Visual Basic

11 Apr 2005, 06:34
I was just wondering how many of you people used it.

11 Apr 2005, 15:12
I have 6 on my laptop - but not on anything else.

I haven't used it much really, been trying to force myself over to C++, which is one bitch-godess.
Doing a simple ASL error checker, and it's gonna take a little while to check for a few errors etc..

VB is nice if you want to build stuff for a consumer to have a nice front-end (generally business-type things). But working with C++ gives you a whole other side of syntax formatting etc.

11 Apr 2005, 15:34

VB is nice if you want to build stuff for a consumer to have a nice front-end (generally business-type things).

or games?

11 Apr 2005, 20:11
Not really... If you want to build games you're probably better off with dark/blitz basic (although I have no experience here, it's BASIC and faster than VB. Also doesn't need as many runtimes AFAIK - they're also faster than VB).

C++ is better still at speed, but it takes longer in my experience to get anywhere, probably because you have to make sure things are 100% correct before you procede, while in other's it's easier to "think" they're right, when they just happened to be right.

12 Apr 2005, 00:15
VB6, but will be moving over to C# hopefully.

12 Apr 2005, 06:16
Alot of MMORPGs are written in VB, and thats what i meant by games.

12 Apr 2005, 21:06
All programs I write are in VB6 (including MPlayer)
I can't seem to load VB.NET on to my good computer though, but I'm gonna have another crack at it soon.

12 Apr 2005, 21:18
ok sort of new question.

what programing languages does everyone write in?

I know a little (and by that i mean ive tried SO many times to learn it its unbelievable) C++, a little JAVA, HTML (not really a prog language but who cares) etc..

12 Apr 2005, 21:23
I know HTML, VB6, a tiny bit of VB .NET, having read a book on it, QBASIC, and a tiny bit of javascript. Oh, and I once followed a guide in a book to write a small animation type java thingy.

13 Apr 2005, 15:31
C, but trying to convert to C++. I need to break a few bad habits.

13 Apr 2005, 15:43
quite a bit of C/C++, VB6, I did a couple of days in Java once, didn't like it much. PHP, and I can do stuff in SQL too. There's also SuperBASIC, BASIC and I've seen a little Pascal, which seems just as horrible as Java was. There's also actionscript in Flash which I know bits of.

HTML isn't a "programming" language. Also, CSS2 - although it's taking me a while as I'm spreading myself thin.

... I think that's all of it.

13 Apr 2005, 20:31
I forgot ActionScript in Flash. I use that too, from time to time, but most of the work I do in flash is just keyframing or animation, nothing that requires any code. I've tried many times to start a game, but I just can't get a good storyline out of my head.

16 Apr 2005, 10:47
very open question !

1) yes blabla
2) yes blabla

couldn't you add

1) yes blabla
2) yes blabla
3) no
4) no, it really su***

16 Apr 2005, 10:48
good point i was thinking that my self.....

16 Apr 2005, 16:05
I forgot a teeny bit of assembler - but I don't want to know any more of that then I have to.

And pretty much languages are very distinct - they allow you to create programs.
Flash MX moved away from normal Flash AFAIK, in being able to create windows applications - not just a flash animation which was an executable.
I haven't used flash MX as yet, but action script is alot like Java in that you need a VM to run it. It's alot more graphical/OO IMO - but I don't know about creating your own types etc.

So Farvardin - if you want to describe why the question is open, then please - go ahead.
I think it's very distint, in asking for "programming languages" and not "computer languages".

BTW Elex... Veni, vidi, vici = "I came, I saw, I conqoured"...
Aromator = nothing... aro is to plow, and matar is mother.. so the closest I could think is "I came, I saw, I plowed mother"?

16 Apr 2005, 21:21
would just like to say:

i did try and add a : no wtf are you talking about!? option but it wouldnt let me have more than 2 options.

ok new open question.
what kind of aplications does every1 make?

17 Apr 2005, 01:54
it depends. I make apps that help us hack the school computers and use functions that we normally can't, as well as other like MPlayer.

17 Apr 2005, 17:45
Not alot really.
My Server PC running 24/7 is kind of noisy and takes up alot of electricity, so I don't get around to much PHP or SQL.

the C++ stuff I'm just getting used to and am doing an ASL error checker at the moment.

I started off doing a simple Movie list-er in VB6, but stopped after 5 minutes and haven't gone back since.

Haven't used Flash in a year or so, haven't used normal BASIC since I attached the Sinclair QL to the TV - maybe 2 years ago or more.

So overall, not alot.