To all those interested....

15 Dec 2003, 13:48
Me and TheNobleOne are making a custom client for our games. It's very easy to do and will work perfectly. What happens is, the client connects to the server in the same way the Quest client does, and the server itself handles all the ASL. We can have player images, and you will be able to click on images to kill monsters, players, you will be able to pick up items by clicking on images. All the clicking does, is send commands to the server like.... pickup object, attack #player# etc. This is the first project we are doing, which may not involve any more coders.

However, our second project is much more complicated and will take longer to do. If we have atleast 2 more coders (who are experienced), we will be trying to get Feudal Online back on it's feet again. Those who wish to participate in the making of either on of these projects, please email me or add me to MSN on


15 Dec 2003, 16:19
I'm going to make a basic win32 app as a QuestNet client. It will not look nice, but it's basic. I guess I'll use skins later. I just started last night, so all I have is the shell (with menus etc.). If anyone wants to use it when it's finished as a basis for their own client, go ahead.

15 Dec 2003, 17:56
so you're making an open source client? pretty cool.

15 Dec 2003, 21:40
It's going to be kind of basic. No images, but I will have a map screen and such. Someday I may make it much larger, but for now it will be similar to the Quest client (with the map screen). Any other suggestions? Once I get the basic application going, I'll release the source code. Sorry VB users, it's in C (not C++ either) but you should be able to figure it out. C is very basic. It's compiled with the newest version of the Borland C++ compiler.

Also, I'm going to make a script that connects to the server as a "player" that will receive all variables and flags (for each player) and log them to a file as a primitive save method. This would be VERY effective.


I would help with your client, Ste, but I would need the source code of course. If you want to, you can private msg me at this forum. What is the client written with? I know virtually no visual basic, but I know C, C++, and a significant amount of x86/win32 assembly.