I'd like to introduce myself.

27 Dec 2013, 22:40
Hi, folks

I am Nele, a 45 years old German from Dortmund. When I first came into contact with computers in the late 70s and early 80s, interactive fiction, or "text adventures" as they were called then, were one of my favourites on the TRS-80 Model I. Actually, they were the beginning of my path towards a degree in Shakespeare studies. :)

I lost my contact to programming and computer gaming in the early 90s due to an increasing workload; I never lost the interest in doing some creative work with interactive fiction though; I dabbled briefly with the AGT system but never got into modern languages like Inform or Tads because I simply do not have the time nor the energy to learn a completely new programming language. To make matters worse, having learned 8-bit Basic and Pascal, I stopped programming before object orientation came en vogue.

Therefore, imagine my delighted surprise when I discovered the online GUI of Quest just yesterday. I have already dabbled my way through the tutorials and now am underway to recreate one old favourite of mine - "Raaka-Tu". The next in line would be "Gruds in Space". I must say, the threshold for beginners to get the first results is very, very low which is encouraging for me. :)

The only thing which is a pity is that I can't seem to get the windows GUI running on my OS-X machine. I was not successful to start it under wine, yet.

28 Dec 2013, 10:18
Oh, man. This system is so frickin' brilliant. I am learning and learning as I go.

Great fun - thank you all very much, whoever did the work! :D