Looking for an old (1980s?) game

Mister Sting
17 Nov 2016, 10:20

Hello all.
I hope someone will recognise this game from my childhood as I've been wanting to play it again for years.
I remember that very early on one gets off an island on a raft and plays a flute to calm a sea monster. Soon after, there are wolves that eat you. There is some mud that makes you invisible, but the wolves still smell you and eat you.
And... that's as far as I got!
I know it's not much to go on, but does anyone know what game that is?
If it helps, I played it on a BBC around the same time as Lord of the Rings.
Many thanks.

17 Nov 2016, 14:19

Pirate Adventure?


There's thousands upon thousands so I'm afraid your chances of identifying this a fairly slim unless you can come up with more specifics, such as the software house, etc.