Valentines day!

10 Feb 2007, 21:15

Yeah, I know there's a couple of days to go... but I thought it'd be nice to post up some of your fav vids/whatever for valentines day..

I just love this one because;
a) Germaine rules
b) The cartoons are getting more and more graphic
c) Valentines day is just like this for most people.. Just like xmas!

11 Feb 2007, 04:56
Oh please.

Valentines day is just another useless holiday for people to make money off. And don't give me that fucking bullshit about "it's the one time of the year where you really show how much you love somebody" because that day should be EVERY day of the year.

Fuck valentines day.

11 Feb 2007, 04:57
Are we not due for another St. Valentines Day Massacre?

11 Feb 2007, 05:02
Dr.Froth wrote:Are we not due for another St. Valentines Day Massacre?

Lets just fucking kill everybody who mentions it. Last valentines day I was *censored for the under 16s* with the love of my life, for the last time ever. We weren't together, and it was an awkward time for both of us. And the fact I have nobody right now makes it even more annoying.

11 Feb 2007, 16:13
There there, Steve, you've always got me..... *wink*

11 Feb 2007, 19:25
You've got me too Steve! *strokes arm*

I just see valentines day a bit like xmas etc.. They're just days to concentrate human good-ness.. Kinda.
Of course you should show love throughout the year - but I just think a certain day to make some time in your busy schedule and spend time together, perhaps do something special - like a trip, or doing something you enjoy.

11 Feb 2007, 20:05
And I thought I said something worrying. I'm not going to be able to sleep tingiht, images of Tron trying to get it on with Steve. ARG!!! Now I have to burn my eyes out with peroxide...... *sigh* That's better.

11 Feb 2007, 20:22
Most women would be turned on by that thought. Don't worry Elex, I'll be sure to give you an early birthday pressie when I do my Blackpool to Manchester run in the beginning of spring ;)

11 Feb 2007, 22:18
Lol. Normal women like seeing men get it on? You guys are ment to be fighting over me not finding alternative lifestyles!!! Ha! Anyway, anyone want to be my valentine? (Even though I said it, I profusely disagree with all over commerialised holidays - I mean they sell easter eggs on boxing day, what the f*ck is wrong with this country!!!!!)

11 Feb 2007, 22:38
.. I don't know one woman who get's turned on by gay men...
I know one woman who went "awwww, it's cute" when she was asked (by me I think) about what she thought of a bloke stroking the salami..
.. Yes, it still makes me shudder!

You guys are ment to be fighting over me


11 Feb 2007, 22:39
Lol. Guess Steve's winning then.

12 Feb 2007, 08:10
I'm giving fighting a break, I want to enjoy the beauty in life for a bit, while the small percentage of it actually remains.

I want to start travelling, cruising my bike down to the country-side and stuff.

12 Feb 2007, 11:11
Steve, you'll love it!

Try going around Cambridge.. I think the best area IMO was the south-east.. Although I would love to see more of the mid-west of Britain.. I'll be in Cornwall for a week this summer.. Might get to see some sights..

Glad to see someone else not in the fighting business at the mo.

15 Feb 2007, 07:56
Someone I know calls it "Sucks to be Single Day"

15 Feb 2007, 20:10

16 Feb 2007, 04:18
007bond wrote:Someone I know calls it "Sucks to be Single Day"

I hear the same thing (from myself)

16 Feb 2007, 12:32
I don't think it's so bad..
Even being single of Valentines day I thought was OK.

I hate December.. Before xmas, when people hug each other more cos of the cold etc, and my birthday's then... it sucks to be alone over xmas.

16 Feb 2007, 15:09
I hate christmas more. The one before last especially. I got fired from my job and my girlfriend of 14 months cheated on me and left. All on xmas day. Then I got robbed in the summer! This past year has made me less trusting and more antisocial. I keep to myself, and v day means nothing anymore. End of Rant.

17 Feb 2007, 00:15
Jeez, that really sucks.
Hope things get better for you

18 Feb 2007, 13:27
*hug Slayer* there there.

Anyways, Tron send my a dozen white roses one day then the next a dozen red ones! He was going to send me pink ones too but thought it'd be a bit too much... And a pink cat teddy, yay! Tron's the best... So sweet. Sucks to be single, but damn good to get presents from people for nothing! *hugs Tron* Wuv you!