New portal

01 Mar 2009, 15:08
Here is a new website I made dedicated to Quest.

Hopefully It'll grow over time. :)

02 Mar 2009, 01:02
Says the site is down... Does this happen when you are editing it, or is it just the site is down?

02 Mar 2009, 04:58
I Took it down Temporarily to do some work on it, I'll bring it back up when I'm done, I'll post here once It's back up. :)

02 Mar 2009, 15:19
Hello all.

The Web portal is now up and active and is located at:

I'm hoping some of you Quest veterans or anybody else far as that goes register at
the portal and help build the community.

The portal is inspired by Quest but many other things may end up there to.

Let me know what you think, or any suggestions.

02 Mar 2009, 19:53
What software are you using btw? Looks good so far.

02 Mar 2009, 20:16
I'm using e107 CM, I've looked around for the best fit and these
guys seem to take the cake :)

by the way I Activated you my self, since I Know you. so you don't
need to wait for the email but It probally already came anyways.

02 Mar 2009, 20:35
nope, still not come through.

02 Mar 2009, 20:43
Your activated anyways though so no biggy :)
Yeah it can take up to 30 minutes to get to your inbox.

03 Mar 2009, 09:44

Edit: And I would be happy to Moderate for you :) (Can't be bothered waiting for email)

03 Mar 2009, 10:12
I Already activated you my self as well :)

04 Mar 2009, 11:54
incase people don't know we are now located at:

Also I'm currently working on another Database as well that'll house videos, pictures etc.
It'll be fully Implemented into
so Hopefully this goes well :)

steve the gaming guy
05 Mar 2009, 18:44
Well that was fun. I'm away for a couple of days and I see the site is back up and I miss out on being a mod. lol.. oh well.

05 Mar 2009, 18:52
I'll Mod you just cus I Like you, LOL but we really need content writers, people
who can write articles, reviews of any kind, how to's etc, Like Articles
about Quest even!.

I've been busy getting another database up and getting out on search engines etc.

05 Mar 2009, 18:55
I Activated your account to, no need to wait for email.

05 Mar 2009, 23:03
Redsun wrote:I'll Mod you just cus I Like you, LOL but we really need content writers, people
who can write articles, reviews of any kind, how to's etc, Like Articles
about Quest even!.

I've been busy getting another database up and getting out on search engines etc.

I can do that. ;)

And also, try not to make *everyone* a mod, lol.

05 Mar 2009, 23:20
Three or four mods will be more then enough for awhile, I Have no intentions on asking for more.
We are up to three mods now.

The site will continue to be in beta awhile, Much more I need to do(planned)
but I Figure with 4 or so mods I can focus on getting out there, and
once our userbase begins to Grow you mods will began to have your hands full.

Do you know the requirements of being a Content writer? Must write at lease two things
a week, they can be short or long, if Your Interested still let me know. :)

steve the gaming guy
06 Mar 2009, 04:42
hey thanks man...

06 Mar 2009, 11:37
This has just occured to me ( :lol: ).

Steve, how old are you?

steve the gaming guy
11 Mar 2009, 18:49
I've mentioned it before. 31.

11 Mar 2009, 22:12
Ouch, Alex is only 26...

11 Mar 2009, 23:01
am I the oldest here? 36

11 Mar 2009, 23:14
I'm only 19, Tron is 23, Thana is 14 I think...

12 Mar 2009, 05:50

14 Mar 2009, 23:31
Dang! I am the oldest here!? Man now I really do feel old :)

15 Mar 2009, 00:48
There there, we still love you.

15 Mar 2009, 06:30
Well I guess that does make me feel better. but won't stop my grey hair from growing :)

15 Mar 2009, 18:36
I know a guy at my uni who's 26-7 (yup, still at university), and is already really bald and hasn't already got a girlfriend or anything. He's a nice guy and everything but... there are worse off people than you Redsun.

15 Mar 2009, 21:25
Well that's true I mean I still have a full set of hair :)
I only have gray hair a little bit around my ears :)

16 Mar 2009, 07:48
It might make you feel better Redsun, I am a LOT older than even you!

Though of course I am just a 'lurker' these days so maybe that doesn't help at all.


16 Mar 2009, 16:50
I may have to challenge Al on the "honor" of being the oldest one here.

My first adventure game was Colossal Cave, COBOL, on a Prime Computer.

steve the gaming guy
16 Mar 2009, 19:11
Hurray, a brief glimpse of MaDbRiT!!! How's it going! I always thought you were around my age. And I think I knew Alex was younger than me. Elex only 19? Hubba hubba... hahaha

16 Mar 2009, 22:21
Well, I've been playing games since Atari 2600(nice system by the way) :)

17 Mar 2009, 07:49
I started out playing PS1 and Windows 98... Damn I'm young :wink:

17 Mar 2009, 10:36
Hi Steve / everyone else

Steve, yup, I'm still here and 'it' is going pretty well thanks.

Alf, I'm old enough to remember 'the day the music died(1)' and the electro-mechanical adding machines we used at work before the micro-chip gave us desktop calculators. The first computer I came into contact with was a 'clean room required' mainframe of IBM parentage, and I recall the day the first IBM PC (2 x floppy drives and no hard disk!) was deposited on my desk at work with a manual and instructions to 'have a read and see what we can do with this'...

Happy days!


(1) The day the music died is generally held to be February 3, 1959, when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J. P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson died in a plane crash for those who don't know what I'm talking about.

17 Mar 2009, 11:55
Hi Al. Wow! In the age of computers, we ARE old! I still believe that text-based adventures are the best. They make you think (that is, the good ones do), and let you become part of the story. Nice to hear you're still around. TTFN - Alf

17 Mar 2009, 13:39
Thana, that's not old. I used to paly amstrad, which ran on tapes. then had a pc, dunno what kind but I remember writing a story on a black and green text only screen. Then there was good ol' DOS (screw 98), had the version (that I remember) where you could typw 'win' and go the the very poor graphical version of it.

Sometimes, I wish computers were still text based... I mean vista uses up 2gig ram to run. I'm still running on 2gig single core cpu, 512meg ram, and used to use an 8 gig HDD. Now I have 4gig storage on my phone! What is this world coming to?! The other day a found a monster of a pc, that had liquid imersion! The case was basically it's tank! And it needed that level of cooling!

This is why I like Linux... You can get versions that fit on memory sticks, business card cd's (the square ones, lol)... And run better than windows... Ubuntu + Beryl puts Vista to shame...

Anyways, I'm deviating. I suppose we're all here because we feel text is better than graphics. Graphics don't make a good game, you need story, great characters, imersion, and so forth. Granted some games like doom3 are helped by good graphics, but it's a horror game. With text you can use emotive language to convey emotion much more than a picture. Sure a picture is worth a thousand words... but even the ancient egyptian wrote a lot more than they drew...

17 Mar 2009, 20:24
I Think text games are easier to write(don't need to do any graphics)
I Think text games can be better then a graphic game if done write.
also graphical games usually cost much more money.
Sad to say but Text games are a dieing breed, I Don't think
you'll see a text game on the PS3 or 360 anytime soon.

But as I said Text games are far easier to write.

18 Mar 2009, 04:31
I only write text because its the easiest way to make games. If I could make a graphical xbox 360 game as easily as a textone, then the graphic game would be my choice.

18 Mar 2009, 10:11
MUD is still though, and people still play them. Dragon Realms is a MUD that you have to pay monthly for, like a big mmorpg! TMSC plays it.

18 Mar 2009, 22:55
Sinclair ZX spectrum (orig I think) was the first "computer" I used.
(circa 1982)
Also the Sinclair QL - it was more of a business machine, but what a beast!!

The onldest machine that I came across must have been in my school library - it was an old 5-inch "floppy" driven machine which we'd sometimes break out of and I'd run commands on the command line : ) ..
At that time I was using an Atari 520STe (and FTP).. I was between 12 and 14. I had a 50 Meg hard drive for it which was as big as a 15" laptop... I never filled it up.
Before that was an Acorn Electron (cut down BBC micro).

I only got my first REAL PC when I was 15 (last 2 years of school) - which ran Win 95 (upgraded to 98SE)
It had 16 Megs of RAM (or 24... maybe), 2 gig hard drive.. 14" Monitor. 2... or 4... speed CD-*ROM* and the 14000-baud (I think..) modem moved from the Atari to the PC... We later added a 4 gig drive we recovered from somewhere and stuck it right onto the radioactive power supply with blue-tak.
... Even back then they were asking me for help all over the place.

Games machines (in order):
Acorn Electron/Sega Master Sys (playstation was out at this time!!)/Sega Mega drive/Atari 520(it had loads of games.. including ditch day (text adventure) and uunkoolian unadventure!)/playstation(gap of 5-ish years)/ps2(3rd or 4th paycheque)/gamecube/

As you see, loads of experience, very old stuff.

19 Mar 2009, 00:04
Guess I'm just too young to know it all...

11 Apr 2009, 04:26
Sorry for the web page downtime.
there was a payment issue we had to correct with our host.
but we are back online now.