Ross Grumet

16 Nov 2006, 03:14
Ross Grumet is a friend of mine. We have never met IRL but we have exchanged many many many emails and talked on the phone a lot. He is the person who is reviewing my book before I send it to the publisher. Recently he "published" the McDonaldland on another forum. It got edited for plagarism. I would like to say that he has permission to put that information wherever he sees fit. He is a first-class academic and quite frankly, I trust his judgement.

Ros called me today and informed me of this and although I don't post here too often for obvious reasons, Whyld, I thought that it would be of assistance to Ross to make this one post. FWIW, I wish all of you the best and Alex, continued success with Quest.

16 Nov 2006, 07:32
The obvious reason you don't post here, Vaughan, is that you're certifiably insane and people here have a tendency to point that out to you.

16 Nov 2006, 08:18
Guess what I bought O_VAUGHAN for Christmas...

16 Nov 2006, 13:53
If it's not his tombstone with the words "HINT HINT" engraved on the front, you've got him the wrong thing.

witch wyzwurd
16 Nov 2006, 13:59
davidw wrote:The obvious reason you don't post here, Vaughan, is that you're certifiably insane and people here have a tendency to point that out to you.

Take "side" for example. If you're outside, you are beyond the boundary of the "side." If you are inside, you are bounded by the "side."

So to be insane, means you are "in" the realm of saneness. So Vaughan, DavidW was actually complimenting you. Otherwise, he would have typed "outsane."

For a trip into the realm of outsanity, I suggest listening to music by Crom-Tech or Orthrelm.

16 Nov 2006, 14:06
Actually the 'in' is a greek prefix donating the opposite, like 'inacurate', so it does mean 'not sane'. But jsut for the stand, you guys are too mean on Vaughan... be nice for a change... :(

witch wyzwurd
16 Nov 2006, 14:16
Elexxore (whoops, did I forget the in?)

I'm aware of the history of the prefix "in," but you are approaching language with a dimension lesser than I. Much like if you call a person a "moron," you are actually complimenting them. You are saying they are "more on" or "more enlightened." what one should say is "moroff." A "moron" is actually what one would call a "lesson," and "lesson" is a synonym for "moroff." Get it?

Or think of the word "on." One says the opposite is "off." Huh? It's "no." "On" is to allow something to work, "no" denies it, and it's an anagram to boot. "Off" is akin to "ffo" or "foe."

16 Nov 2006, 14:24
My brain just leaked out my ears, now the cleaner's going to kill me!! All over the computer room carpet... Why do people put carpets in computer room then put whellie chairs in there, don't they know that the second you sit on the chair it becomes impossible to move them because of the carpet? It pisses me off sooo much!! ARG! And they ran out of pasta in the canteen and I had to have pizza, not that I'm against pizza or anything but my sister says I'm getting fat and I'm inclined to believe her. AND there's a guy across the room who thinks 'double spacing' is having two spaces away each word, it's a gap between each line *whack*! Anyway the brain juice seems to be melting a hole in the floor... eep.

witch wyzwurd
16 Nov 2006, 14:32
Now that your cerebral cortex has displayed itself upon the obstructing carpet, I suggest you use your medulla to keep your heart and lungs going, and reformulate your neural pathways. Stretch your synaptic bulbs and dendrites and fashion a chain to the 2-space (get it? 2D) idiot and crawl in through his ear. Enter his parietal lobe and control his fingers and teach him how to type. If that doesn't work, have him listen to Crom-Tech.

16 Nov 2006, 18:46
Warning to any newcomers reading this thread for the first time:

Vaughan is mad.

Witch Wyzwurd is even madder.

Just in case you were wondering.

16 Nov 2006, 20:58
You can't just split words up to make 2 different words, unless they're meant to be split up to make 2 different words (Like Anti-Social)

Insane has a meaning in the dictionary, you can't just pull it apart and make your own meaning for it, that's just rediculous.

witch wyzwurd
17 Nov 2006, 03:04

You can't just split words up to make 2 different words, unless they're meant to be split up to make 2 different words (Like Anti-Social)

so GENESIS isn't SEE GINS (gin: begin) or IS GENES?



(ET is latin for "and")



isn't allowed?

Well then, you better tell anyone whoever used codes like Morse that dots, dashes, or other symbols can't be used to represent letters or numbers. That seems more outlandish than splitting words.

How about: SWORD WORDS? (as in slice words)

I'm really hanging off the edge with...

GLOBE: BE LOG (as in an account of)
PLANET: ET PLAN (as in... and plan)

Think of language having two sides; a double-sided spell. On one side, you see language with the grammatical rules which you consciously adhere to. The other side is the dimension I'm showing, which influences the conscious mind, but is buried and hidden from it. Something like if you invent a mechanical part that's used for one purpose, but then you or someone else uncovers its use for another reason. Don't tell me you believe that the mechanical part wasn't meant to be used toward the second cause before it was unveiled to do so. Thats why it works... because it was meant to.

17 Nov 2006, 09:18
What you're doing prolly has a name but I can't think of it now, but it's like numberology, messing with language to predict things and is generally classified as evil magic, though not really it's only divination. Anyways, I hate everything right now, damn these mood swings, stupid leaky brain! CURSE YOU WYZWURD!!!

PS: I'm not really mad.

17 Nov 2006, 10:44
elexxorine wrote:What you're doing prolly has a name but I can't think of it now


witch wyzwurd
17 Nov 2006, 10:54
elexxorine wrote:CURSE YOU WYZWURD!!!

Know, Cursive you!!! I spell Good.

18 Nov 2006, 04:30
You would all be better off if you visited WW's website which is in his or her signature.

What none of you get is that the world is literally created by your language. You create everything around you by the agreements that you make through language, communicating with eachother. Nothing ever happens until agreement is reached. Think about it. NOTHING happens in the human world until somebody says something and another person responds. As humans, your world is in your mouths. It is the language you produce that creates your world.

The power of language is easy to understand on the basic level which is in the world of agreement. But like in the understanding of your realm that you, as humans, are currently present to, Language has more than one dimension, as WW has implied, and proven time and time again.

Within the world that you are currently present to, there is the one you see easily with your eyes. Then there is the one that exists at the cellular level. Then there is the world as we understand it at the molecular level, and finally the atomic and subatomic levels. Much like the spectrum of color that is visible to your eyes, the camera of the observer, it is but a small fraction of the entire spectrum of reality.

Witch Wizwurd's understanding about the subtleties of language is perhaps before its time for the most part. The world is asleep at the wheel and many of you here are firmly ensconsed in the driver's seat snoring away. I came here to enlighten a few of you, but the only one who'se attention I have gotten is already there. Thanks for the props, Witch. I really appreciate it but I'm IN sane. This world is outside what is sane. The inmates pet mice run the asylum.

It is at a critical junction. All of the options are present and choices need to be made. Will it be a repeat of what happened the last time or will you actually move forward this time around? To which year will it go this time? It all depends on the conversations that are allowed to continue. Or cut off. If it doesen't work you can all try again next timeIt doesn't make any difference to me.

I think Im Dead
18 Nov 2006, 04:54
You can try and junior college philosophy it all you want, but the fact is in picking apart words like insane, outside or moron you are leaving out the most important aspect of their use, context. The context in which any word is used dictates it's impact and affect, the tone of the phonetics and then to a lesser extent the intent behind it are what bring about a decided response but none of this is relevant at all.

What is relevant is that a completely useless thread was created, for absolutely no reason, containing no information of value with zero possibilities for discussion and the thread should be closed because it was nothing but a waste of space since it's conception.

Next time before posting, try and have something to discuss, because meaningless bullshit like this just drives away potential forum readers at what could be a very vital time for Quest, with the amazing potential 4.0 is showing.

18 Nov 2006, 06:12
I agree wholeheartedly.

18 Nov 2006, 09:36
Has there ever been a thread started by Vaughan that has anything to do with Quest? I remember his one saying Britney Spears looked haggard (pregnant women are fair game for a bashing in his eyes it seems) and then him rambling about the insane attack on McDonalds book he was writing.

Face it, he's got mental issues, he's an obnoxious piece of work, he contributes nothing to the forum aside from nonsense threads, he drives away potential new members, and he ought to have been banned when he first showed up.

witch wyzwurd
18 Nov 2006, 11:58
Moderator: please delete this post. I experienced errors and now I can't delete.

witch wyzwurd
18 Nov 2006, 11:59
Moderator: Please delete this post. I experienced errors and now I can't delete. Sorry.

witch wyzwurd
18 Nov 2006, 11:59

You would all be better off if you visited WW's website which is in his or her signature.

His. And it's currently being updated and edited.

What none of you get is that the world is literally created by your language. You create everything around you by the agreements that you make through language, communicating with eachother. Nothing ever happens until agreement is reached. Think about it. NOTHING happens in the human world until somebody says something and another person responds. As humans, your world is in your mouths. It is the language you produce that creates your world.

Close. What anyone says is powerless compared to the preordained code that determines fate. And that code is found in language. But the code is not stored in our mouths, it's stored in its own dimension; the matrix.

I appreciate your kind words OV, I just found it necessary to clear up a few points.

OV, in relation to your McBrainwash view, did you know that the present image of Santa Claus (red suit, rosy cheeks, etc.) was conjured up by Pepsi in an advertising campaign early last century? I bet most people who read our insane writings believe Santa's image is hundreds if not thousands of years old. How little one knows about what is taken for granted. Take for instance DavidW's post above: if you were new to this forum, you might believe he has actually contributed to a positive progression for Quest. C'mon DW, maybe it's you in the RonMcD outfit. Or ITIDead... go and scan the forum to see suggestions and compliments I've made for Quest and read how those threads dwindled to nothing but useless arguments and insults (usually spurred on or including DW). I guess none of these truths matter because they're true and some are guided by....



18 Nov 2006, 22:42
I think Im Dead wrote:You can try and junior college philosophy it all you want, but the fact is in picking apart words like insane, outside or moron you are leaving out the most important aspect of their use, context. The context in which any word is used dictates it's impact and affect, the tone of the phonetics and then to a lesser extent the intent behind it are what bring about a decided response but none of this is relevant at all.

What is relevant is that a completely useless thread was created, for absolutely no reason, containing no information of value with zero possibilities for discussion and the thread should be closed because it was nothing but a waste of space since it's conception.

Next time before posting, try and have something to discuss, because meaningless s*** like this just drives away potential forum readers at what could be a very vital time for Quest, with the amazing potential 4.0 is showing.

Gee, thanks. I do not think that you and I have ever had an exchange of any kind on this forum. In fact this is the first post I remember ever seeing of yours here. FYI, the thread was NOT USELESS. It was started because a good friend of mine was accused of PLAGARISM on another forum. I posted that so that the moderators of that forum could see that this was not necessarily true. I certainly didn't mean to dredge up the Horsemen of The Apocalypse which apparently I have done yet again.

The event took place at

I encourage Ross and others to share my work whenever and however they wish. You are all welcome to do same, though I doubt you will. I will note that I have largely stopped posting elements of my work and theories in this place because it is clear that it is not welcome here. I tested again last night and was again barraged by an unwarranted avalanche of unmitigated hate and vitrol.

18 Nov 2006, 22:43
I think Im Dead wrote:You can try and junior college philosophy it all you want, but the fact is in picking apart words like insane, outside or moron you are leaving out the most important aspect of their use, context. The context in which any word is used dictates it's impact and affect, the tone of the phonetics and then to a lesser extent the intent behind it are what bring about a decided response but none of this is relevant at all.

What is relevant is that a completely useless thread was created, for absolutely no reason, containing no information of value with zero possibilities for discussion and the thread should be closed because it was nothing but a waste of space since it's conception.

Next time before posting, try and have something to discuss, because meaningless s*** like this just drives away potential forum readers at what could be a very vital time for Quest, with the amazing potential 4.0 is showing.

Gee, thanks. I do not think that you and I have ever had an exchange of any kind on this forum. In fact this is the first post I remember ever seeing of yours here. FYI, the thread was NOT USELESS. It was started because a good friend of mine was accused of PLAGARISM on another forum. I posted that so that the moderators of that forum could see that this was not necessarily true. I certainly didn't mean to dredge up the Horsemen of The Apocalypse which apparently I have done yet again.

The event took place at

I encourage Ross and others to share my work whenever and however they wish. You are all welcome to do same, though I doubt you will. I will note that I have largely stopped posting elements of my work and theories in this place because it is clear that it is not welcome here. I tested again last night and was again barraged by an unwarranted avalanche of unmitigated hate and vitrol.

18 Nov 2006, 22:43
I think Im Dead wrote:You can try and junior college philosophy it all you want, but the fact is in picking apart words like insane, outside or moron you are leaving out the most important aspect of their use, context. The context in which any word is used dictates it's impact and affect, the tone of the phonetics and then to a lesser extent the intent behind it are what bring about a decided response but none of this is relevant at all.

What is relevant is that a completely useless thread was created, for absolutely no reason, containing no information of value with zero possibilities for discussion and the thread should be closed because it was nothing but a waste of space since it's conception.

Next time before posting, try and have something to discuss, because meaningless s*** like this just drives away potential forum readers at what could be a very vital time for Quest, with the amazing potential 4.0 is showing.

Gee, thanks. I do not think that you and I have ever had an exchange of any kind on this forum. In fact this is the first post I remember ever seeing of yours here. FYI, the thread was NOT USELESS. It was started because a good friend of mine was accused of PLAGARISM on another forum. I posted that so that the moderators of that forum could see that this was not necessarily true. I certainly didn't mean to dredge up the Horsemen of The Apocalypse which apparently I have done yet again.

The event took place at

I encourage Ross and others to share my work whenever and however they wish. You are all welcome to do same, though I doubt you will. I will note that I have largely stopped posting elements of my work and theories in this place because it is clear that it is not welcome here. I tested again last night and was again barraged by an unwarranted avalanche of unmitigated hate and vitrol.

18 Nov 2006, 23:16
O_VAUGHAN wrote:FYI, the thread was NOT USELESS. It was started because a good friend of mine was accused of PLAGARISM on another forum.

So you started a thread here because one of your fellow lunatic asylum patients was accused of plagiarism somewhere else? Hmmm... Someone outside my house just broke wind. Let me fire off an e-mail to the editor of the Sydney Herald to let him know all about it.

O_VAUGHAN wrote:I will note that I have largely stopped posting elements of my work and theories in this place because it is clear that it is not welcome here.

Yep. People here just hate garbage-posting weirdos.

O_VAUGHAN wrote: I tested again last night and was again barraged by an unwarranted avalanche of unmitigated hate and vitrol.

It's terrible how you keep posting offensive comments on the forum and people attack you for it, Vaughan. Just terrible. Tell you what, take the higher ground. Leave the forum and never return. Show 'em all what they're missing.

BTW - thanks for posting this drivel three times. Once just wouldn't have got your lack of point across clearly enough.

19 Nov 2006, 02:26

The thread that I started here had NOTHING to do with you or anyone else here. I wouldn't have even come back if Ross hadn't been accused of plagarism. I thought that the best way to get the point across was to show the admins my post for permission on NEUTRAL GROUND where the same post exists. Shortly after I made the post, the attacks began. I tried to make good last night and then I was attacked again.

I have backed WAY off and have not posted anything which can be construed as offensive lately. In fact I haven't posted anything at all lately. You may still be bitter about the rather long analysis that I posted about you a while back. I don't suppose that I blame you, but I have moved past those days. Please remember that THAT was only posted due to your abusive behaviour toward my person. It was an emotional response to your abuse to be frank about it.

As for triple posting, that was unintentional. I sent the post and nothing happened so I clicked the button again. The same. So I clicked it again and then I moved on. My apologies. Perhaps a moderator can delete 2 of them.

19 Nov 2006, 10:38
O_VAUGHAN wrote:
The thread that I started here had NOTHING to do with you or anyone else here.

On behalf of everyone here, can I just ask: then wtf are you posting this crap here for if it has nothing to do with me or anyone else here? This is supposed to a forum about Quest, not your mental support group.

O_VAUGHAN wrote:You may still be bitter about the rather long analysis that I posted about you a while back.

Not at all. I found it highly amusing. I loved this part:

Some inane tyrants are actually considering helping Davidw develop mind-control technology.

And this part:

When I look back I think, "Devious Trotskyism is Davidw's preferred quick-fix solution to complex cultural problems."

And particularly this part:

At the risk of repeating myself, I must reiterate that he keeps telling everyone within earshot that children should get into cars with strangers who wave lots of yummy candy at them.

But my favourite part has to be:

Davidw has warned us that faster than you can say "hyperconscientiousness", footling sods will spoil the whole Zen Buddhist New Age mystical rock-worshipping aura of our body chakras.

You really are stark raving insane, aren't you? That you can spout that kind of gibberish and actually think it makes sense just makes you appear even weirder than you really are.

19 Nov 2006, 15:03
my eyes are too sore to read, so im just gunna post this...

witch wyzwurd
19 Nov 2006, 22:24
O Vaughan, at least if your posts are gab rage, I mean garbage, and if you are mad, they are provocative in an intellectual sense, rather than lunacy in the dull, childish form of... Quest sucks, Adrift this, Adrift that, everyone else but me is this, everyone else but me is that, blah, blah, blah, drivel, drab, duh. Oh, DW, how about the list of mistakes I found in your Adrift game, you know that game you said had been completely combed over for mistakes and would be a wondrous miracle if anyone found any? Didn't I find all those mistakes in the first ten rooms...? Oh, yah, I did. Huh. Have you corrected them yet? I'm surprised the great Adrift didn't Inform you a Tad about them.

By the way Vaughan, it would dishearten my mind if I didn't get the chance to read more of your writings here. I don't believe you're the one who turned away all the posters who arrived a short while ago, like Cheerleader_Chick and others, but left because of scolding from other posters. Those mean posters are the true anti-Questers, since the new posters were getting into Quest and could've influenced others to join.

I like Quest and I like posting here and it's such a waste of time for anyone else to debate what I like. You should adopt the same attitude OV.

O McVaughan had a funny farm, ee-I-ee-I-o....

19 Nov 2006, 22:36
The main reason no one will ever use Quest or take it seriously:

Idiots like Witch Wyzwurd and Vaughan are allowed on the forum.

Seriously, anyone who happened along here and saw this pair of lunatics in action wouldn't touch Quest with a bargepole.

20 Nov 2006, 19:37
davidw wrote:The main reason no one will ever use Quest or take it seriously:

Idiots like Witch Wyzwurd and Vaughan are allowed on the forum.

Seriously, anyone who happened along here and saw this pair of lunatics in action wouldn't touch Quest with a bargepole.

Yet you remain here to attack anyone that does use Quest or post. Why would anyone subject themselves to your constant abuse. I think you are full of hot air and you can't use Quest so you spew vile things at anyone that is able to use it.

You attack OV for not posting about Quest but you only post that you think it sucks. I dont thin k you've ever posted anything positive about Quest in the time I've been here.

20 Nov 2006, 20:03
I've tried to convince the mods to ban your sorry ass which is certainly a positive thing from the viewpoint of Quest users worldwide.

witch wyzwurd
21 Nov 2006, 02:05
davidw wrote:I've tried to convince the mods to ban your sorry ass which is certainly a positive thing from the viewpoint of Quest users worldwide.


Attention Quest users worldwide! If DW has included you in a sample for a poll regarding your opinion if Sycophant should be banned from said forum, please respond. And please include your answer. How many people are you duplicating with your ego DW? Quite overblown; an indication of developing an illusionary dependance of others upon himself to attempt to make others believe he has been glorified and is a trusted and honored leader of an impotant cause. But since none of it is true, it's simply an indication of low self-esteem, a need for attention, and a poor excuse to make connection with others who agree with him (with people who only are in his imagination). And since the people are only in his imagination, he has the disorder of believing fantasy and reality are the same. A type of psychosis. A sign for why he places the terms insane and lunatics upon others. A state of denial. Or simply, a whole country.

Instead of wasting your time downing Quest DW, how about using the time to edit your game(s).

21 Nov 2006, 10:17
Note to newcomers to the forum:

As I stated before, WW is mad.

21 Nov 2006, 14:31
davidw wrote:I've tried to convince the mods to ban your sorry ass which is certainly a positive thing from the viewpoint of Quest users worldwide.

This statement coming for a person who has only hateful things to say to evey member here and Quest itself.

witch wyzwurd wrote:


I've tried to convince the mods to ban your sorry ass which is certainly a positive thing from the viewpoint of Quest users worldwide.


Attention Quest users worldwide! If DW has included you in a sample for a poll regarding your opinion if Sycophant should be banned from said forum, please respond. And please include your answer. How many people are you duplicating with your ego DW? Quite overblown; an indication of developing an illusionary dependance of others upon himself to attempt to make others believe he has been glorified and is a trusted and honored leader of an impotant cause. But since none of it is true, it's simply an indication of low self-esteem, a need for attention, and a poor excuse to make connection with others who agree with him (with people who only are in his imagination). And since the people are only in his imagination, he has the disorder of believing fantasy and reality are the same. A type of psychosis. A sign for why he places the terms insane and lunatics upon others. A state of denial. Or simply, a whole country.

Instead of wasting your time downing Quest DW, how about using the time to edit your game(s).

Well said....I shall highlight the particularly powerful part.Com'on davidw join us to make Quest all it can be!

21 Nov 2006, 18:26
Join you, Sycophant, to make Quest all it could be?

How could Quest ever be all it could be with someone like you planning to write a game with it?

witch wyzwurd
21 Nov 2006, 22:04
Join us is the correct terminology that Syco used.

"Quest users worldwide" + "Join you" = disconnection

And seriously DW, you're giving a bad name to Adrift. Imagine a commercial with you in it... Use Ad-rift, because Quest sucks, their users suck, this sucks, that sucks, wah, cry, whine. And everyone knows they're not accepted at IF, but Adrift is, and they're not, and he's not, and she's not, and crazy, lunatic, insane, blabber, blibber, blah. Vote Adrift for eternity. Paid for by the binkybaby corporation.

21 Nov 2006, 22:09
witch wyzwurd wrote:
And seriously DW, you're giving a bad name to Adrift. Imagine a commercial with you in it... Use Ad-rift, because Quest sucks, their users suck, this sucks, that sucks, wah, cry, whine. And everyone knows they're not accepted at IF, but Adrift is, and they're not, and he's not, and she's not, and crazy, lunatic, insane, blabber, blibber, blah. Vote Adrift for eternity. Paid for by the binkybaby corporation.

Question: why does no one take Quest seriously?

Answer: see post above from a Quest user.

witch wyzwurd
21 Nov 2006, 22:29
DW's thought patterns displayed on screen follows....

"shun shun shun shun shun shun no no no no no no no false false false what's that didn't hear you not true can't be deny denied no no no no block wall obstruct data too much data stop hinder stop stop shun no no no no no can't couldn't shouldn't shall not maybe no possibly no no definitely no not non non no minus subtract reverse too much shun shun shun shun shun shun shun stop no close off hide hide hide me me me me me me me and adrift adrift me me adrift me again me again me adrift you no no no no no can't couldn't shouldn't not non no no..."

Break the pattern David!


us, we, yes, could, would, should, did, yep, right, nice, sweet, gonna, going to, works, triumph, truth, true... Quest!

22 Nov 2006, 04:23
WW, considering the poster that advocates Adrift here I am not surprised that you have decoded adrift to ad rift in this place. I am opening this space for you to find more words and I'm sure that you will, my friend.

Whyld, I never wanted to bring this up but I have seen how you slam Quest at Adrift and I don't know why you still bother to post here based on your acrimonious slagging of this software over there. To read your insane rantings about QUEST on the adrift board one would naturally assume that YOU are the one who is insane for continuing to hang around here.

Perhaps you exist here only to attack me when I show up? Is it because I build puzzles for one of my many hobbies? It's a pity we couldn't have become friends over the last year. If we had, perhaps I would have sent you a conpleted and shellacked one for your study.

This will not happen. You will not get a puzzle.

witch wyzwurd
22 Nov 2006, 07:04
"friend" if rend.

22 Nov 2006, 12:28
O_VAUGHAN wrote:Whyld, I never wanted to bring this up but I have seen how you slam Quest at Adrift and I don't know why you still bother to post here based on your acrimonious slagging of this software over there. To read your insane rantings about QUEST on the adrift board one would naturally assume that YOU are the one who is insane for continuing to hang around here.

I came here at a time when I thought Quest had potential. In fact, I think it still has potential. I just don’t imagine that potential will ever be reached while the most active members of the forum are people like you and WW. Imagine if a newcomer stumbled on this forum and this thread was the first one he saw: a rant about how a friend of yours got accused of plagiarism on another forum. They'd probably think “and why is he complaining about that *here*? What does it have to do with Quest?” They'd then read a bit further and see the gibberish posted by WW above. Is that newcomer really like to hang around considering the state of things?

You wonder why Quest is held in such low regard? Take a look in the mirror sometime and you'll have your answer.

As for my ‘insane rantings about Quest’ – what do you mean exactly? That it’s never produced a good game? That it’s not highly regarded as a decent IF system? That very few people use it? That no one outside of the Quest community rates it? Prove one of those points is wrong. Also, have a look at RAIF and RGIF sometime. You'll find their opinion of Quest are a lot more negative than mine.

O_VAUGHAN wrote:Perhaps you exist here only to attack me when I show up? Is it because I build puzzles for one of my many hobbies?

What…? I attack you because you build puzzles for your hobbies? Have you heard yourself sometimes, Vaughan? You don’t make much sense at the best of times and sometimes you spout such an amount of gibberish that it’s hard to imagine even *you* believe what you say.

O_VAUGHAN wrote: It's a pity we couldn't have become friends over the last year. If we had, perhaps I would have sent you a conpleted and shellacked one for your study.

This will not happen. You will not get a puzzle.

Well, thank heavens you haven't “shellacked” me one of your puzzles. A lucky escape there I think.

22 Nov 2006, 17:03
Davidw, have you ever thought of what a new person might think about your posts? If I'm not mistaken this part are of the forum is called Chat. That would denote one could post non-Quest realated topics. Why should a non-quest realated topic reflect negitively towards quest? I think your constant slams of Quest would have a greater impact than anything WW or OV has ever posted.

There again not a flame just my $.02

Cheerup david, if you want, I'm sure someone here could show you how to make a game with quest. Everyone else here is friendly and helpful enough. After you see my completed game you might even want my help. ;)
Peace be with you. :)


22 Nov 2006, 18:44
Sycophant wrote: After you see my completed game you might even want my help. ;)

Thanks. I needed a good laugh and you've certainly given me that.

Maybe after you win the IFComp, I'll take you up on it.

22 Nov 2006, 21:26
davidw wrote:


After you see my completed game you might even want my help. ;)

Thanks. I needed a good laugh and you've certainly given me that.

Maybe after you win the IFComp, I'll take you up on it.

That's the spirit...think positive.

TIP: I'm sure you wont be laughing but eating your harsh words when you play my most excellent game.


22 Nov 2006, 21:30
Now, now, if I laugh much harder I may hurt myself.

witch wyzwurd
24 Nov 2006, 21:08
IF this, IF that, blah, blah, blah...

Tesla didn't win prestigious science awards. Einstein wasn't accepted widely until he was dead. Jesus's name bears more acceptance now then it did when he lived. Guns & Roses's album Appetite for Destruction didn't sell millions of albums until 3/4 of a year after it was released, and the record company wasn't going to dump money in another video because the record wasn't selling until "Sweet Child O Mine" was released. Coast to Coast AM, a late night/early morning talk show about fringe sciences took 20 years to develop and is now the most listened to talk show there is. Metallica lost out to Jethro Tull in the Heavy Metal music category when Heavy Metal was first introduced as a category. Libertarian candidates, in America at least, don't even get recognized by the media. So take it from Overcat, sometimes the Underdog wins.

24 Nov 2006, 22:50
Tesla had results. Einstein had results. Guns & Roses published. So far, Sycophant has done nothing but talk.

Put up or shut up, Sycophant.

25 Nov 2006, 05:46
I think you're all a bunch of losers. Seriously, how many pages more does this crap need to go on for?

DavidW, although funny, making fun of this guy won't make him any smarter

Sycophant-thingy-guy, stop replying to DavidW's post, you may find it helps, worked for me.

W.W, I never read any of your posts that contain more than 3 sentances.

Freak, hello, how are you today?

witch wyzwurd
25 Nov 2006, 07:28

Tesla had results. Einstein had results. Guns & Roses published. So far, Sycophant has done nothing but talk. Put up or shut up, Sycophant.

Are you aware that to publish a book it can take at least a year before the book is printed and released, not mentioning the length of time it takes to actually compose a manuscript. So if an author tells you s/he's writing a book to be published and you don't see it for a year or two does that necessarily mean their book won't be released? And some people like to take time to construct a well-thought out and solid production. Patience.

W.W, I never read any of your posts that contain more than 3 sentances.

Ok. You should go back through my posts and read some then. There's some that contain chunks and chunks of intelligence. I'm always glad to help others learn. ???I am slightly bewildered though, since a poster using your handle has responded to posts of mine, and positively I might add, in the past.???

Depending on which GameBoy I'm responding to, the real GameBoy should have moderators investigate into the fake GameBoy.

25 Nov 2006, 16:54
witch wyzwurd wrote:

W.W, I never read any of your posts that contain more than 3 sentances.

Ok. You should go back through my posts and read some then. There's some that contain chunks and chunks of intelligence. I'm always glad to help others learn. ???I am slightly bewildered though, since a poster using your handle has responded to posts of mine, and positively I might add, in the past.???

Depending on which GameBoy I'm responding to, the real GameBoy should have moderators investigate into the fake GameBoy.

I'll look into it.

witch wyzwurd
25 Nov 2006, 18:04
*laughs with a squeak* "it": the all encompassing information technology. Use your igs (inner guidance system) for that one.

witch wyzwurd
25 Nov 2006, 18:05
sorry... all repeated posts from here on out can be deleted. I received a 504 Gateway error and didn't realize my message was being posted.

[Tr0n EDIT]
I tidied this up a little.. Seeing as WW was too lazy to..
Users CAN delete their posts can't they?

27 Nov 2006, 13:16
Freak wrote:Tesla had results. Einstein had results. Guns & Roses published. So far, Sycophant has done nothing but talk.

Put up or shut up, Sycophant.

I'm sorry, and you are?

I'll release my game in due time. When one makes a cake one doesn't present it until it's completely baked.

27 Nov 2006, 17:20
I'm not claiming to be anything. You're the one who keeps crowing about his unreleased game.

27 Nov 2006, 18:25
Reminds me of Sockets from the Adrift forum, who proclaimed himself as "The Master Horror Game Writer".

And I'm sure we all remember how awful his Jason Evans games were...

witch wyzwurd
29 Nov 2006, 08:57

I tidied this up a little.. Seeing as WW was too lazy to..
Users CAN delete their posts can't they?

Wrong assumption. When error occurs the option to delete my post is not given. Just edit button appears. If there's another means to edit teach me it.

29 Nov 2006, 17:57
This is a test reply by Tr0n..

There's a blooming X button next to the EDIT button....
It says "delete this post" after you hover the mouse over it for 5 seconds!

.. So not assumption, but in fact, an unsure memory recall which - as usual - turns out to be correct.

29 Nov 2006, 19:03
Oh, c'mon, you're expecting a bit much if you think WW is going to see something just because it's in plain sight right before his eyes.

30 Nov 2006, 05:08
The delete button disappears after a certain amount of time, but you do have the chance to delete your post before that time :)

30 Nov 2006, 12:55
Yeah, you're correct gameboy.

Can't delete the posts after a certain 'time'...

Not sure if this is time-based, or post-based though.

witch wyzwurd
30 Nov 2006, 18:53
So again I'm right, but others disagree with the truthful facts. I truly wish everyone would group into one mind so I don't have to continually prove my points. Proving them to one person would be enough then.

By the time I try to delete my posts... I CAN'T!!! So I wrote a respectful post to remedy the problem and... YOU CRIED!!! Quit attacking... THE INNOCENT!!! Try a... NEW THOUGHT PATTERN!!!


01 Dec 2006, 02:55
"By the time I try to delete my posts... I CAN'T!!!"
.. I CAN'T ... IT CAN....
... So you're lying eh!?

"So I wrote a respectful post to remedy the problem and... YOU CRIED!!!"

I wrote a respectful post... I wore a prettE sculf stop... "I wore a pretty scarf [stop]."... "To remedy the problem" and ...
YOU CRIED... YOU C DIRE... Which means I see something dire, something really REALLY bad.... oh yeah, like your posts!
So it's really:
"I wore a pretty scarf. To remedy the problem, you saw something dire"

"Quit attacking... THE INNOCENT"

INN-O-CENT, IN-NOCENT ... So you're actually a hurtful person!
Or did you really mean "out-nocent"?

THOUGHT - TO HUGHT... to hut
.. clear to me!

I got really bored with that last one... How WW even bothers with this I don't know.
I went back to the first page of this thread and basically took witch's stuff and mirrored it... Everything in this post, has been done by witch in this thread.

01 Dec 2006, 03:58
What the hell is going on here lol.

Seriously, I think im gunna stay in the Xlogan forum, different people there, who actualy seem sane.

witch wyzwurd
01 Dec 2006, 09:52
No Tr0n. Discombobulation mixed with lie and intent to convince others that the lie is truth is called misinformation and dishonest propaganda. Claiming my study mirrors your example is a gross misrepresentation of rules for my study. I'm concerned about your repeated attempts to insult my wit. It's a good laugh though. If you desire to rebuke me at my level, then learn the rules of my study and respond using them. It seems to bother you that me being right about the deletion of my posts has switched off the silence between us and has vibrated the wire of your abrasive demeanor. I guess displaying your demeanor is more pleasant than showing your deniceor though.

01 Dec 2006, 10:22
Please, please, someone ban this idiot. Anyone seriously intending to write a game with Quest would abandon it in an instant if they saw this kind of lunacy on the forum.

01 Dec 2006, 13:16

No Tr0n

It seems to bother you that me being right

... Hmm, how come whenever I do it - it's wrong, and whenever YOU do it, you're right... Perhaps because you're like one of those kids..
"I shot you.." "no you didn't, because I've got level 99 armour!" ".. But my laser gun cuts through any armour" "Mine's been protected by magic" "No, but my gun is made from magic!" "no it isn't... Anyway, I moved out of the way and pulled out my sword on you!" .. "you can't do that...." ... etc.

Discombobulation mixed with lie and intent to convince others that the lie is truth is called misinformation and dishonest propaganda.

Funny... Isn't that what you do? I mean, twist words and claim they're true... Wow, you really can't take what you give..

Claiming my study mirrors your example is a gross misrepresentation of rules for my study.

That's weird, seeing as I took examples from your posts in THIS VERY FORUM, and basically copied them.. Are you calling yourself a cad now who can't even follow his own rules?

I'm concerned about your repeated attempts to insult my wit.

Oh no, don't worry about me insulting your wit.. I'd never do that... You don't have any 'wit' to insult.

.. No such word as 'deniceor'.. Please use proper words. Anything which can't be found using a google search is neither slang, or proper language.
And right now, showing my 'demeanor' is what I want to do.

witch wyzwurd
01 Dec 2006, 19:44

... Hmm, how come whenever I do it - it's wrong, and whenever YOU do it, you're right

Sometimes I'm just having fun with words Tr0n.

Perhaps because you're like one of those kids. "I shot you.." "no you didn't, because I've got level 99 armour!" ".. But my laser gun cuts through any armour" "Mine's been protected by magic" "No, but my gun is made from magic!" "no it isn't... Anyway, I moved out of the way and pulled out my sword on you!" .. "you can't do that...." ... etc.

No. I'm more the type who doesn't play those role-playing games. I do fancy the card-game Magic though.

Funny... Isn't that what you do? I mean, twist words and claim they're true... Wow, you really can't take what you give.

Sometimes it is funny, and that's all. So quit getting upset over it.

That's weird, seeing as I took examples from your posts in THIS VERY FORUM, and basically copied them.. Are you calling yourself a cad now who can't even follow his own rules?

So taking examples (letters) from the English alphabet: Tr0n is the same as Cr0w because it's basically spelt the same.

Oh no, don't worry about me insulting your wit.. I'd never do that... You don't have any 'wit' to insult.

Wit: Understanding; intelligence; sagacity; astuteness. Hmmm, I guess
basically solving the fundamental equation of lotteries with over 10 million combinations is just what results from a purely stupid kid at work then.

No such word as 'deniceor'.. Please use proper words. Anything which can't be found using a google search is neither slang, or proper language.


Such passion Tr0n. You should put your energy into solving a Word Stack.

01 Dec 2006, 20:00
Tron contributes something useful to the forum; you just discourage anyone from ever using Quest by your very presence.

witch wyzwurd
01 Dec 2006, 21:15
Okay Dave, you got me right in the heart. Ouch. You're so viscious. Are you going to suggest I kill myself then?

03 Dec 2006, 05:31
Tr0n (aka Computer Whizz) has and always will be looked up to on this community, and anybody who says different will just have to grit their teeth or come and further this discussion with me here in sunny Blackpool.

03 Dec 2006, 18:49
Wow... didn't think I was actually looked upon with such reverence.. Especially from you GameBoy.

... This will be my last retort on the subject, and in this thread though, as I've had my fun, and I've got everything out of my system over the last 2 days or so.

So quit getting upset over it.

I'm not the one going "Wah".

So taking examples (letters) from the English alphabet: Tr0n is the same as Cr0w because it's basically spelt the same.

I suppose you could say that.. Except where is your model to say that Tr0n is similar to Cr0w?
I based my model on things you yourself have posted - You've changed words so that you can get words from what letters together sound like (ffo=foe), you've re-arranged letters to generate new words, produced new words from nowhere because they're related to another word, you've used letters more than once when you've re-arranged them, you've taken one word and swapped it in with another because their meanings are roughly the same...
I've done everything YOU'VE done.

basically solving the fundamental equation of lotteries with over 10 million combinations is just what results from a purely stupid kid at work then.

You said it - not me... But if you have done so - I don't see you winning every single week - I wonder why.

Such passion Tr0n. You should put your energy into solving a Word Stack.

Nah - I'd rather put effort into something meaningful... Like scratching my ass.

04 Dec 2006, 12:35
I gotta say Tr0n, your stupidly long post on the other page was quite impressive. I like to call it, "Fighting Fire With Fire".

witch wyzwurd
04 Dec 2006, 20:59

I suppose you could say that.. Except where is your model to say that Tr0n is similar to Cr0w?

It's basically the same. I took it from your model.


Actually, my fault, it's: f-fo (pronounced with a stutter for personality)

You said it - not me... But if you have done so - I don't see you winning every single week - I wonder why.

Ok, so you don't see it. Maybe you shouldn't judge things as you being right from your perspective for subjects you should be openly receiving as a source of intellectual growth. Especially intelligence giving freely by "stupid kids." Too late for that; you're way passed the point of giving in; imagine what'll happen to your pride.

Nah - I'd rather put effort into something meaningful... Like scratching my ass.

Yah, that should keep you dumb.

grit their teeth or come and further this discussion with me here in sunny Blackpool.

Sunny Blackpool sounds intriguing. I'm stuck here in frozen Wisconsin. And seeing as you've only allowed me two choices, and a third choice must not be achievable, and gritting my teeth will bore me after a few scrapes... Sunny Blackpool it is!