Season's Greetings

24 Dec 2014, 22:01
I'm in the pub and pretty merry. Have a great day tomorrow all: whether Christian, Consumerist or someone who likes giving gifts or national holidays.

For me, It's my birthday. 41. Clock is ticking :shock:

24 Dec 2014, 23:32
Happy Christmas, each. Don't get too pished, Silver :)

I feel as rough as the proverbial bear's backside... always seem to come down with a cold/flu in the days leading up to the 25th :cry:

25 Dec 2014, 00:23
Happy holidays folks, and here's to another 41 Silver :D. We should be on Quest 19 by then!

25 Dec 2014, 07:45
Heh, cheers.

Red wine and pernod wasn't wise.

25 Dec 2014, 10:21
Happy Holidays, everyone! Wherever your quests may take you... :)

(And Happy Birthday, Silver.)

26 Dec 2014, 02:44
Happy Holidays, friends :)
Most of you probably do not know me, but it's nice to meet you!

31 Dec 2014, 18:54
Anyone get any presents of note? My Aunt bought me The 7th Guest & 11th Hour box set which was lovely and also spookily apt given I think I've only mentioned IF once to her in a text message. Never played it so looking forward to having play.