That pisses me off!!!

25 Oct 2003, 20:29
Right, just something for you too think about Alex:

When printing a message to the screen, the player can't have any word surrounded by #'s... The $symbol()$ only supports "gt" or "lt" (or so the help documentation says). Maybe "hs" and "pc" for HaSh and percent(ile/age)...

When in object descriptions you don't have a multi-line textbox for the look at/examine box. I'm just too lazy to keep adding "|n"'s to my text I suppose :D . It would be nice if it were multi-lined instead.

That's all I found - maybe it's just the beta 2 problem... If it is then kindly ignore this post, as I'll be installing Quest 3.5 tonight sometime...

25 Oct 2003, 20:48
I also have problems printing out an object's property...
An object "Sign" has the property "colour" yet it says it doesn't exist. I've triple checked everything - plus in the debug menu's, the property clearly exists while the error log clearly states it doesn't ??? :shock: :?

... I hope this is cleared up in Quest 3.5...

Fixed this problem - sort of...
Instead of:
look <#sign:colour#>
Or any other variants of the property reading code, I put:
look {
msg <#sign:colour#>
That seems to have fixed it. No it wasn't a typ-o since I didn't touch the actual reference...

25 Oct 2003, 22:23
To print the "#" character, enter "##".

You can't use variables in text-only tags, but you can if you turn them into scripts. So using

look msg <#sign:colour#>

will work.