A b stings as a flower wilts on the anger range

witch wyzwurd
15 Jul 2006, 01:20
It's been noticeable that my anagrammatical translations and their assignments have been met with some derision. Daisy, for example, has misconstrued my decryption of a post of hers which referenced an association between the term "sycophant" and how it sounds like an STD, and how she liked that (maybe a mistype). I posted, simply as a scientific rendering, that she finds STDs likeable because her name is DAISY/AIDSy. This was not an insult, but rather an emotionally disconnected observation; I was not equating Daisy as a person with the worth of STDs. I meant it as... DAISY DIS? AY! So Daisy, I did read your post, which forced the locking of that thread, but would rather continue our forumal relationship at a higher, more mature level; without insults. (and Daisy, I urge you to read through my thread "Q-BERT STYLE" to learn more about my approach to language construction.)

The THREAD HATRED linguistical action controller has infested the fingertips of many of the users of this forum. Beware.

-Witch (c? with) W.

15 Jul 2006, 05:17
To be quite honest... None of your "anagrammatical translations" are even close to anything but utter rubbish. Your so called "Wise Words", are nothing but nonsense. I don't want to slip onto a level in which you and I are arguing the fact, but really, do you never feel like you're just wasting your time?

15 Jul 2006, 07:14
Zelimos yesterday:

I love the way you take complete and utter s***, and turn it around to look very smart. haha, that made me laugh though.

Zelimos today:

To be quite honest... None of your "anagrammatical translations" are even close to anything but utter rubbish. Your so called "Wise Words", are nothing but nonsense. I don't want to slip onto a level in which you and I are arguing the fact, but really, do you never feel like you're just wasting your time?

Bit of a contradiction there, eh?

15 Jul 2006, 12:40
Not really. The first quote was commenting something stupid which was turned around to be "clever" or amusing as I saw it.

The second quote was commenting on the attempts to take sentances and make something technical out of it, which I really don't think is necessary at all.

Before you try replying to a post of mine, with the obvious intention of just being a dick, take a few moments to actually think "Hey, im probably going to post something stupid now, and get proved wrong again".

Hi David, how are you today?

15 Jul 2006, 12:42
hahahahahaha. that is really funny! thanx for making me laff! :lol:

you got him Z.

15 Jul 2006, 15:50
Witch seems like a sad little man that needs to get a life.

It's also sad that David has to go after Zelimos no mater to whom or what Zelimos is addressing.

15 Jul 2006, 16:24
Hey, look at that, Zel! You got CheerleaderChick on your side! Woo-hoo! Bully for you!

Must be kind of comforting knowing the forum member with the lowest IQ of them all agrees with you. :)

15 Jul 2006, 16:49

My BF tells me you are supposed to be big in gaming circles.

But does that give you the right to treat people like shit like you seem to do around here?

He also tells me you don't like Quest. So why do you spend so much time here. Just so you can belittle the people that like to use it to desing games?

15 Jul 2006, 18:08
I think you'll find I only ever attack people who attack me first.

Do I like Quest? No. But I am curious to see what the new version is like. I may even write a game with it.

16 Jul 2006, 04:15
Daisy, It's clear that this is the only attention David gets in life. Why else would you stick around a community when you don't even like the main product the community focuses on.

Hell, he's a good IF game creator, I'm not gunna sink to a level of dissing his skills just because I believe he's a little kid with ADHD. But he doesn't like it, so that's probably the only reason he is here, no matter what his excuse is.

My excuse is, I plan to start Quest again, and try and make an archive of scripts that will help people. Kinda like Madbrits old site, dunno if it's still around though.

Anywho, off to bed, i'm tired from work. Have a good night everybody.

The Unknown
17 Jul 2006, 12:59
Daisy wrote:David,

My BF tells me you are supposed to be big in gaming circles.

But does that give you the right to treat people like s*** like you seem to do around here?

He also tells me you don't like Quest. So why do you spend so much time here. Just so you can belittle the people that like to use it to desing games?

Spot on Daisy. He wants everyone to think he's something great. He'll suck crow soon enough.
The Buck

17 Jul 2006, 13:31
Suck crow? Nah. Suck doe? Well... maybe.

18 Jul 2006, 17:51
Best reply i've seen ever.

steve the gaming guy
18 Jul 2006, 18:53

Spot on Daisy. He wants everyone to think he's something great. He'll suck crow soon enough.

...I guess that was his last post

18 Jul 2006, 19:16
It was a long time coming, but thank heavens it finally happened.