Gooth Hint

steve the gaming guy
04 Oct 2004, 15:19
Hello all,

A few people I've talked to had trouble with certain puzzles in my game, Get out of the House.
Because I didn't see the option for making synonyms until after I submitted my game, a lot of the items where you 'PUT' an inventory item on another object that is in the room could not be recognized due to the library's capabilities. This would force you to say ‘use chair on table’ as opposed to ‘put chair on table’ which would make more sense.

:arrow: With that being said, your first hint is my example that I just typed above. In the kitchen, you will find a chandelier that you cannot examine unless you put a chair on the table. Instead of typing ‘put’ you will want to 'use chair on table’. Once the chair is on the table, there is no need to climb on the chair to examine the chandelier. Simply retype ‘x chandelier’ and this time, you will be able see it. (this is an oversight during game creation, I apologize).

:arrow: Second hint. A similar problem happens in the front hall, to avoid spoiling the puzzle completely, I will only tell you that it is NOT a chair that is used to see the peep hole. Once the correct item is ‘dropped’ in the room, you are then able to ‘look at peep hole’ without typing ‘stand on #object#’

That should do it for now. As I am made away of other trouble points, I will post helpful thoughts to this string instead of making new ones for this one game.

I am working on a larger (and less buggy) version of the game by the advice of davidw. I am also considering making a hard and easy version that I will combine as one download where the puzzles won’t be as difficult.

Have a good day
Steve the gaming guy :roll: 8)

05 Oct 2004, 08:52
Heh, nice one... Seems like you'll become the most productive person here :) .

Nice work - I'll look into your game later on some time.

steve the gaming guy
05 Oct 2004, 13:09
Thanks a lot. I am trying to be productive when time allows. I have to start somewhere so as I receive 'bug' feedback about the game, I will know how to make my future games better and easier to play.
The 'hints' I listed in the first post could have been avoided if I learned sooner how to solve the problem. We'll see how things go.

Steve the gaming guy 8)

:arrow: Quickie Hint (for those who have gotten this far), pulling a certain string actually unlocks a door a couple rooms away.

steve the gaming guy
08 Oct 2004, 15:24
:arrow: Near the end of the game, you meet a woman. The 2 objects you need to give her will only work if you type "use object on lady". Unfortunately, I had trouble with the Give option and I never figured out how to make it work. If you try to give the object to her, you receive an error and the game shuts off so make sure you save the game when you meet her just in case!

steve the gaming guy :P

08 Oct 2004, 17:29
I never got that far but you really ought to take the game down and fix the bugs.

steve the gaming guy
08 Oct 2004, 17:49
No offense but by the sound of an earlier post, you didn't seem to have gotten far at all. Try using an object on the bottle to get the key. Try putting out the fire in the fireplace. Try picking up EVERYTHING. You'll need a large object to drop in the front hall to see the peep hole. Logically, the front door is how one would think to get out of a house.

I'm working on a larger version of it anyway since it was indicated that the simple goal of getting out of the house was not complex enough.

I've already discussed the 'bugs' (puzzles). This string is providing courtesy command help to those running into difficulty as the vast majority of these games need. Many games on the archive don't have the simplest of commands 'open door' 'turn on tv' 'kiss #object#' and other fun things, to name a few.

I will compliment you on the neighbor game where you added such commands as DANCE and SING and YELL to the command list. Most people don't think that far into their games.

steve the gaming guy :shock:

steve the gaming guy
08 Nov 2004, 18:57
As posted in the game review plus an additional hint. WARNING SPOILERS

:arrow: To reach the peephole: Pick up the couch (yes, that's right) and drop it in the front hallway. Then look at the peephole again. (you do NOT need to say 'stand on couch')

:arrow: To stop the tile from breaking: Get the pillow off the toilet and the bathrobe hanging by the door. Drop both of them and they should automatically be placed on the shower floor. Alternatively, you can say 'use robe on shower' and 'use pillow on shower'. Once they are placed, type 'get tile' and you have successfully stopped the tile from breaking, HOWEVER, you cannot pick it up yet. Later in the game, you will know to go back and pick it up. Another friendly, and almost cruel, joke. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

You do, however, need the tile near the end of the game. :P

:arrow: To get the key out of the bottle: You do NOT "smash" the bottle as one would think. Besides, the easiest way to attempt that is actually to "drop the bottle" This, of course, provides a nice joke explaining that you can't do it that way. If you look at AND examine the bottle, there seems to be a cork. You can't pull it out but could you push it in? ANSWER: Use a pencil.