22 Sept 2003, 15:23
i designed a Quest Site, and despite the advertisements i think its looking good. I might be turning it into a Quest related site with news, updates, downloads, feature-filled stuff, and Cass, CW, and Al, could send me some stuff to help newbies. I know Al has his own site, but if he allows me to link to some libraries on his site, that would be cool. try it out and tell me what you think (none of the links work as there is only one page atm)


22 Sept 2003, 17:41
Your website is called "Axe Software - Quest", your domain name contains "axesoftware" and you've copied huge chunks of my text and design!

My suggestions - please create your own website, with its own title, and its own content. Duplicating my site is not acceptable, and nor is using its name. Please take it down.


22 Sept 2003, 17:44
There also seems to be no mention of the fact that you just designed the website and didn't actually create Quest. If I'd stumbled across that website I'd assume you were the guy behind Quest.

Pretty underhanded way to go about things.

22 Sept 2003, 18:56
i think you've misunderstood. i said its a DESIGN FOR THE QUEST SITE... meaning.... IF YOU LIKE IT YOU CAN USE IT......and if not..... I WOULD CHANGE IT TO MY LOGO, MY CONTENT, MY TEXT. read before you go blabbering on about how much ive copied your site. i used your content because if you DID use the template that text would be in it. jeez

22 Sept 2003, 18:57
davidw wrote:There also seems to be no mention of the fact that you just designed the website and didn't actually create Quest. If I'd stumbled across that website I'd assume you were the guy behind Quest.

Pretty underhanded way to go about things.

it says axe software all over it.....also, read my above post

i will be taking them down and i will not be helping or submitting anything if this is the response i will get. have a nice day

22 Sept 2003, 21:01
Thanks, but I already have a design for the Axe Software website :)

22 Sept 2003, 22:17
if you had just bloody posted that first everything would be ok. i would of taken the site down, and changed it to my own. some people ay :roll: lol

and i do apologise if i got a little hot before, i havent been in the best of moods today

27 Sept 2003, 04:23

i will be taking them down and i will not be helping or submitting anything if this is the response i will get. have a nice day

As of September 26 the site is still up. Not only do you take copyrighted text and images off of Alex's site, the links to "purchase" the software are broken. I'm surprised you don't realize how wrong you were to put this material up without Alex's permission. I also don't understand your reasoning for putting it up.

I might be turning it into a Quest related site with news, updates, downloads, feature-filled stuff, and Cass, CW, and Al, could send me some stuff to help newbies.

I thought that is what Alex's site is all about.

C'mon Ste, play nice and gracefully remove the web page(s).


27 Sept 2003, 07:02
I guess Ste has created this private area (given on this forum and nowhere else) only to display some ideas about a new design for , and he certainly doesn't want to mislead possible players / customers to this template website.

It's a kind idea, but I don't see much difference from the original Quest website. Honestly I don't find it better, but it's not worse either.

The Quest website is already good, and probably doesn't need improvement. Only a little suggestion : the main colour of the site is blue, and maybe the "colour of adventure" could be seen as green or brown (if we consider the 1st adventures were in dungeon or forests)

Poor Alex, with Ste hacking his website and me trying to turn Quest on Linux (maybe build some rpm soon), he may have some nightmares during the night... ;) but it's because we like Quest

27 Sept 2003, 10:47
Chuck wrote:

i will be taking them down and i will not be helping or submitting anything if this is the response i will get. have a nice day

As of September 26 the site is still up. Not only do you take copyrighted text and images off of Alex's site, the links to "purchase" the software are broken. I'm surprised you don't realize how wrong you were to put this material up without Alex's permission. I also don't understand your reasoning for putting it up.

[quote]I might be turning it into a Quest related site with news, updates, downloads, feature-filled stuff, and Cass, CW, and Al, could send me some stuff to help newbies.

I thought that is what Alex's site is all about.

C'mon Ste, play nice and gracefully remove the web page(s).


read the previous posts asshole

27 Sept 2003, 14:36

read the previous posts asshole

Hmmmm.... I read:

i will be taking them down and i will not be helping or submitting anything if this is the response i will get. have a nice day

So what did I miss? C'mon Ste. Have a beer or glass of wine and chill out. You undermine your credibility on this board with this type of namecalling. It makes you look like a snot-nosed kid. I know you are better than this because I have read and appreciated your other posts to this board in other topics.

As an author and website developer, I am sensitive to unauthorized use of other people's material. Take the website offline. Your good intentions do not justify inappropriate action.


I think Im Dead
27 Sept 2003, 17:08
Chuck wrote:
a snot-nosed kid
