Top 5 AxeUK Posters

10 Dec 2006, 04:52
1 - Tr0n - 1421
2 - GameBoy - 1302
3 - davidw - 831
4 - Alex - 616
5 - 007bond - 563

I think Im Dead
10 Dec 2006, 17:10
Now the top five by post content, please.

10 Dec 2006, 21:24
I think Im Dead wrote:Now the top five by post content, please.

You can work that one out for yourself :)

22 Jan 2007, 16:59
I'm still in the top 5? I'm quite proud of that
And a question: where'd you get the list?

22 Jan 2007, 18:59
007bond wrote:I'm still in the top 5? I'm quite proud of that
And a question: where'd you get the list?

Alex removed the link for a reason, so I won't post it.

22 Jan 2007, 19:13
that's fair enough