tester for new game (early stage)

26 Feb 2005, 21:35
i am currently making and rpg game, TBC, it is very early stage but i would like some testers to tell me what they think of it and its potentional.
please email me or put requests in your replies.
and give good and bad feedback :lol:

27 Feb 2005, 06:04
(sticks up hand)
I'll review it. Send it to chrisames@westnet.com.au.

27 Feb 2005, 10:29
Sure....I'll review it too!

28 Feb 2005, 18:49
soz but my comp broke on sunday and i don't know if its working yet (using public comp now). for full story go to my thread on the developer's bit, greatest game ever :lol:

i'll try to get it back ASAP and give it to you, i did a lot of work on it after first posting this thread...... again see other thread

03 Mar 2005, 13:27
ok im using the schools computers now and working on the game......

but i can't send anyone the game in asl format as the school's bloked attacments..... i'll sent you guys the raw code :lol: