Quest/QDK/QuestNET style software

02 Feb 2017, 14:40

So I spoke to Alex recently about whether or not QuestNET would be reintroduced to Quest. As he's giving the software to other people, he has no plans to do it. Whether or not the new guys will be making some sort of QuestNET for the latest version is unknown, so I decided to start a project, similar to Quest that would allow people to make very customised MUDs with a similar approach to how Quest works.

The Development Kit will look very similar to an older version of QDK, but the client and server will be very different.
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I'm currently debating whether or not to use ASL (Or if I can), or to use VBScript for customising the game.

Early versions will be simple, with a plain interface. Over time I will add new features that could allow you to make your games look like this:
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I'll post updates periodically. This is just an idea for now, whether or not I will progress and have this released is to be determined.

02 Feb 2017, 18:53

LOVE IT!!!!!
Perfect screen shot for a DnD RPG game!!!!
That would make me want to play the game...
Much better than the basic Quest interface...

03 Feb 2017, 04:11

That will be nice. I have ideas for both IF and MUDs. =D