27 Mar 2005, 13:03
hope all of you are having lots of eggs and feeling quite sick..... (maybe someone should make an easter themed game)

27 Mar 2005, 21:24
im eating my egg now. but i previously had a McDonalds, and a bag of popcorn. But hell, i weight 8 stone so who cares? :)

28 Mar 2005, 02:43
Isn't it "Happy Easter"?

28 Mar 2005, 06:48
I half-made an easter-egg hunt game, but it was so boring to play I gave up (the whole game was just going through eight rooms using commands such as 'look under bin' or 'look in microwave').

Me, I only had a single medium-sized chocolate egg. :( I'm on a diet at the moment.

28 Mar 2005, 07:22
Spoil yourself! A lot of dietitians will tell you that one day is ok, as long as you go back to the diet the next day.

28 Mar 2005, 09:31
acually diet are very bad for you. you shouldn't cut out food type, even fat, you need them all. you should eat them in moderation, a bit of chocolate now and then is acually good for even :D ( it had chemicals that make you feel happy, dopamin :o )