New Website

17 Jan 2007, 17:35
Didn't know where else to post this since there isn't really a general discussion forum for Quest. But the website looks great. I've been here for a long time and don't remember there ever being a huge change in the website.

Good job Alex :D

17 Jan 2007, 17:58
Cheers, I'm rather fond of it myself...

17 Jan 2007, 19:36
I have to agree... Although I do remember that the last site was a redesign/simplification on a previous website.

Looks nice, but the changing menu buttons aren't good for me... I guess I just got so used to the old design..

17 Jan 2007, 22:44
Awwh, it's sad to see drastic changes to something you've spend years being used to, but I actually prefer this new design, except one little thing.
On this page: the box on the right takes up a lot of room when it could be located underneath the main text, or make smaller. I just think it would look better, give the main text more space, so it's easier to read.

17 Jan 2007, 22:54
Don't you mean "excuse my drunk - I'm English!" :D .

.. I also see you're having MSN prob's too.. I was stuck using my nick to talk to one of my friends for a fair bit... I haven't talked to her in AGES either!

18 Jan 2007, 09:47
lol, yeah. Just sometimes I'll type things like making instead of makes, or changed instead of changes, just little errors like that. But I'm not English so it wouldn't work the other way :P

And yes, looks like everybody was having problems.

20 Jan 2007, 14:12
Steve, you're welsh, that hardly let's you pull the 'I'm not English' card, that's for people who have English as a second language, and I know you can't speak welsh, so don't try to pull anything over on that one either. lol.

22 Jan 2007, 16:56
Gotta agree with GameBoy, the new site looks awesome.
It definitely looks a lot better.

22 Jan 2007, 18:58
elexxorine wrote:Steve, you're welsh, that hardly let's you pull the 'I'm not English' card, that's for people who have English as a second language, and I know you can't speak welsh, so don't try to pull anything over on that one either. lol.

Actually, yes I can speak Welsh, and yes I had a Welsh accent, and no I'm not English, I was raised in North Wales :) Get the facts right ;)

22 Jan 2007, 20:53
Where were your parents bron? If we're going to do this properly.... My nephew says he's welsh but he's actually only 3/8 welsh, his grandparents being welsh/half welsh (making technically welsh father) and not/not (makinc british mother. So if we're doing this properly for example my nephow wouldn't count as welsh, barely as half...... lol. So what is it Steve?

23 Jan 2007, 01:09
My Dad is Welsh, his Dad was Welsh, my Nan is Irish though, my Mom is English. But I don't believe in all that "3/4 Welsh" crap. Blood isn't any different depending on where you were born, plus, my nationality is technically British, as that's what it would say on a passport. But I was born and raised in Wales, and that makes me Welsh by origin.

Also, the fact that I wasn't talking about my origin makes this conversation even more pointless, as I was talking about the language.

23 Jan 2007, 11:55
^^ Nationality is where you are BORN.. Also where you emmigrate to - but even then, you're still the nationality of where you are born.

If you wanna get into the whole 3/8ths welsh thing, then most European people are about 90%+ African, seeing as how we all came from the jungles of Africa a couple of million years ago.
Except there were native Americans - so that's the "90%".

If you're born in wales - unfortunately you're Welsh :), if in Scotland, you're a drunk ginger b**, and if in England, you're a violent, football loving hooliganistic, drunken b**.

23 Jan 2007, 13:53
Actually Tr0n, the Welsh are the real English people. We were pushed out of England years ago during a war, that's why there is a big river seperating England and Wales, as we weren't allowed across it.

I'd love to see how different this country would be if said circumstances were different.

Also, you say "Unfortunately you're Welsh". If you can name 5 REAL things (Not just "You're a sheepshagger") why being Welsh is a bad thing, i'll eat my flag.

23 Jan 2007, 17:39
Haha, it was a joke... That's why I said drunken Scottsman etc.

I don't really care where anyone's from - unless you're Irish.. Then I REALLY have something against ya ;) .

.. I love the Irish, so kind, drunk, sexy-sounding... I wish I were Irish!

24 Jan 2007, 09:34
Man, if you were Irish Tron, you would be so sexy the universe would collapse! lol.