New Game In The Style OF Broken Sword

15 Jul 2004, 12:47
Hi everyone, its a long long time since i've been here. Hi to anyone that remembers me.
Anyways, i ve been working hard programming and coming up with little games but all th ewhile i've been working on scripts and things for my newest game which is going to be in the style of the Broken Sword series. I originally wanted to make it a point and click game, but i cant find the a piece of software appropiate, i am not too good at programming so i was looking at AGS whichi s apparantly very good but i dont understand it at all. So anyway, i came to the decision i would make it a graphical text game, so hello again to Quest. I have just ebgun work on the game so expect a demo in a few weeks.
If anyone is interested in BETA testing demo versions of the game over the coming weeks, please reply here and let me know.

15 Jul 2004, 16:12
Okay, i htought i would post more information.

Right, i don't want to give away the storyline yet, but as in my previous games (which are sadly gone now) the storyline will be very complex and interesting. That is all im going to say on that.

There are going to be loads of rooms and locations absed in several different cities and countries throughout the world. Each room will have at least several objects, even if it is something pointless like the walls or the floor, the objects will be there. This will help the player visualise the room they are in. There are likely to be thousands of objects and overr a hjundred rooms.

I hope to create a game that will have about five hours play-time. Which means it will take the ordinary gamer about five hours to complete.

All of the characters in the game will be fully interactice (including the NPCs) and you will be able to have full menu-driven conversations with almost everyone in the game.

I hope this has got some of you interested, if you would like to know more about certain aspects of the game, jus treply with oyur questions.

15 Jul 2004, 20:13
One more thing i must know, is before the game begins full production, would anyone actually play and complete a game of this size??

16 Jul 2004, 07:57
I'm sure people would - IF you ever complete it. Plenty of authors have announced vast games before only for them to never appear. It's much easier to say you're going to create a fantastic game than it is to actually make it. So my advice is - quit talking about it and start writing it!

16 Jul 2004, 08:02
After some of the games that are currently on the site I would love to see a game that lasted that long and that amount of detail.

16 Jul 2004, 09:45
Sounds just a little over-ambitious to me... And if you have "thousands of objects" and "over a hundred" rooms, 5 hours to explore that lot sounds pretty darn quick - unless the objects & rooms are very superficial.

Go on prove me wrong!


Al (MaDbRiT)

16 Jul 2004, 16:47
Maybe it will be over five hours then, but five hours was what i was at least aiming for, tis was my minimal target. And alex, relax, the gameis currently being made dont worry. PS alex, would you please see my post in the Developer Forum, im pretty sure you could help me a great deal with that?

17 Jul 2004, 10:01
I wonder if this is going to turn into another Shadow Project? Massively over-ambitious game that was going to be entered into the IFComp this year and (heh heh) win.

Latest on the Shadow Project - it's been cancelled. Boy, really didn't see that one coming. :lol:

Seriously, for your first game you'd be better off writing something smaller. Smaller games are easier to finish, easier to test and less likely to have bugs than massive games. As they take less time to write than massive games, there's also more chance of you actually finishing it.

17 Jul 2004, 10:15
ITs not my first game, its about my tenth full game or something, thats why im working on a big project. I hope it goes well, and i hope you guys like it.

17 Jul 2004, 12:26
Anonymous wrote:ITs not my first game, its about my tenth full game or something, thats why im working on a big project. I hope it goes well, and i hope you guys like it.

That was me, sorry, i didnt realise i had been logged out.

17 Jul 2004, 12:27
but can you do what you say you will do with ASL?

17 Jul 2004, 12:30
I beleive i can, so far everything is going pretty smoothly, except for the problem i was ahving in the Developer Forum, but i have that more or less under control and the game is going fine. So i think (i hope) i can!

29 Jul 2004, 14:29
Okay, just to update anyone who is interested on what has been happening recently.

Production has been going very well and the project is running smoothly.

Most of the first section (out of around ten) is almost complete.

The demo will be available pretty soon (can't estimate a date yet) but i'm looking for some people to BETA test it for me. Is there anyone who will be willing to do that?

All in all, everything is going well and providing it continues to do so, the game should be pretty good up on release.

30 Jul 2004, 01:11
Don't release DEMOs.... that's the one thing you should never do with a Quest game... EVER. surely you can beta test it by yourself.

31 Jul 2004, 11:48
Why shouldn't i release a demo?

01 Aug 2004, 19:37
trust me... download ALL the demos on the game downloads page and you'll find out....

who wants to play a non-finished game with bugs, spelling mistakes, and everything like that. you have to trust me on this, ask any experienced IF developer.

02 Aug 2004, 07:30
I'm with Ste on this one. Every demo I've ever played has been crap and generally smacks of someone who can't really be bothered finishing off their game. Plus which, if you release your demo first complete with spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and bugs galore, who is going to want to play the finished version?

Get a few people to test it first but don't release it as an unfinished demo.

02 Aug 2004, 13:22
Ok, i see you're point guys and cheers for that piece of info. I wasn't aware of that. I guess a demo won't be released then. But i am thinking of releasing the game in two hlaves, im not sure yet, but its an idea i have at the moment.

02 Aug 2004, 23:12
if you're releasing it in 2 halves, the first version will need to be SO good, that people will actually want to concider bothering with the 2nd part. :wink:

03 Aug 2004, 11:47
Fine you win, it will be released as a whole game. But the earliest date will probably be christmas.

03 Aug 2004, 22:22
Tip #2: NEVER set deadlines. ^.^ expect the unexpected ;)

04 Aug 2004, 13:56

The game will be released in full, sometime inthe not too distanmt future. Happy? lol

20 Sept 2004, 03:01
Hi Adji. Just looking for an update on your game

25 Sept 2004, 09:28
It's still in production but its going a lot more slowly than io thought. Ij us tstarted college a few eeks ago and the amount of time i spend there and assignments is ridiculous, im slowly plodding on though, i will keep you informed.

27 Sept 2004, 15:29
davidw wrote:Latest on the Shadow Project - it's been cancelled. Boy, really didn't see that one coming. :lol:

It's not cancelled, it's just not written in Quest. I'm slowly writing it in C++ as an IRC-based MUD.