote:I think I have the right to be cynical.

Okay, I'm bored with this argument so I propose to sit back and wait for a few months till the project stalls.

You are the most pessimistic person I know. You know what, in some ways I believe what Zelimos says. You do create a lot of the shit on these forums.

08 May 2005, 08:00
And I so enjoy being told off by a stressed teen. Get off your high horse, Codingmasters.

08 May 2005, 08:02
It's not hard to not put people down.

08 May 2005, 08:26
Well david, ya know if you want you can Help me make BT and to add updates to it, if your not that good at Quest then thats ok to, I Could still use any Help...Designing, Coding, GMing, BT's Community Helper etc, it Just takes Heart to believe that you can do something that seems otherwise impossible, i'm no Quest codingmaster...I'm Far from it but i do understand quest enough to know what can and can't be done.

There is still alot i have trouble figuring out, but even the Pro's have Programmer is perfect, not even Bill Gates...if any programmer says they know it all, then there full of it :)

Technoligy Changes ALOT!.

08 May 2005, 10:29
It's not the sort of project I'm really interested in, but if you want to go ahead and write it, you do that.

I just think you'd have been better off starting with something smaller and less ambitious.

08 May 2005, 10:30
007bond wrote:It's not hard to not put people down.

A subject you're clearly an expert on, Codingmasters, seeing how often you get put down. You ought to hear yourself sometimes. You're like the village idiot criticising other people for not being very clever.

08 May 2005, 10:37
I Started on Small projects before, But this current project is something i've always wanted to do even before i got Quest, and if it's a project your not fond of then you really have no reason to be on my thread eh?...Can i ask you this, why do you bother visiting these forums?

Just wondering.

08 May 2005, 10:51
Why do I visit the forums? Because I one day hope Quest will turn into a really great system for writing interactive fiction and I'd like to be here when it happens. It's got the makings of such a system now but the interface needs a serious reworking before it's ever going to produce a decent game.

08 May 2005, 10:53
The Interface could be better i agree, but i've seen worst...much worst...LOL :)

10 May 2005, 23:11

The Game is going to be updated soon with more rooms and a School, Learning a Skill from Books will be placed in the Games History Books...LOL, in Other will nolonger Learn a skill from reading a Book :)

Another change coming soon, Your Stats will nolonger appear on the screen on the right, instead you'll type a simple command and All Personal Stats, World Stats and business Stats appear.

11 May 2005, 15:37
davidw wrote:Why do I visit the forums? Because I one day hope Quest will turn into a really great system for writing interactive fiction and I'd like to be here when it happens. It's got the makings of such a system now but the interface needs a serious reworking before it's ever going to produce a decent game.

I feel the lack of decent games has less to do with the system as with the users making them.

11 May 2005, 18:00
I disagree. Get a better interface, a more simple and straightforward one, scrap the fee required to use Quest (always a big turn off considering almost every other system is free), and more people would start using Quest. Some of them might even know a thing or two about game writing.

At the moment, unless you're into coding, if you want to write IF you're basically stuck with either Adrift or Quest. And, sorry to say, but at the moment Adrift is far better. Quest might potentially have more power but the learning curve is steeper, too, and that on its own is liable to dissuade people from using it.

I've written plenty of games with Adrift but every time I start writing one with Quest, I quickly realise that whatever game I'm writing, I could get it done quicker and easier with Adrift. So I quit writing the Quest version and start writing the Adrift one instead. On top of anything else, the interface you play Quest games in needs a major reworking before anyone is going to take it seriously.

Just my two cents and probably unlikely to change anything.

11 May 2005, 23:19
davidw wrote:I disagree. Get a better interface, a more simple and straightforward one, scrap the fee required to use Quest (always a big turn off considering almost every other system is free), and more people would start using Quest. Some of them might even know a thing or two about game writing.

At the moment, unless you're into coding, if you want to write IF you're basically stuck with either Adrift or Quest. And, sorry to say, but at the moment Adrift is far better. Quest might potentially have more power but the learning curve is steeper, too, and that on its own is liable to dissuade people from using it.

I've written plenty of games with Adrift but every time I start writing one with Quest, I quickly realise that whatever game I'm writing, I could get it done quicker and easier with Adrift. So I quit writing the Quest version and start writing the Adrift one instead. On top of anything else, the interface you play Quest games in needs a major reworking before anyone is going to take it seriously.

Just my two cents and probably unlikely to change anything.

Easier does not mean better, i know this because i've tried easier before, Sure i make a game but then it's like every other Adrift game.

and yes there are other FREE Systems out there, the only worthy FREE Multiplayer one how ever is beyond, and it's MUCH more complicated then Quest, beyond is free to download"and is graphical" but you need to know a Java/C like language.

Most other Multiplayer ones are pay and are not free,'s not about's about work....Alex spent time coding Quest together...if it were me i'd charge to.

12 May 2005, 09:01
I love quest my self but i probably wouldn't charge for it.Im not saying that its not worth money, im just saying that quest being freeware would make more people consider using it.

12 May 2005, 09:58
i agree however, you do have a point.

12 May 2005, 13:12
I tried ardift and i couldnt see what your talking about David.
I think Quest is and extreamly easy tool to make games with and the ASL language is one of the easiest "programing" languages i have ever used.

I mean, what features does adrift have that quest doesnt?

12 May 2005, 14:01
i've used adrift before, it's to easy and not enough features...i mean it's good for a quick game...but if your for real at making games you'd go with Quest, and yes quest is actually easy...but powerful to....good combo...LOL :)

12 May 2005, 17:28
METALGod32 wrote:i've used adrift before, it's to easy and not enough features...i mean it's good for a quick game...but if your for real at making games you'd go with Quest, and yes quest is actually easy...but powerful to....good combo...LOL :)

So what's your take on the reason why so few Quest games of any decent quality are written? And the idea that if you're "real" about making games, you'd go with Quest doesn't make a lot of sense.

12 May 2005, 17:33
francisstokes wrote:I mean, what features does adrift have that quest doesnt?

Probably very few. But the features it does have are so much more accessible than in Quest. You want to add a custom command in Adrift, you right click the tasks column and do so. Everything you need is in a simple drop down panel that's so easy to use an idiot could figure it out (unfortunately that kind of thing tends to happen all too often). With Quest, you have to navigate your way through a frustrating series of menus to do the same.

To be honest, debating which system is best is pretty pointless as different people have different opinions of what "best" is. But you can generally judge the quality of a system by the games written with it. The best of Adrift are good indeed, the best of Quest are the kind of things that would be considered embarrassing on any other system.

12 May 2005, 18:36
davidw wrote:
Everything you need is in a simple drop down panel that's so easy to use an idiot could figure it out (unfortunately that kind of thing tends to happen all too often).

That is very true lol.But the thing is, quest is the kind of system that people that really are serious about game programing should use, and yet, most of the time it tends to land in the hands an idiot with an IQ of -1.

Alot of the time, people have the good ideas and just can't be bothered to follow the game through and release some half standard peice of crap they call a game.

13 May 2005, 01:20
Yeah what he said.

if your for real at making Games you'd use whatever you feel comfy with, wether it's Quest or Adrift, me personally i'm comfortable with Quest, others are david said...everyone has a opinion, but unlike drift i bought Quest on CD..., and Quest does have for people who don't mind spending money for what they believe in then more power to them! :)

it'll take longer to do a quest game then a adrift game, but never hurry a's not like you have deadlines to meet.