Shortest submission ever

06 Nov 2003, 23:47
Here's something that was uploaded recently to the Quest Games Archive.

I don't know why people bother sometimes...

' "the knights"

!include <q3ext.qlb>

define game <the knights>
asl-version <350>
gametype singleplayer
start <wizards>
game author <Zeus BenedictT. Echavez>
game info <Created with QDK 3.5 - UNREGISTERED EVALUATION VERSION.>
end define

define synonyms
end define

define room <wizards>
place <meeting room>

define object <wand>
alias <magical>
end define

end define

define room <training room>

define object <sword>
end define

define object <glass of water>
end define

define object <pool>
end define

end define

define room <beginners' room>
end define

define text <intro>

end define

define text <win>

end define

define text <lose>

end define

The description submitted was "it's not yet finished.wait until i made the full version". Erm, yeah.

07 Nov 2003, 05:37
Shouldn't really enter something that small - since all it is, is two rooms and a couple of objects. :wink:

Oh, and to not waste space - while we're kinda on the subject of "small stuff" etc... I'll be looking into my RPG batle engine over the weekend. See what I have to do, what I have done.

Also expect me to put up a website with little quest demo's, and updated stuff on what is happening with the library - also a to-do list.
This will of course be on my profile around Sunday I guess - just a shame I can't have php/cgi on my server :( I'd have an idea/function submission list (plus maybe an easy update thing for me).

Anywho - to the author (I'm looking in your direction CM). Please add more before you submit - maybe a small storyline etc...
(Alex, don't forget my "started-but-never-touched-again" project - still it was a bit bigger than that.)

I think Im Dead
07 Nov 2003, 07:03
my computer is teh dead

bye bye

07 Nov 2003, 08:33
Couldn't the same be said for the majority of games on the Quest downloads page? A few seem to be of a reasonable size (although as they might have sound and graphics included in them it's difficult to say how much actual game there is) but for the most part the "games" seem to be a whopping 3-4 KB in size. Worse still, some don't even appear to be finished and look like the sort of thing that the writer threw together in the space of half an hour when he was bored and didn't both checking for bugs beforehand.

Uploading miniscule games like this isn't doing either the program or the game's writer any favours. If Quest is ever going to be taken seriously as a text adventure system it'll need some decent games written with it not something that carries the description "it's not yet finished.wait until i made the full version". If it's not finished, why even bother uploading it? Do you enjoy people looking at your game and thinking "crap!"

07 Nov 2003, 17:24
oh boy.....

i mean, my game (ebersmile) was just rooms, but holy crap... i tried to paste the code here and the scroll bar dissapeared lmao

09 Nov 2003, 05:28
*Points down to "WWW" sign. . .*

Oh, any comments would be nice. Plus Alex, there might be some comments in that Quest RPG battle system file...

11 Nov 2003, 23:42
nice site, where can i get this battle engine dude?

12 Nov 2003, 10:14
hehehe - unavailable till V1 :P

12 Nov 2003, 22:29
DOH! i've been trying to work out how to code a battle system but never really knew how lol. i will applaud you greatness and hopefully be the first to comment positively on the engine. i could really use one of those. :wink:

13 Nov 2003, 08:30
heh, the engine will actually cover quite a bit (a simple shop system, exp, money, enemies, items, magic, 3 types of euipable items (weapon, shield, armour) bosses...). Right now I just got back from work - so I'm going to update the diary, have something to eat then sleep :p .

13 Nov 2003, 14:31
sounds great, i cant wait to see it. i look forward to using it. :D

13 Nov 2003, 19:48
Whats the difference between shields and armor?

14 Nov 2003, 10:40
Shields are just lumps of metal (or magical metal - whatever) while Armour is worn around the body (layered small shields I guess... Mithril Chainmail, a knights armour, etc...).

That's the only real difference... A shield is something you (usually) hold in your left hand while armour is for all of your body.

14 Nov 2003, 17:28
a shield is handheld and can protect your whole body manually (meaning you have to move the shield to stop arrows, swords hitting you.

armour is a metal clothing you wear to protect your body.

a shield is optional, body armour is recommended