New to the Forum

11 Jul 2006, 17:14
Greetings everyone. :D

I have downloaded the trial version of Quest and I am doing my best at creating a game. I'm not much of a programmer and have been looking for a good GUI driven app. Hopefully Quest is it!

Any tips on the best way of getting started will be greatly appreciated.


witch wyzwurd
11 Jul 2006, 17:51
Hey jim:

I'm rather new to it myself. It took me awhile away from it to let what I read to sink in. Meaning what I read in the ASL reference guide. Even though it's not an instruction manual, I suggest reading through it (a few times), until the basics make sense. I'm still hung on using the editor (you can use progs such as notepad to cold-code). Be careful though; the editor has some flaws you might stumble across, so don't get discouraged; rather see it as an opportunity to learn how to cold-code (since cold-coding diminishes any confusion in your programming the editor might inflict). I'm still using flags and if-then statements to achieve most of my results, but more difficult aspects of the language become easier every step of the way. Stick with it though, and I hope to play a game of yours in the future.

- Witch

11 Jul 2006, 19:13
Hello Jim.

Welcome to the forum.

12 Jul 2006, 02:32
hey jimtun!


12 Jul 2006, 19:07
Welcome to the forum, and have lots of fun with Quest!

13 Jul 2006, 08:15
Was this moved into the developer forum?
Moving back into the chat - as it looks like a greeting.

Flying Monkey
14 Jul 2006, 00:13
I'm having a difficult time to. I hope it will get easier as time passes.

Mr Toad
14 Jul 2006, 08:36
Hello Jimtun, hello all.

Just thought I'd check this little beast called Quest out and see what happens.

14 Jul 2006, 09:01
I think there are more drifters here than there are questers sometimes. :)

Mr Toad
14 Jul 2006, 09:18
davidw wrote:I think there are more drifters here than there are questers sometimes. :)

He he!

I thought that you guys over here could do with a bit of company. :wink: