Text adventures via SMS

01 Mar 2014, 17:23
Have you read this? we are getting closer now :)


02 Mar 2014, 08:52
That seems pretty cool. Too bad the cookies all dump after 4 hours, though. I could see myself taking days to text through an adventure between bus times and sending texts that I pretend are much more important than they really are.

On a slight side note, I sort of think it's sort of funny when articles start off with "remember text adventures?" Well, yes, I do. I played some last week. :P

05 Mar 2014, 20:07
Isn't that a tad expensive? Or don't you have to pay for SMS?


05 Mar 2014, 21:12
I have a flat rate per month on my bill that includes unlimited text messages. It isn't unusual for me to send 500 - 1000 texts in a month already. I can only imagine how much that number would increase if I was playing a text adventure through them! :shock: