Visual Basic

11 Jul 2003, 22:14
'Send the drop command
If ObjLst.ListIndex > -1 Then
SendData "DRP" & ObjLst.ListIndex + 1 & "," & DrpAmountTxt.Text
End If

End Sub

if u can proof read VB, can u tell me wots wrong with that script?


11 Jul 2003, 22:50
I've moved this to the Games & Chat forum as it's not a Quest question...

Looking at your VB code, your string looks messed up:

"DRP" & ObjLst.ListIndex + 1 & "," & DrpAmountTxt.Text

That "+1" won't work there. Try this instead:

"DRP" & str$(ObjLst.ListIndex + 1) & "," & DrpAmountTxt.Text

11 Jul 2003, 23:26
wasnt exactly my code....

what im trying to do, is find some server code so people can connect to my mud... my coder is having some problems doing all the TCP/IP crap, so we need some help

11 Jul 2003, 23:37
Well the TCP/IP stuff is rather fundamental. I don't know how you plan to "find some server code" - each bit of server software is different as each bit of software is different, so any "server code" you find will probably just be the generic opening port stuff. I presume you're using the VB Winsock control so that really shouldn't be difficult (you can use the freeware Catalyst Socketwrench as an alternative - it's what I use for QuestNet Server) - implementing some kind of server protocol is something you'll have to do yourself.

12 Jul 2003, 17:28
ok ive stopped doing that one...

right, this code happens to cause an error, and when i press Debug, it highlights - w2.SendData Text2.Text

Private Sub Command3_Click()
w2.SendData Text2.Text
text1.Text = text1.Text & vbCrLf & "Client(You): " & Text2.Text
Text2.Text = ""
End Sub

12 Jul 2003, 22:33
What is the error?

12 Jul 2003, 23:19
blah, there are loads of errors....

when trying to connect, when typing a message. i think ill just start from the beginning and read loads of tutorials instead of starting from the advanced parts lol

29 Oct 2003, 07:22
I was gonna postthis as a new topic but noticed Alex talking about the Winsock control and so decided to post it here

When I go to use the Winsock control it says I don't have permission to use it

I'm using Visual Basic 6 Enterprise Edition, Windows 98. Will the fact that I'm using enterprise affect winsock?

Matthew G.

30 Oct 2003, 00:32