30 Nov 2003, 21:1782.44.1.200:10001 to test out my maps. Please report any bugs to me by posting on here or by emailing me at
If you have a problem connecting, its possible that there maybe too many players on that port, as the current version of Qnet only allows 3 people at once. In that case, try ports...
30 Nov 2003, 21:45I've never tried running my own public QuestNet server before as I was always on dialup. Now I'm on broadband, could somebody please try connecting to me...? It's at and is running on the usual port 10001. Nothing funky there, just the standard ARENA.ASL, so there's not much point hanging around too long.
EDIT: I've now turned the server off.
30 Nov 2003, 21:51also, i successfully connected to you.
30 Nov 2003, 22:45i didn't get into ste's servers tho.
30 Nov 2003, 22:49GameBoy
06 Dec 2003, 12:54Note: the attack command is /a <player> and you can only PK in red zones.
07 Dec 2003, 03:19The beginning was a tunnel with just a room off to the side every now and then - didn't get much further as everywhere was empty/the same. Maybe changing the descriptions, and instead of just having a BIG place, concentrate more an what is actually there than trying to make it bigger...
A town shouldn't be much bigger than about 200 squares (what, 15 x 15). And that's the major towns and that's when they're BIG.... usual size should be about 6x6 IMO.
07 Dec 2003, 03:58ermm, the map goes kinda like this (not acurate)
x H T
| | |
| |
x x
| |
x x
| |
x x
| |
x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x x
| |
x-x-x-x-x-x x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-D
i apologise to those with low res monitors who wont see this properly
T = Tavern
H = House
D = Down to Caves
x = Path
that whole map there shows town of Carbralos, dusty path area, beginning of forest (not all of it), and town of Alaverin.
i come from modern day MuDs, and if any of you have played Nightmist, or Realms of Kaos you will have noticed that each path that is the same (Take Enderhill Road in Ebersmile for example), the description is the same.
I've noticed that people are having problems because its all the same description. But Enderhill isnt complete, I will be adding shops, houses, banks, more Taverns, and extra areas to add onto it, and of course, my castle. That way, instead of it saying...
Enderhill Road: This is the main street of Carbralos. All the shops are located on this street. The path leads you all the way to the gatehouse, and onto the forest.
Exits: east or west
everywhere along the whole street, the description will change more often, and you might see....
Enderhill Road: This is the main street of Carbralos. All the shops are located on this street. The path leads you all the way to the gatehouse, and onto the forest. Enderhills House is north.
Exits: east or west
Enderhill Road: This is the main street of Carbralos. All the shops are located on this street. The path leads you all the way to the gatehouse, and onto the forest. The path north leads to the Castle Gates.
Exits: east or west
Enderhill Road: This is the main street of Carbralos. All the shops are located on this street. The path leads you all the way to the gatehouse, and onto the forest. Carbralos Tavern is West
Exits: east or west
This will basically help you remember where you are on the street.
I know the street description is still the same, but what more can i say about a road? You'll get used to it i promise
I might also be adding the objects list at the end of the description.
Enderhill Road: This is the main street of Carbralos. All the shops are located on this street. The path leads you all the way to the gatehouse, and onto the forest. There is Squiggle, Computer Whizz, Alex, Naked Chick here.
Exits: east or west
I think Im Dead
07 Dec 2003, 16:22There is Squiggle, Computer Whizz, Alex, Naked Chick here.
I doubt all of your hetero' street credentials.