sorting on the game's page

25 Feb 2005, 10:18
i was looking at the game page just for fun and a little voice said that there should be sorting. like a bit for rpg.s, si-fi, general, demos, etc...

what do you guys think?

26 Feb 2005, 09:00
I agree that being able to sort games would be great. I myself was only thinking a few days ago that the archive should be redone with such sections (one for each genre and one for demos) along with all the really bad games taken down.

26 Feb 2005, 13:55
Well, what categories would you like to see? It would be better to base this on categories of games that already exist in the archive. If somebody wants to go through and categorise the existing games, be my guest... I certainly don't want to do it!

26 Feb 2005, 15:49
ok i scanned through the games page and list all the types. i also think listing length and difficulty of the game would be good (as welll as rating).
1. RPG / fantasy.
2. Genaral / real life.
3. Sci-Fi.
4. Adult.
5. Horror / Mystery.
6. Fighting.
7. Demos (the good ones).

you should be able to sort by or search for combos of these, like a long hard rpg game. :D

27 Feb 2005, 06:02
If I may make another small suggestion, RPG and fantasy should be seperated, since their are many fantasy puzzle games, and people could easily make futuristic RPGs. Same thing with horror and mystery. Each game could have multiple catagories, so you search for fantasy mystery. What you would need would be one person (or a small group) to decide length and difficulty, since different people would have different ideas of 'long'. At least if one person did it the length ratings would be in proportion. And no, I don't volunteer. :)

27 Feb 2005, 08:57
I too would like some form of sorting, but only once the archive gets enough games for each of the categories listed above, then it would be appropriate.