I'm a neat and orderly guy...

Flying Monkey
14 Jul 2006, 00:28
I can't make it through the day without keeping lists. Does anyone else here keep lists?

14 Jul 2006, 03:50
Yes, I keep lists. I also spot trains. It is aninteresting hobby, I know but it's rather addictive. Being a trainspotter, I have to be a listmaker. I have more filled notebooks than I can count. Some people have taken to planespotting but there is something about following the trains.

In my hometown we have quite an active railroad. At least a few times per week I and a few friends go to an active part of the track near the yard and record numbers. You would be surprised how many of the same engines pass through time and time again. You get to know them, you know?

After the first 10 years or so it got so I knew which one was coming based on its horn or the sound. Mainly with being familiar with the schedule, I'll admit. Now it's second nature and I just wait to make sure the right engine comes on time. Sometimes they will use a substitute engine but there have been times when I have known based on the sound of the train that the next one through would be a sub.

Well, enough about that. I'll probably get trashed for sharing a hobby here. That's what happens, you know? That movie, BTW, Trainspotting had nothing to do with the hobby. It was about a bunch of heroin-addicted Scots. It was a good movie, but it really didn't address trainspotting to any degree.

The Unknown
14 Jul 2006, 11:33

[Tr0n EDIT]
Snipped out about Unknown's 'list'.

15 Jul 2006, 12:48
i keep lists of the guys i sleep with. it is my trophy book. i like to bring them to their knees. shows weakness.

the girls dont count becuz we just fool around.


Flying Monkey
15 Jul 2006, 16:55
Double C didn't know you were a chickenhead. I guess this validates david's points. :wink: :lol:

15 Jul 2006, 18:04
CheerleaderChick wrote:i keep lists of the guys i sleep with. it is my trophy book. i like to bring them to their knees.

I can well imagine that the accusation of sleeping with you would be enough to bring any man to his knees.

16 Jul 2006, 01:48
:cry: One time, when Mekos the illegitamte lawn donkey drank deeply of the gourd of eternal ball jaundice and then became Pegamex (the mexican equall to Pegasus) I considered making a list of all that the great Erectophallusmalerick had taught me about the great fears such as:
(the fear of stealing a dead burning animal to hump)

As I looked for a pen to make the list I saw it...
They were crawling out of the carpeting, it was a fork and his friend the muffin. And they were really, REALLY Mad, because at breakfast I ate the bacon.

So, at any rate, no lists for me again. (except set lists, but those don't count and nobody sticks to em anyway)

In the holy name of Conbubeulus,

Dr. Froth

17 Jul 2006, 02:18
yes, i bring them to their knees. the flesh is weak. i am strong.

d00ds can be seduced so easily...it is not even hard to do!

17 Jul 2006, 07:15
CheerleaderChick wrote:d00ds can be seduced so easily...it is not even hard to do!

...if you're female.

Mr Toad
17 Jul 2006, 07:38
Dr.Froth wrote::cry: One time, when Mekos the illegitamte lawn donkey drank deeply of the gourd of eternal ball jaundice and then became Pegamex (the mexican equall to Pegasus) I considered making a list of all that the great Erectophallusmalerick had taught me about the great fears such as:
(the fear of stealing a dead burning animal to hump)

As I looked for a pen to make the list I saw it...
They were crawling out of the carpeting, it was a fork and his friend the muffin. And they were really, REALLY Mad, because at breakfast I ate the bacon.

So, at any rate, no lists for me again. (except set lists, but those don't count and nobody sticks to em anyway)

In the holy name of Conbubeulus,

Dr. Froth

LOL!! :lol:

Just what I needed Monday morning....Thanks Froth.