How do you approach your game making?

The Unknown
28 Jun 2006, 15:08
As you know I'm new here. I'm trying to make a game now. I'm going about it this way:

making an overall concept.
creating a history of the place
reasons for the player to go on the quest.

How do you noramally approach game making. I'd be interested in knowing if I'm going about it the right way.

29 Jun 2006, 00:34
I generally write out ideas on paper first and create several maps of the game. At that point I'd usually make the rooms and necessary procedures and functions in the game before I write content, but do it in stages so there are portions of playable games to test. There are a few FAQs out there you might want to check out. You can probably google them or search this forum as they've been linked before. If you're making a complex game you'll likely want to plan it out and create a general timeline and storyline to diffuse ambiguity and make the gameplay more consistent.

The Unknown
29 Jun 2006, 11:52
Thanks Slay3r.. sometimes I think you're the only one here that gives a damn about the members here. I'll read the FAQs again. That's basically how I'm approaching this. I figured that theres no need to get into the making of the game if there's no game to make..LOL We're compiling alot of data for our game. I only hope that this will turn out as good as my vision in my mind.

thanks again.