Friend's 18th party tomorrow

09 Mar 2007, 19:52
Right guys, invited to an 18th birthday party, there's gonig to be loads of alcyhol. You guess have got to tell me wants best, dare me to drink certains drinks and mixtures and put bets on what I'll drink and then do... lol. Go nuts... Dare be to drink two pints absenth in on go or something!!!

09 Mar 2007, 21:23
Well, to be all truthful I don't think people should drink themselves silly..

.. but you can play drinking games! :D
Hows about the one where a group of you start at 'A'. You need to drink out of the bottle (of vodka) until you think of a movie with A.. the next person get's 'B'.. and has to drink... etc
Very fun :)

for a dare ehh.... mix malibu, coke, vodka, and rum... AND THEN DRINK IT ALL!

Seriously though - drink responsibly.. You don't wanna get liver damage or alcyhol poisoning.. That's never fun.

09 Mar 2007, 21:36
drink anything, get completely wasted so you can't remember what happened. No regrets :D

09 Mar 2007, 21:38
Lol. KK. Guys, prolly won't be able to come online until next week now, malibu, rum, vodka, coke.... lol... Wish me luck. Btw Tron you owe me something if I do it and am fine!!!!

09 Mar 2007, 22:08
As for games....King's Cup assign a type of challenge to a each of the 13 types of cards (Ace through King) making four of each type. You can make up your own challenges...but how I play:

Take a large cup and place it on the table or ground and surround it with a deck of cards (except the jokers). Sitting in a circle, you start with someone pulling a card...depending on what the card is is the action you perform.

Ace: is "Rule" where you create a rule for the game and if someone breaks it they have to take a drink, like you can't say drink drank or drunk (that's hard).

2: "for You" meaning if you draw the card, you choose who drinks.

3: "for Me" you draw, your drink

4: all girls take a drink

5: "categories" meaning you choose a category like cars and go around in a circle naming types of cars, and the first one who can't think of one drinks

6: all guys take a drink

7: "waterfall" meaning the one who draws the card starts drink and you go around in a circle and you all drink but can't stop until the one who started it stops drinking. Then the person to his(her) right can stop drinking. then the person to his(her) right can...and so esentially the last person (the person to the pullers left) is screwed until everyone has finished drinking.

8: "I never": you go around in a circle asking questions that you have done but you pose it as a I never you could say "I have never driven a car" , everyone (including you) who has actually riden in a car has to drink. Then the next person asks. You stop after either the person asking the I never is the only one drinking (in which case they have to drink twice) or else it has gone all the way around the circle.

9: "Social" : everyone takes a drink

10: "Rhyme Time": the person who pulls the card states a phrase. The next person has to state another phrase with the last word rhyming the last word of the previous statement...and so on "I have a orange cat"..."Who sleeps on the bathroom mat"..."He wears a straw hat"...and so on...the first person to screw up drinks...

J: "Back" the person who pulled before you drinks.

Q: "Questions" starting with the person who pulled the card, they must ask a question. Then that person turns to a random person and asks another question pertaining to the last question, then they turn to another..."Why is the moon grey?" "Is the moon really grey?" "Isn't the moon made of cheese?" and so on. The first person to screw up drinks.

K: This is where the cup in the middle comes into play. If you pull a king, you poor as much of your drink as you want into the cup...The person to pull the last king has to drink it all (3 Kings worth of beer).

This game gets you gone it's a fun social game.

12 Mar 2007, 09:52
Lol. Thanks guys. Anyway, it was great fun. Had 5 or 6 blue WKD's and two smirnoff ices. I got a bit drunk, kissed a few guys, lol, lots of hugs. The 14 year old's were very drunk though, and one had a hangover the next morning. Made loads of friends, going to invite them to my 18th this Hallowe'en, anyway got maths so catch you laters.

Update: Right, just counted the units, only 11... lol. Been thinknig about what to do for my 18th, and that my birthday is Hallowe'en, guess it'll have to be fancy dress cos that'll be sooo cool. Tron, Steve, prolly invite you guys too, and trust me, there'll be loads of alcyhol!!!

12 Mar 2007, 21:00
Hmmm, I'll have to find something suprising to go as... Maybe a tree!? :P

Haven't done fancy dress since I was little and was a pirate!

PS. Uploaded some poetry, and will soon upload a story or two.

13 Mar 2007, 11:45
6 bottles of WKD and 2 smirnoff-ice?

What happened to the vodka, rum, and malibu? lol.

When i'm at work i like to make myself some irish-cream cocktails, and drink cider and blackcurrent. My mate is getting his motorbike soon (hopefully), so I can see a cross-country road trip taking place at some point during the summer.

13 Mar 2007, 15:07
Hmmm, you can drink at work eh?

.. And only one type of alcyhol is a wimp's game!
You need to mix at least 4 spirits, 4 different wine's, and some cider ;) .

\o/ woot cross country!

13 Mar 2007, 20:51
Lol. They didn't have those, and I forgot about it (too drunk, lol). A Tree?! HA! Lol..... never forget that day, I've taken a couple picyys of me dressed up in my tree costume at my new home (moved hosue last week, hense not much activity). I justed remembered, we put loads of pixie dust in our WKD's and it fizzes up weel bad so you have to down it or it goes all ovetr you! And I had some after sohck, tasted like mouth wash and I had to down a WKD to get rid of the taste! lol.... We ended up watching minority report at 2am then sort of all fell asleep in the living room, sunday morning was great, playing on the ps2 while the dude's mum kept bringing us food.... yum... and no hangover!!! Never had a hangover...... What's really funny was the dude told me I shouldn't drink too much, this is the one who breathised red the morning after and for prolly most of the erest of that day!!!

13 Mar 2007, 22:05
House parties are only fun because you usually end up kissing loads of people lol. Although I've had some good experiences in clubs :wink:

14 Mar 2007, 09:23
Ha ha... lol. Nice one.

25 Mar 2007, 14:52
I'll stick with my vodka, cider, and everclear. Try a shot of everclear sometime if you can. 95% alcohol (not 95 proof)

26 Mar 2007, 02:50
I tried JD and lemonade last night at work... Ugh... no thanks. I don't take spirits too well :P And I usually add some banana to the Irish Cream... yummy.

26 Mar 2007, 08:27
Banana? You strange person. My freind has absenth, it's like almost pure alcyhol... Wasn't allow it.