Hi my name is object.name

23 Sept 2011, 02:01
Hi, my name is lelo. It's a family nickname. Spelled all lowercase even though it is a proper noun because my goofy grandfather always spelled it that way. God rest his soul; I love him forever.

In addition to being my nickname, it is also the name of an imaginary friend that my cousins invented. Some say that she is my alter ego but don't believe a word of it. She has messy unnatural bright orange hair that is full of twigs and leaves from rolling around on the ground in the forest which is her favorite pasttime. Her second favorite pastime is to throw marshmallows at people, usually because we are having s'mores and won't share the gramcrackers and choclate with her. The only people who can see her are my cousins and siblings. I can only see her if one of them points her out to me first; although if strange things are happening, I can guess that lelo is the cause and if I ask, usually one of the cousins will admit to having seen here. She is all most never spotted if I'm not in the area. She likes for her pranks to get blamed on me. If you need a scapegoat in my family (cousin or no) you can always blame lelo but be careful because people might think that you are blaming me.

I'm thinking that perhaps all my games will have a "signature." lelo will be a character in all my games. She will have no purpose but to be my trademark and her appearance and behavior will be a non-sequitur. She will be totally irrelevent. Players should ignore her because she is just a distraction. What do you think? Dumb idea?

So enough about her. Some relevent information about me.

In real life, I teach Math at the local community college. I should have majored in Math; I would get paid better and could teach the more advanced classes. I have Bachelor degrees in both computer science (theory focus, i.e. math) and linguistics (computational linguistics focus) and a non-terminal Masters in Computer and Information Science (computational linguistics focus). I haven't used my education so I'm rusty on all of it. What a waste. In those days we were programming in good old C mostly and I have very little exposure to object oriented programming. Too bad because it looks like that would be a helpful skill in getting the most out of Quest. I'm sure to need some help along the way in any case. I'm so glad you people are here. I hope I can be helpful in return. Among other things, I'm sure I can help with any grammer, linguistic, or computational linguistic issues.

Needless to say, I suspect what ever attracted me to Computational Linguistices may also be the root cause of my attraction to text adventure games.

My first text adventure game experiance was Hitchhiker's Guide to the Gallexy on an Amiga. I never could get the darn bablefish but we also had another text adventure game with some pictures to go along with the narative. I wish I could remember the name of that game. Anybody remember this one? You start out on a deserted island and you don't know who you are or how you got there. You have to get off the island, find out who you are, why you were on the island, and finish whatever task it was that got interupted when you ended up on the island. I loved that one. I solved it. My brother who solved Hitchhiker's never solved it so I don't feel so bad about the darn bablefish.

I'm currently working on the Quest tutorial. So far I've learned a lot. I can't hardly wait to make my very first adventure.


P.S. Not being very familiar with object oriented programming, I'm not sure that I got it right when I typed in this message's subject, "Hi my name is object.name". Can you suggest how I could have made it funnier?

23 Sept 2011, 06:51
lelo14 wrote:
P.S. Not being very familiar with object oriented programming, I'm not sure that I got it right when I typed in this message's subject, "Hi my name is object.name". Can you suggest how I could have made it funnier?

"Hi my name is player.name" would be correct :D

23 Sept 2011, 07:40
Pertex wrote:


P.S. Not being very familiar with object oriented programming, I'm not sure that I got it right when I typed in this message's subject, "Hi my name is object.name". Can you suggest how I could have made it funnier?

"Hi my name is player.name" would be correct :D

Wow! you didn't give up and read to the bottom! Yes I almost did player.name but the example form the tutorial that I was going off of is "It weighs " + object.weight + " grams."

But now that I think about it, how in the heck does the computer know which object!! Some day I might change my mind but I hate object oriented. I get the theory but but I'd rather use a procederal language and abstract data types as a development paradiagm. Sorry for the rant.

Anyways, I looked and yes player had a name, it's name is "player"

Thanks for the fun times.