Need Help Finding Retro PC Games

14 Oct 2014, 06:18
I am looking for a few PC games of old. I can not tell you how old the games actually are, except this was early 90's as I recall when I happened to see and or play them. I also am not entirely sure if they were on a floppy or on cd, since they were not my games nor even my computer.

The first game is one where the best I can describe it is an adventure game of some sort. You are in a car/vehicle blocky looking thing and you were traveling around the environment in which looked to be a desert. I remember trying to get into buildings or through gates, but you needed certain key cards to gain access. Also the creatures around you looked like dinosaurs... The only cool looking thing about the game were the little conversational windows that would pop up and looked quite good for it's time. They were drawn, as in not a video with real actors, but it was still good none the less. (Or maybe I am thinking of the instruction manual...) Sorry it is about all I can remember of that game.

The second game is not much better, but I know it had to do with an RPG and in first person. As in you moved and you could not see your hands or feet etc., just what ever was directly in front of you. Upon starting the game I had a chance encounter with a flying goblin or devil something or other. It asked me a question or initiated combat and I was given the choice of attacking, talking, running or giving it something and that something was dried milk or milk flakes or something or other. I think the game revolved around portals and transporting through time. I mention the milk flakes or what ever flakes they were, because it is an unusual object for a game to have that as an item.

The third game and this might very well of been on DOS or floppy was a simulation type game. You started as a bug, maybe a spider and it was your quest to find your mate as it were. The land was flat for the most part and you just basically kept moving until you found it. Then you evolved into the next available species and all the way up to dogs and even human beings. The graphics were horrible, but you got a sense of what was what.

And finally there was a racing/obstacle course type game where you are on roller skates and trying to simply get from one end of the field to the other before the time runs out, going left to right. You could jump over obstacles, skate over arrows that would either give you a temporary boots of speed or slow you down and oddly I think you gained points for kicking cans across the screen...

Sorry, I have had these recollections recently and all except for the last game do I have a hankering to find and play them. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

16 Oct 2014, 06:23
I am a big fan of retro games and have tons of DOS games - in actual fact, I still have some of the original games for dos on floppy or CD. Doom and Mega Race comes to mind.

Still, I do not know any of those games you described. I tried very hard, but alas it seems it might be games I haven't played before. So sorry. :(

16 Oct 2014, 08:30
The obstacle game sounds like a modern variant of Horace Goes Skiing for the Spectrum or Slalom on the NES albeit on skates rather than skis.

The RPG sounds a bit like Morrowwind - that was one of the earliest rpgs in 1st person rather than 3rd. Although most people regard it as good for its time (and it wasn't really that long ago).

16 Oct 2014, 11:04
The RPG could be "Might and Magic"

16 Oct 2014, 11:34
Is the skating game Jet Grind Radio?

16 Oct 2014, 11:48
The RPG is not Might and Magic or Morrowwind. I have both on DOS and all the later Might and Magic titles. Still like the game-play of the DOS version much more.

16 Oct 2014, 12:00
Silver wrote:
The RPG sounds a bit like Morrowwind - that was one of the earliest rpgs in 1st person rather than 3rd. Although most people regard it as good for its time (and it wasn't really that long ago).

Actually Arena was much earlier and also 1st person.

And Daggerfall came next.

16 Oct 2014, 12:09
Sorry - I meant to say I have Arena on DOS. I still think it is pretty cool. :-)
Haven't tried Daggerfall.

I remember playing Fable on DOS, Decent, F-19 Stealth, Prince of Persia, Terminal Velocity, Blood - man o man!

I am also looking for an old DOS game - can't remember the name. It was something like Froa or something. Totally 2-bit top-down graphics, but what made it cool is that you are basically the dungeon master creating your own map, story and players and have them play it out - it was genius.

16 Oct 2014, 12:39

16 Oct 2014, 12:49
Thank you Pertex, but no...that was also a good game, but looks miles better graphics wise than the one I am talking about. :D


I have found it!
Forgotten Realms - Unlimited Adventures (FRUA) ... W3bczN4q3z

16 Oct 2014, 12:54
Is this your skateboard game?
Adventures of Willy Beamish

16 Oct 2014, 14:31
What's skateboardy about that? lol

16 Oct 2014, 16:51
Avantar wrote:@TextStories
Is this your skateboard game?
Adventures of Willy Beamish

No that looks like a point and click adventure. I call the game I am referring to a racer, but really all you are racing against is time. And you are on roller skates/blades, but thanks anyway. :)

And I do not know if it was Might&Magic or not. I just know it was how I describe it. :oops:

16 Oct 2014, 17:47
@Silver - My bad :? I thought I saw a kid that was bound to skate in the whole scheme of things and it was an adventure lol

I will still have a look out - I guess Skate or die is out as well; since we're looking for roller skates. We got a mystery on our hands :?:

16 Oct 2014, 18:03
I have been looking all over for roller skating games from way back when and I could only find this - ... _Race.html

But I also remember that California Games had roller skates and BMX racing.
Alternatively you my want to try: Death Rally, Ignition, Stunts, Fatal Racing - they are all cool oldies.

@TextStories - The adventure car block thingy in the desert - was it perhaps a beach buggy with the view from the back? (Almost like Outrun but a sandy environment) Can you remember the object of the game?

Could it be ??

16 Oct 2014, 18:44
There's a perfect storm here of the games being so bad the op can't remember the titles or anything but vague descriptions and them being so bad that they're either not referenced online or are buried under superior titles.

Did your friend get all the games from magazines or something?

17 Oct 2014, 06:46
I would not of called these people friends no. Also I assumed they bought them at a store. But maybe everyone here participating in this conversation are from a younger generation or one that grew up with consoles instead on computers. However I will admit, three of the four are probably obscure titles anyway. But that RPG one for it's day I bet was pretty decent. However, I did not click the link for Jet Grind Radio, assuming you are speaking of the Dreamcast game where the skaters graffitied everything. Also no, this was an actual adventure game, not Outrun or anything like it. And Avantar, that dinosaur game was not either, but that actually looked kind of neat, at least the middle couple of minutes anyway. Oh well, maybe something will come up.

17 Oct 2014, 07:20
It is such a pity I can not help - I thought I gave my age away by now :-) Pretty much hated consoles - give me a pc any day.
I do admit I have a XBOX 360, but I use it as a media extender. I am making use of MCE along with My Movies plug-in. Works a treat.

Anyway - grew up with the Commodore 64 then XT, 286 and the rest...
These were all pc games right?

Do you know what year or platform that RPG was written for? (Dos, 95,98,XP)
Does this look familiar?

17 Oct 2014, 08:54
In terms of era, there was no such thing as home computers until I was about 7 and we got a Vic 20 followed by a Spectrum. And then it all went a bit quiet on that front for me until my dad got a 386 around 1990. I only really played Civilisation, Sim City and point and click adventures on it. It's only been in the last ten to fifteen years that I got properly back into gaming again. Ive got an xbox 360 (or rather the kids do now) and a pretty decentish gaming pc although I'm more into messing around with adobe or audio apps than gaming of late.

17 Oct 2014, 09:25
I do not mind games - I think the time for it is another story. I had friends with VIC 20's and I played quite a bit on the ZX Spectrum (Cobra, The Great Escape, The Hobbit, Top Gun...:-) ) because my grandmother had one :D Only in my teens, we got a commodore with tape drive!(I guess the Spectrum was the same) Some games loaded more than 90 minutes (You load the one side of the tape and then turn it around) Sometimes you get a crc error on 80+ minutes of loading and then you have to start again - lol!

I have been looking so hard for these games TextStories described - not finding it. Might and Magic did bring out a First Person RPG called Dark Messiagh and I loved it - still got the game but not playable unless XP.
Severance Blade Of Darkness - There is still nothing that compares to it today imo.

I just do not find an rpg that shows hands and feet when walking.

17 Oct 2014, 13:25
The first time I ever used a Spectrum (my uncle's) I spent literally all afternoon trying to load Hungry Horace and then realised that perhaps the volume on the tape machine shouldn't have been set to zero...
Frustrating times. Kids of today haven't lived etc ;)

17 Oct 2014, 17:14
Yes these were all PC games and I had said you could NOT see your hands and feet. :mrgreen: It also was not a hack and slash in the sense like the Morrowind series. It gave you options on the side like if you wanted to attack, defend, run, trade/give, talk to, etc. I remember that flyng demon kept saying it either had nothing to talk about or it was not interested and was getting annoyed with my attempts. I think it eventually just beat me into the dirt road... :lol:

And it was neither M&M: Dark Messiah nor that Severance Blade Of Darkness either. The games I am talking about are much older looking. Maybe it was on DOS... it was early 90's...

17 Oct 2014, 17:27
Perhaps this page will help:

(For what it's worth, my first RPG was "Wizardry" on the Apple II+ :) )

17 Oct 2014, 20:39
Not under RPG or Adventure catagories I am afraid. However, and this may not actually be a good thing..., I saw some games I would like to try... may take even more time away from my game development... :lol: But at the same time give inspiration... yea... let's go with that excuse... :mrgreen:

However, there was a computer game magazine I saw not too long ago and went to their website and they had tons of retro games. However, I thought I had saved it as a favorite, but I guess not and now I can not find it. I did another search using different terms, but I still can not find it. And if I did find it, they had changed their game page so much that it is no longer recognizable as before, nor as convenient to search... oh well...

17 Oct 2014, 20:59 hands and feet. now just to find the demon thing.
Lands of lore is Dos, no hands and feet and options on the side.
What about Dungeon Master 2? -must be this.

Here is some more Retro games:

@Jaynabonne - Wizardry was a good game!

18 Oct 2014, 02:56
Neither of those games are it either, but thank you. I still have to look through all those games on Abandonware however. Most of those games show the title page, instead of an in game screen shot, unless I click on each one and wait for the page to load. However I wanted to say this earlier, of all the RPG games I missed on the PC, Wizardry 8 was the one I had always wanted, but never actually bought. I heard it was given very good reviews and even game or RPG of the year, etc.

I may have to check out some of these games, if my laptop can play them. Thanks again. The game is not so much about a demon that can fly, it is just the best visual that comes to memory. It is more about the options on the right side of the screen that will always be part of the game through any screen shot or at least fighting sequence anyway. To be honest, I am not even sure if you can have allies or party members, it might just be you playing solo the entire time.