Isn't this type of gaming DEAD now?

18 Jun 2004, 04:52
I love to program and using this software is fun to use. It get's the imagination going BUT...

Who the heck plays it? Nobody.
So why bother?

What's your opinion on this type of gaming? Any future?

18 Jun 2004, 07:47
It's hardly dead. In fact, I bet more people are playing IF now than they did during its supposed hey-day in the 80's. Admittedly, the commercial side of it is dead and the odds of anyone making a living out of selling IF again are pretty remote but there's still a thriving audience for it.

I'm not sure of the exact figures, but I seem to think somewhere in the region of 5000-6000 people downloaded the entries in last year's IFComp.

18 Jun 2004, 19:25
I would certainly play it if I had enough free time... As it is I'm finding it hard to click on this website's "favourties" entry in IE...

19 Jun 2004, 14:41
It's alot of fun just playing around with it. Even if I never make anything worthwhile, I can't say I didn't have fun. One of these days I may even figure this thing out. Having never done a single bit of coding in my life, it is takinf me a little while to figure this whole thing out. I'll catch on eventually.

22 Jun 2004, 10:48
Heh, you'll find this does have a value in programming - especially if you are Alpha-ing... You want something quick and easy to test out your gaming core on? This'll do it.
You want something quick and easy to test your storyline/storylineS/mini-games out on? This'll do it...

... Kinda like "Jim'll fix it!" but easier and you don't have to make a wish to an old man, and have the risk of him picking up the letter next to yours.

10 Jul 2004, 05:36
i always loved text adventures and those choose-your-adventure books growing up. -after playing 'habeas dorkus - a harvey birdman text adventure' on, ive been hooked all over agin. i havent used quest yet but i wanna try my hand at making an ATHF or futurama text adventure

14 Aug 2004, 14:40
this type of game is very popular and millions of people play them all over the world. just cos you don't like them doesn't mean others don't. there is this game called 'materiamagica' and its the best mmorpg if in the world......... free to dl: