Should davidw be banned?

23 Aug 2006, 20:30
I think this would be a nice little poll to see what the masses think.

no flaming is allowed, just vote.

discuss your vote without flaming

[Tr0n Edit]
I've added an "idiot" option.
People can now vote as they please..

23 Aug 2006, 21:05
I went with the "YOU ARE AN IDIOT", Sycophant. I'd have gone for something more in the way of cutting edge sarcasm but

a) it would have been deleted
b) you wouldn't have understood it

Just want to say, excellent job of fitting in and getting on with people after you got banned the first time. You've really made an effort to contribute something useful this time.

23 Aug 2006, 21:43
I went with "a rusty meat hook :)" since a simple "no" wasn't in the options.

23 Aug 2006, 22:35
Actually, you can abuse each other all you like here... I'm guessing the topic will get locked or deleted soon enough!

23 Aug 2006, 23:12
Locked by me.

27 Sept 2006, 18:03
This poll had real potential.

27 Sept 2006, 20:51
This was unlocked?

... Re-locking as I don't know why it was unlocked..