My name is Luc

21 Oct 2013, 14:20
Hi folks!

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Luc Edel and i'm a professional author from Austria.
For details feel free and have a look at my Amazon-Site:

The thing is, I'm a great fan of textadventures since i was a child. Now, with the possibilites of the iPhone/Smartphone technology, i think the genre will reemerge. Especially with a great software like Quest at hand.

My coding skills are ruther sub-awesome :wink: , but ...
... i can help you with your stories. If you need help in story engineering, plotting, character building, dialogue structuring and other stuff around writing a compelling story, don't hesitate, ask me.
It's for free, because once a while i look for chandes to help others getting better writers. It's my input to get some good karma points. :D

.. oh, i just forgot. I'm planning a story written especially to be plaid as an textadventure. If someone of you has the skills but no project, i would love to settle a partnership.

Cheers, Luc

21 Oct 2013, 15:12
Welcome to the forum Luc. I'm curious, what genre of story are you planning?

21 Oct 2013, 16:17
Hi George, thanks for the welcome.

Well, it will touch Cyberpunk and "A mind forever voyaging" as a little reminiscence.
The hero (the player) is a guy who gets a weird mail from his friend Max signed by a firm called PM Corp.
As he investigagtes, he finds out, that this company offers to live your digital life after you died. Shocked our hero finds out, that Max is dead since three months and no one recognized it. So he wonders who else of his online-folks has gone, he starts his research, when suddenly two strong-arms show up at his home ... the chase begins and in the end nothing will be the same for him and the world around him.

I don't want to give away the final scenes by now, would kill the thrill a little bit. ;)

Interested, George?

22 Oct 2013, 00:51
That is quite interesting actually!

How big of a game are you envisioning?

22 Oct 2013, 05:13
Well, I don't know what the average length of a standard textadventure nowadays is, but i think it should at least fill one hour to solve. I figured out a new end yesterday. A quite philosophical one.
For this project I would do the writing and let someone else do the coding. I think it works better if everyone has his scope.
Oh, yes, and the game will be in English and German language.

22 Oct 2013, 05:47
One hour is not that long by contemporary standards, but, it is not that short either :). For example, the annual interactive fiction competition games are meant to be played for two hours. So I think one hour would be a good size for a first game to test the waters.

I like your idea, and that it'll be in English and German, so I'm interested in this collaboration. But just to warn you, I haven't programmed a complete Quest game and I'm not a professional programmer at all, this is just a hobby right now. However I have been programming for some time, and I have some experience with text adventures, so I feel that I could do a good job. If this doesn't put you off (I won't be offended :) ) feel free to send me a PM!

22 Oct 2013, 13:19
Hi George, i tell you what ... i like idealitsts and i like to give enthusiastic semi-pros a chance! :wink:
All thums up for this forum! Didn't find a collaboration that fast in the last 10 years. Big show!

PM is on its way.