You people need to lighten up

Flying Monkey
05 Jul 2006, 23:42
this is ridiculous. How can people behave like this?

06 Jul 2006, 03:43
behave like what?

The Unknown
06 Jul 2006, 11:46
well good luck.. again... be aware that davidw will attack you soon enough.

06 Jul 2006, 12:31
Flying Monkey, I think if you take a look at the no less than 8 threads Unknown here started yesterday about me, you'll find who the real idiot on the forums is. I'm sure there's a reason why he's never been banned, but no one seems to know what it might be.

PS - don't antagonise him or he might put you on his List. :)

06 Jul 2006, 12:33
davidw wrote:I'm sure there's a reason why he's never been banned, but no one seems to know what it might be.

That's funny, I was just thinking that about you.

06 Jul 2006, 12:34
And the ref gets in the way!

hahaha. I need to archive some of these posts.

06 Jul 2006, 12:35
Lucy wrote:


I'm sure there's a reason why he's never been banned, but no one seems to know what it might be.

That's funny, I was just thinking that about you.


06 Jul 2006, 12:42
hahaha, and DavidW makes a new enemy.

or has this been going on for a while now eh? tut tut. Goes to show, there are 2 people on this forum who post crap towards me, yet you seem to have a lot more people who dislike you.

Poor DavidW, at this rate, you'll never make any new friends!

06 Jul 2006, 12:45

David - no need to try and win over new kids on the block using the "see what he did!" technique.

... If you want to know the reason this is locked - it's because it's starting to roll downhill again.