Britney Spears

08 Aug 2006, 16:50
Is it just me or does she look like silly string?

She went from being glamourous and sexy to being fecking dumpy looking. I suppose it's that redneck simpleton K-Fed she's married to. There was a time when I thought she couldn't possibly squeak off a fart, but the way it is now, I can see her sitting on the bog crimping a length and eating a bag of Fritos Corn Chips with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth all at the same time. Shame, really. Oh, and Davidw, no need for any of your smug commentary in this thread. Thanks in advance.

Oh, and anyone who does reply: Please don't give me any crab-juice about her having had a child or being pregnant. It won't fly here. Plenty of women have kids and get pregnant and stay sexy looking.

Unguided except for her rapstar wannabe moneygrubbing husband, Britney has simply returned to her redneck roots. it may be too late to save her. Not that I can do anything about it but she really had it all in the palm of her hand at one time.

08 Aug 2006, 17:03
pig :roll:

08 Aug 2006, 17:12
Geez, come on, Daisy. She's been ruined by her pot-smoking booze-guzzling loser husband. Everyone knows it. She probably eats hot dogs dipped in mayonnaise by the dozen and pork-filled twinkies by the box. She's from Louisiana for gods sake.

08 Aug 2006, 17:29
Daisy, hopefully the next prose that you choose to post here has a bit more substantive content than that work of literary genius above. Thanks a lot for the judgement, BTW. The one time I offended you I apologised for it and it was completely unintentional. I consider your calling me a PIG to be an outright attack and I really don't appreciate it. I would hope that the mods and admins will note that I am taking the high road here with regard to this unsolicited and unwarranted attack.

Back to the subject of the thread here is more evidence of the subject matter:

Here's the old Britney:


08 Aug 2006, 17:37
I've always held a special kind of loathing for someone who likes picking on pregnant women. Do you think people with Downs Syndrome are ugly as well?

08 Aug 2006, 17:59
Sorry vaughn,

I meant to say male chauvanist pig

08 Aug 2006, 18:01
You really shouldn't call him a pig, Daisy.

That's insulting to pigs.

08 Aug 2006, 18:04

08 Aug 2006, 18:22
Oh right, because this topic is so much more up-scale than a topic about clothing!

I thought she was pregnant *again*, but I could be wrong.. I don't really care about what's going on in a celeb's life.

Who cares if she's 'hawt' or not? Her boyfriend/hubby.

I am taking the high road here with regard to this unsolicited and unwarranted attack.

You were just very insulting and rude about pregnant ladies.. What the hell were you expecting?

hopefully the next prose that you choose to post here has a bit more substantive content than that work of literary genius above.

I hope this stands true to you as well... Whatever the hell that sentence means.

08 Aug 2006, 18:44
I thought "HEAT" was a girls magazine...

O_VAUGHAN, if your sister catches you stealing things from her room, she's going to be very angry...

O_VAUGHAN, in...

08 Aug 2006, 19:18
Oh, OK Zelimos. This is what I get for defending you. :? Thanks, friend.

I am taking the high road here with regard to this unsolicited and unwarranted attack.

You were just very insulting and rude about pregnant ladies.. What the hell were you expecting?

hopefully the next prose that you choose to post here has a bit more substantive content than that work of literary genius above.

I hope this stands true to you as well... Whatever the hell that sentence means.[/quote]

1-I was not insulting and rude about pregnant women. I was pointing out that Britney Spears is dumpy looking. Any male who disagrees is only trying to score points with the ladies on the forum. What do you think Daisy? :) I'm obviously not getting anywhere with them.

2-I was referring to DAISY'S brilliant one-word post above in which she calls me a pig. She has since upgraded my status to MALE CHAUVENIST PIG, though. :lol: :lol: Perhaps I should have just started a thread saying that I wanted to smell Britney Spears' Kentucky Fried Chicken farts because She looks so much better now that she has married that redneck Kevin Federline who has dragged her downhill so badly.

Anyway if you will notice the second example of Britney has her with a fecking cigarrette in her mouth. She LOOKS LIKE S H I T and I'm sure she isn't pregnant there.

I've always held a special kind of loathing for someone who likes picking on pregnant women. Do you think people with Downs Syndrome are ugly as well?

Totally taken out of context and jumping to an unrelated conclusion. My statement is about Britney Spears has gone WAY downhill. The fact that she is pregnant in the first example is NON-SEQUITER. Please see the second picture.


08 Aug 2006, 19:24

Need I say more? :) :lol: :lol: :lol:

08 Aug 2006, 19:52
Vaughan, I'm tempted to say "you've lost it" but that implies you were ever sane in the first place which I seriously doubt. Why not do us all a favour and take your peculiar brand of insanity elsewhere?

08 Aug 2006, 21:34
Whatever, Whyld. :roll:

I was hoping that this thread would generate a discussion on the downfall of Britney Spears but all that has happened is that I have been attacked and ridiculed. Nonetheless, here is what happened. I will make it short.

Britney is from the town of Kentwood Louisiana. For those of you who have never been in the American south or are unaware of American rednecks I will tell you that she came a really long way when she hit it big. Here is a list of restaurants in Kentwood that I lifted from the town's official wbsite:

[qoute]Bamboo Catfish & Steak House
78069 Hwy 51, Kentwood. Phone 985-229-4474. Hours: Wed. - Sat. 11 am to 10 pm; Sun. 11 am to 8 pm.

Chicken Basket
306 Third Street, Kentwood. Phone 504-229-2120. Closed Wed., Open ; 10 am to 9 pm other days. Chicken and seafood. Daily lunches.

Fairchild Kitchen
Hwy 38. Phone 985-229-6507.

Hart's Bar-B-Que
1120 Third Street, Kentwood. Phone 504-229-2100.

John's Hitching Post
4403 Hwy 440 Kentwood. Phone 985-229-9114.

Kentwood Donut Shop
Corner of Hwy 38 and Eleventh St. Phone 504-229-2690. Hours: 4:30 a.m. till 12:30 p.m. Serving a fresh variety of donuts, biscuits, and croissants daily

Kentwood Livestock Kitchen
11518 Hwy 38, Kentwood. Phone 985-229-4963

Peggy's Drive-In
1010 Fifth Street, Kentwood. Phone 504-229-7507. Open Sun-Thurs: 10 am to 9 pm; Fri-Sat: till 10 pm. Salads, sandwiches, dinner boxes, combos, ice cream.

The Cafe
607 Third Street, Kentwood. Phone 985-229-2655. Open Mon-Sat.: 6 am to 2 pm. Breakfast, Home-style lunches, Steaks & seafood.

Pizza Shack
715 Avenue G, Kentwood. Phone 504-229-4444. Open Sun-Thurs: 10:30 am to 9 pm; Fri-Sat: till 10 pm. Pizzas; Hot New Orleans style Po-Boys, made to order; Salads.

Pervis' Cafe
Corner of Hwy 38 and Hwy 51. Phone 985-229-9109 Open: 6 a.m. till 10 p.m. Serving breakfast, hamburgers, chicken or fish dinners, sandwiches, other items.

Skinney's Restaurant
78136 Hwy 51, Kentwood. Phone 985-229-4142. Open Tues-Sun: 11 am to 10 pm. Daily lunches. Specializing in Bar-B-Que and Steaks.

Sonic Drive In
729 Avenue G, Kentwood. Phone 504-229-3229. Open Sun-Thurs: 9:30 am to 10 pm; Fri-Sat: till 11:30 pm.

Sugar Shack II
215 Alley Way, Kentwood. Phone 985-229-2104. Open Mon-Sat: Plate lunches till 2:00 pm.


Catfish and Steak House??? Typical of the south the restaurants cater to fried chicken and barbeque guzzling rednecks. Britney's mom made many sacrifices to pull her daughter up and out of this unhealthy lifestyle (not just the restaurants) and into the limelight. She was doing absolutely fantastic until she started being drawn back to her redneck roots. Does anyone remember when she married her childhood friend in Vegas? The marriage was quickly annuled. Not long after, she met her now pothead husband Kevin Federline, a married backup dancer in her band.

K-Fed is a pretty low class guy. He goes around in those wifebeater t-shirts and baggy pants and pretty much leaches off of poor britney. He smokes dope in the house (at least he did). He bought himself a Ferarri with Britney's money, He goes off to Las Vegas without her all the time, etc. One time they were in some resort and Britney was in the pool. She threw up IN THE POOL and the entire thing had to be emptied and sterilized. There is a picture of her grabbing K-Fed's crotch on a hotel balcony. She eats nothing but fast foods. The old, good-looking Britney would NEVER have done all that. He has dragged her down plain and simple.

08 Aug 2006, 21:53
There are idiots, there are idiots, and then there's Vaughan. Drop him in the camp for the mentally challenged and he'd stick out like a sore thumb.

08 Aug 2006, 21:53
im gunna make some coffee

09 Aug 2006, 00:53
i cant believe im saying this but i agree with OV.

she looks like a slob.

all the celebs and sports ppl work so hard to make it big. then they blow it. tsk tsk.

09 Aug 2006, 01:13
Jesus christ what is wrong with you people. Shut up.

09 Aug 2006, 03:34
Never mind. It's not worth it.

*edited by me*


09 Aug 2006, 04:10
I have very little interest in reading your inane two paragraph to one sentence reply, so I didn't. Isn't that a hoot?

09 Aug 2006, 04:15
Jakk wrote:I have very little interest in reading your inane two paragraph to one sentence reply, so I didn't. Isn't that a hoot?

It wasn't inane and it wasn't a hoot. :) It's gone, Jakk. No biggie. :D Let's go back to square one... Why don't you give your commentary about the subject matter of the thread? What do you think about Britney now versus how she used to look? :shock: :D

09 Aug 2006, 04:19
Why'd you get rid of your post?

09 Aug 2006, 04:22
CheerleaderChick wrote:i cant believe im saying this but i agree with OV.

she looks like a slob.

all the celebs and sports ppl work so hard to make it big. then they blow it. tsk tsk.

Yes, she does. Pregnant or not. She has been sucked back into the redneck continuum. You have to admit it. If whe hadn't been on all of those videos and you saw her standing at the door of some double wide trailer in Kentwood Louisiana, you wouldn't give her a second fecking thought. Any of you guys who selflessly agree here on this site are fecking lying! You know it too.

Go ahead... try and defend this shit now....

09 Aug 2006, 04:35
Haha. Cute little fit, O_VAUGHAN.

09 Aug 2006, 11:50
davidw wrote:I've always held a special kind of loathing for someone who likes picking on pregnant women. Do you think people with Downs Syndrome are ugly as well?

This coming from a person who picks on everyone. The classic steriotypical bully: Davidw.

this is just great. Sometimes life is a treat.....then you get to see something as ridiculous as this.. that's just lurvely.

09 Aug 2006, 12:16
Time for another banning, methinks.

09 Aug 2006, 14:14
davidw wrote:Time for another banning, methinks.

Actually your banning is long overdue. :wink:

09 Aug 2006, 15:42
My dad's bigger than your dad.

09 Aug 2006, 19:34
Zelimos wrote:My dad's bigger than your dad.

great, thanks for the info.

10 Aug 2006, 02:49
heres proof that being preggie doesnt mean ugly

10 Aug 2006, 02:58
heres one that doesnt make her look bad either..

10 Aug 2006, 03:01
but this one does make her look bad:

10 Aug 2006, 05:15
What a fake kiss :roll:

10 Aug 2006, 13:49
I believe that the kiss with Madonna was about the time when she began losing control of her world. Don't get me wrong. Iäm not trying to bash her, I feel sorry for her. She has got some bad advice along the way and she's done a fair amount of backsliding too.

The whole idea about being in the public eye like Britney is that they need to balance the tone of their lives somewhere between a church and a bowling alley. Too much either way and they either begin to become smug and sanctimonious like Tom Cruise or trashy and crude like Li'l Kim. I'm afraid that Britney is standing dangerously close to the door to the bowling alley.

witch wyzwurd
13 Aug 2006, 14:11
Make-up on: Hot!
Make-up off: Spew!
Make-up on: Not bad!
Make-up off: Ugh!

Hot women don't wear make-up!


13 Aug 2006, 16:06
Oh nice, another pig :roll:

13 Aug 2006, 20:45
As i said in my previous post, I agree with witch wyzwurd, he's making sense for a change.

witch wyzwurd
14 Aug 2006, 01:41

15 Aug 2006, 16:23
I guess your 2 seconds of normality was incredibly painful.

16 Aug 2006, 17:48
I always thought that christine chickee was hawwter.

The hottest singer in the world is Rika Ishikawa.

The Hottest girlfriend in the world is my little Doe.