Online Users

22 Sept 2004, 07:34
I don't exactly expect an answer to this post, but I'd just like to announce the fact that we actually had 7 people on this morning (GMT + 10 time of course).

I think Im Dead
22 Sept 2004, 08:47
I'm always on, and we usually have 2 guests most the time, might just be a cookie error though.

22 Sept 2004, 08:49
nope, ur right, there seems to always be at least one Guest on. As for you, ITID, I've been on for about 2 1/2 hours total today (GMT +10), and this is the first time I've seen you

22 Sept 2004, 20:54
There's plenty of times when I've come and found myself the only user - no guests.

22 Sept 2004, 22:28

22 Sept 2004, 22:41
I'd love to offer some witty comment to this thrilling debate but I just don't have anything worthwhile to contribute.

So here's some smiley faces instead:

:x :P :oops: 8) :lol: :cry: :roll: :twisted:

steve the gaming guy
22 Sept 2004, 23:21
I'm on 17 hours a day as a guest and then I sign in for the remaining 7.

Man, I'm sleepy :?

23 Sept 2004, 20:44
In total there is 1 user online :: 1 Registered, 0 Hidden and 0 Guests [ Administrator ] [ Moderator ]
Most users ever online was 18 on Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:19 am
Registered Users: S1aY3R

24 Sept 2004, 01:22
In total there is 1 user online :: 1 Registered, 0 Hidden and 0 Guests [ Administrator ] [ Moderator ]
Most users ever online was 18 on Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:19 am
Registered Users: Ste

24 Sept 2004, 08:17
How did we ever manage 18 users online at the same time? I've never seen more than 2 or 3 at most.

24 Sept 2004, 10:17

How did we ever manage 18 users online at the same time? I've never seen more than 2 or 3 at most.

Maybe Ste registered 15 other himself, and connected them all ? ;)

24 Sept 2004, 15:09
Scary. But knowing Ste, it could well be true.

24 Sept 2004, 17:04
It happened a long time ago... I remember that day. I think I was using the username Maxpowr then. People just kept joining and we talked to each other almost like a chat room.

24 Sept 2004, 17:40
davidw wrote:Scary. But knowing Ste, it could well be true.

you obviously don't know me at all