Welcome to the new forums!

27 Jun 2003, 23:23
Welcome to the new Axe Software forums!

These forums replace the old forums, which you will still be able to view at http://www.axeuk.com/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi. You can also still post to the old forums at the moment, should be having trouble getting to grips with the new forums, although posting to the old forums will be disabled at some point in the near future. Please start new discussions in these forums rather than the old forums if you can.

Unfortunately you will need to re-register your username in these new forums. The attempted "upgrade" (really a conversion from the old UBB forums to the new phpBB) did not work, which is why the new forums are unfortunately entirely separate to the old ones. Apologies for any inconvenience, but hopefully you'll enjoy the new features provided by phpBB.

Enjoy using the new forums!