20 Nov 2006, 09:45
I have recently started up a blog, which will mainly follow my progress through polyphasic sleep this christmas holdiays, but will have ramblings on my theories of the universe and whatever else I fel like sharing. I would apricate it if you guys here would support me in my efforts in polyphasic sleeping and not say anything bad. Here's a link: DePawity. Valid discussion is very welcomed. Just to clear it up, sleeping normally at the moment, starting 21st december, if I manage to adapt over christmas I will say on for as long as I can in the new year... Wish me luck!

20 Nov 2006, 19:38
Thanks for the post. I will give it a read.

20 Nov 2006, 23:49
You could also use this training excersise to learn how to dream lucidly. This means controling your dreams :)

witch wyzwurd
21 Nov 2006, 02:27

Seriously consider changing your diet along with this. Pepsi or any caffeine will now become more detrimental to your health. A healthy diet will keep your body and mind maintained at its strongest, most functionable levels. I've been a vegan/vegetarian for about a year and a half and have experimented with many different types of foods and brand names to see how my body reacted to them. If you need suggestions, just ask. To start: Sources of potassium should be a concern of yours. Nerve cells send their electric signals by way of an ion channel controlled by potassium-calcium pumps. A banana or two a day would do you good. Lay off any medications since some will deplete needed nutrition in your body. And don't push yourself. If you exhaust your body somedays, it might need more sleep those days.

21 Nov 2006, 11:13
I am changing my diet, no more coke, chocolate (unless small doses), practically no cheese, lots of somplex carbohydrates, fruit (bananas and apples mainly as they're the only fruits I like), only drinking apple juice, diluting juices, milk and water, nothing fizzy. My school serves pasta and sause everyday which is good, but the only other thing they serve is pizza which is bad... I'm also going to be taking lots of vitemin tablets, mutli, c, and calcium. My sister cooks us healthy food at home as she's dieting, so that shouldn't be a problem. Breakfast can only be cereal or chocoalte shreaded toast though... lolz, I love nutella so much but I'm trying not to eat it, there's two pots of it in the cupboard, I can't help it!!!

Also I will be taking extra naps at the start, most likely during the night if I feel very tired, but will keep them to 20 mins, and ween myself off them. I'm changing my sleeping patterns over the holidays, so no school work and mostly no strenious exercise, christmas might be a bit bad though, esp. for the diet. lolz.

21 Nov 2006, 14:33
Elexxorine Have you looked into Japanese food? it's very heathy. My little doe cooks the best food in the world...very healthy.

witch wyzwurd
21 Nov 2006, 21:47
Although not specifically concerning Japanese foods, cooking foods in general depletes a portion of the nutrients within foods by burning the nutrients away, i.e. they become steam. Raw vegetables are best. Tomato based sauces are good, since they're tomato, but MSG (monosodium glutamate) will destroy the value of any food, so read labels. Meats will tire your body (the I'm full and tired effect), also MSG gives headaches since it harms nerve cells. Being once a fiend for chocolate and peanut butter candies, it was hard to give it up, but I found a healthy alternative: buy unsalted (peeled or unpeeled; i go with peeled because I'm too lazy to de-shell) sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds (peeled or unpeeled), some dried cranberries and raisins, and for the chocolate use carob chips (carob is a plant in which a chocolate tasting something is extracted). I have a tupperware container of a 1 pound sunflower seed, 1/2 pound pumpkin seed, 1/4 pound dried berry, and 1/2 pound carob mixture. It lasts about a week. And since it's healthy (seeds are very healthy) it can be eaten like a meal. Pay attention to your protein intake, natural cereals can add to your daily count. Make sure the juices are 100% fruit juices without added sugars. Grape juice and blueberry juices are good for anti-oxidation. The lesser the amount of added chemicals, the better. And just because the bottle says Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, etc.,
doesn't mean the vitamins are derived from natural sources. Some man-made vitamins can actually deplete your body of needed nutrition.

22 Nov 2006, 09:09
Hey thanks. I haven't thought about seeds. Do you actually just eat through this tub over a week or eat other stuff too? My fruit juices are 100%, and I try to get cloudy as that has more natural goodess. I eat cereals for breakfast, it has lots of added vitamins but I don't know if they're the good kind or bad. And eat a fair amount of bread, but only like brown when toasted (I eat 'best of both' otherwise). I eat plenty of tomatoes, as all the pasta sauses in school are tomato based. I really want to keep eating meat though, but I find if it's quality stuff from the local farm shop I cna eat it rare and it still tastes good, which means it will have more nutrients. Also can you actually live of just seeds cos that'd be well funny/cool. Is that what you do? Lolz.

Sycophant: I like tofu ;)

22 Nov 2006, 17:11
elexxorine, try miso soup. It's made from *for a lack of better words* tufu type paste. It has alot of protien from soybean, iron *women require more than men* from nori (seaweed). it's genenrally eaten at breakfast with fresh fruit. It should give you the nuitrition to get a good start on the day. I can find out from Ry about how to make it if you are interested.

Good luck and stay healthy!


23 Nov 2006, 11:09
Hey thanks man. I love that. What does it taste like though?

witch wyzwurd
24 Nov 2006, 21:27
Hey Lexx,

I buy Nature's Path brand cereals. Learn to read labels. Read the ingredients. Look for the word "organic." The more substances that are organic in food, the better for you. Stay away from foods with artificial coloring in them. A good cereal for protein will have 10+ grams of protein per 1/2 cup or 3/4 cup serving. Lower your sodium/salt intake. Sodium amounts can be read on a label. Buy sea salt instead of table salt; big difference. Flax is good for you; balances chems in brain; good for alertness; can be found in good cereals or bought separate and crushed to be sprinkled on foods. Buy a can of pumpkin and eat it; see how much vitamin A you're getting from it; loads. Spinach is good for Vitamin A and protein. That tub of seed/carob/dried berry mix lasts a week, so figure I eat about 1/7th of a tub a day, but I eat other things as well. For your bread, find the healthiest loaf you can; high fiber; most nutrients; organic; don't toast it - spread honey (without preservatives) on bread for a good taste. CLOUDY??? HUH??? Rare meat??? In this day and age??? Ever consider bacteria, prions, other biologics??? Mushrooms are good for you. Teas. I'll fill you in on some more snacks later.

witch wyzwurd
24 Nov 2006, 21:38
GameBoy wrote:You could also use this training excersise to learn how to dream lucidly. This means controling your dreams :)

About 15 yrs ago, I invented my own technique to carry my consciousness into the dreamworld. I decided that if I could keep my thoughts alert as I passed through the sleep boundary, I would be able to understand and control my dreams awaringly. On the first night of my experiment, I thought of an object... then fell asleep. The second night, I rethought the first object, but added a second object to think about after thinking about the first object. Then the third night, a third object... the fourth night, a fourth object, etc. I used the linked objects as steps for a mental stairway that wound its way into the dream zone. By thinking the objects, my mind was being trained to think until dreaming, instead of slouching off and then being consumed by dreams. It's a good exercise. And when you do see your dreams more vividly, you just might find the future there.

27 Nov 2006, 10:50
Yes, rare meat, it was cooked for like 45 mins and was still pink in the middle, I ate it like that cos I was jsut fed up of cooking it and said 'sod it'. By cloudy juice, it's well not clear, as in filtered and concentrated, it's almost like it has bits in it, but it's apple juice. I have a high imune system so don't worry, I think it's cos my mum's house was so dirty I grew up with a lot of germs so they don't really affect me. Lolz. And with the measuring stuff in cups? Most food in my country is measured per 100 grams...

27 Nov 2006, 13:01
elexxorine wrote:Hey thanks man. I love that. What does it taste like though?

Well it's an aquired taste lets say. :)

It's not bad actually.

I think Im Dead
27 Nov 2006, 18:58
Not sure if you've been doing some editing or what, but your blogs style is a bit messed up.

28 Nov 2006, 09:10
How so?

I think Im Dead
29 Nov 2006, 07:22
Here's examples.



29 Nov 2006, 21:42
Errrmm... that's odd - but it works in firefox 1.5 and 2.0, on Linux and Windows..

29 Nov 2006, 21:46
The IE screenshot looks like it's had the option to ignore font sizes ticked.

23 Jan 2007, 20:05
Hi elexxorine, You ever try that miso soup?

24 Jan 2007, 09:35
HA! No..... lol.