VB6 Error trapping with File opening

06 Oct 2004, 07:58
if I put a Close #1 in an error-trapping statement, what will happen if the script runs before or after the file was closed, will it produce another error? If I don't do this, then should a put a statement that will have VB return to where it was before the error, or just let my script run?

06 Oct 2004, 09:01
If your error handler needs to close a file, why not either use a different error handler for after you open the file, or otherwise set a boolean flag to specify whether to close the file?

Also I wouldn't recommend always using #1 as that can lead to clashes. You should use the FreeFile function to get a file handle number and store that in a variable. What I tend to do is this:

Dim FH as Integer
FH = FreeFile
Open "whatever.txt" For Input As #FH
Close #FH

06 Oct 2004, 09:11
How do I use two different error handlers? The only way I can think of is setting a boolean variable to true, and then checking for this in the error handling. Is there another way?

06 Oct 2004, 13:18
Yes that would work but you can also use "On Error Goto 0" to turn off error handling set earlier in a procedure. So you could have:

On Error Goto ErrorHandler1
' do stuff
On Error Goto 0

Open "blah.txt" For Input As ....

On Error Goto ErrorHandler2
' blah blah
On Error Goto 0

Close #FH
Exit Sub

MsgBox "Something nasty happened."
Resume Next

MsgBox "An error occurred while writing to the file..."
Close #FH

06 Oct 2004, 19:00
You could also have one error handler, but you grab the error code and use that to decide what to do next (using a select case, or if). Or you can use a variable which sets where you are in the procedure and lets the error handler react that way.

There's loads of different ways to do things.

06 Oct 2004, 21:41
Thanks, I didn't realise that you could have multiple On Error statements in one procedure.

06 Oct 2004, 22:53
you really should try posting on VB forums. it helps more if you're arround 1000s of expert coders.

07 Oct 2004, 07:01
I've tried twice and had problems activating my account, so I gave up. vBulletin really makes it hard for you, especially if you want to change your email address. I've also had problems @ thegaminguniverse.com, which also uses vBulletin, but I haven't had any problems with the Legends Alliance Forums (forums.legendsalliance.com). Something is really screwy with vBulletin.