Quick Question

17 Jul 2008, 20:39
Hello. I have a quick question before i make my desicion on buying quest pro, i was wondering if i use regnow instead of ordering a cd will i be able to burn it to a disc just for a backup. I reformat my comp allot because of allot of spyware and other crap that gets on it from the family so i was just wondering if i could do that. If not ill just buy the cd, but thanks for any responses.

17 Jul 2008, 21:41
Yes you can backup the setup file to a CD.

Also, you can download Quest Pro again at any time from the website - if you order by PayPal you'll get login instructions immediately (if you order by RegNow, your initial download is from their systems, but you can ask me for a password to download again from here).

I'll shortly be making a new area available on this website where you'll be able to login and see all the downloads you have access to in one place, including the latest beta versions, so watch this space...

18 Jul 2008, 01:52
Awsome, im going to order quest pro on saturday, ill be here for a good long time.

19 Jul 2008, 05:20
Can i still get a custom build? I sent a message telling them my requirements but i haven't gotten a response and i sent it 2 days ago. I only ask because i will be buying either a custom build or pro tomorrow. thanks

19 Jul 2008, 09:46
You can get a custom build - but if you just need to create stand-alone games, you may be interested in Quest Packager, which is coming soon.

Quest Packager lets you create a stand-alone setup EXE file for your game, which you can then distribute just like any other Windows application.

So for now you just need Quest Pro, and if you drop me an email I'll send you a beta version of Packager for you to try.

19 Jul 2008, 16:28
Ok then ill just go ahead and buy pro. thanks

20 Jul 2008, 07:26
Good on ya.

20 Jul 2008, 22:22
Will Quest Packager be free to download or only available with Pro or bought separately?

steve the gaming guy
21 Jul 2008, 15:45
<ears perking up> I'm listening. :mrgreen: I'm interested in the answer to that question too.