Suggestion: QDK Forum
10 Sept 2004, 18:36i was thinking about having a QDK Forum where all QDK related questions and suggestions etc. can go into there, and we can leave the developer forum open for hand-coders or whatever
10 Sept 2004, 19:59Thanks for the suggestion - I'll bear it in mind. I think at the moment the volume of posts doesn't justify splitting the forum yet. Also QDK issues and ASL issues are often fairly similar so if you're reading one forum you'll probably read the other as well, or at least ought to.
11 Sept 2004, 14:13valid point, but i feel hand-coding in ASL, and questions/suggestions about QDK should be seperate.
11 Sept 2004, 16:16I'd have gone the other way: condense all the forums down into one. Considering how little activity there is, it seems strange to have four separate forums.
11 Sept 2004, 21:52No way. Having separate forums makes it easier to use; you wouldn't ask a question about hard drives in the Developer Forum. It helps us know where to ask which questions, what we might expect to read when we go into the forum, and for Alex too: he can move a post or delete it if it isn't relative to what the topic's about.
12 Sept 2004, 16:12As this is a forum about Quest, you shouldn't be asking questions about hard drives full stop.
13 Sept 2004, 17:31I like the way it is now. I typically read only the developer forum, and occasionally Games and Chat. If it were all one I would have to scan through posts that have nothing to do with what I'm searching for.
13 Sept 2004, 23:16davidw wrote:As this is a forum about Quest, you shouldn't be asking questions about hard drives full stop.
Which is why we have this little games and chat forum. If you have problems out side of quest, it's nice to try and ask the community you visit frequently, and see if anybody on there knows the answer.
16 Sept 2004, 06:34exactly. that's what i was trying to get at.
steve the gaming guy
16 Sept 2004, 20:12007bond wrote:No way. Having separate forums makes it easier to use...
I believe what makes any forum easier to use is the correct usage of the subject line. I'm only quoting 007's statement in reference to "easier". I am more impressed of the people who use this forum than other's I have seen before. Quite frequently, I've seen "help" forums where people post subjects such as "Please help, I have a problem". Well if that's the purpose of the forum, OF COURSE YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!! It is extremely unhelpful to future users of the forum who are seeking a particular problem and the subject does nothing for them.
That is why when I post, it looks similar to "GO TO "room" command -- PUT/USE command -- Library"
If people seach for a "put" command problem or a "go to" command problem, they'll see this subject line easily.
Now, in reference to multiple forums, I think it should be the way it is now yet I am leaning towards davidw's view where it might be better to use one forum. I don't know. Leave it to Alex.