witch wyzwurd
28 Jun 2006, 13:46

I don't completely understand how you have the time to watch over such stupidity (ie DavidW arguments, and such). Either you are selling your programs mad-time, independently wealthy, sponsored, yadda yadda yadda and can't figure out anything else to do or somehow you've figured a way to multiply your cerebral cortex and attach it to your various tasks and run yourself on auto-pilot. I respect you for it though.

Well anyway, maybe one day the junk will clear, members of the forum will help maintain the integrity of the forums, and you'll be able to apply yourself to furthering the ASL editor.

Til then: $%*u$&**k#a%! blah blah blah-achspeweeblahahacha... vomit!

- W.W.

28 Jun 2006, 13:54
Is that supposed to make any sense?

28 Jun 2006, 14:19
I don't quite see how..

Just like to say hey to the late-comer Slayer, reading through a billion messages :) .

28 Jun 2006, 14:25
Oh indeed. There's so many and they're all locked :(
What is this place coming to?

The Unknown
28 Jun 2006, 18:00
Yes it's perfectly clear

davidw posting in a thread =locked thread.

28 Jun 2006, 19:03
Funnily enough, the majority of the threads that get locked seem to be yours, Unknown. Maybe someone's trying to tell you something.

The Unknown
28 Jun 2006, 19:40
THe threads are started by me.. but it always seem to be ok until a loser like you shows up. They are locked only after you post.

go figure...

28 Jun 2006, 20:32
Y'know, it's tempting to keep replying to you in the hopes that eventually you'll realise what a prize pillock you are and just be quiet. But I doubt that's going to happen. A lifetime of ridicule has obviously made you immune to cutting sarcasm.

steve the gaming guy
28 Jun 2006, 21:42
davidw wrote:Is that supposed to make any sense?

HAHA :lol:

On a side note and for absolutely no reason, I feel a compelling urge to disclose that it took me a good 6 months or more to rack up 75 posts in the forum. :wink:
Why is 75 a magic number at this particular minute of time? The answer is unknown.

28 Jun 2006, 21:57
Ah, but you only post when you have something worthwhile to say.

witch wyzwurd
28 Jun 2006, 23:26
Whatever you think, there it is spatially and there it is alphanumerically!!

In other words (and numbers) Steve, 75 is the magic number because:

75 = W (when a=1, b=2, z=26, a=27, etc.) and W is my magical initial.
75 = 9:57; the reverse of the minutes on the post below Steve's, above.
75, 9, 57 are all divisible by 3
75/3 = 21; 2+1 = 3
57/3 = 19; or "one nine"; "a single 9" to represent the hour.
9/3 = 3; the square root...

Which brings us back to my first post (my "root" post) in this forum entitled "Squared Off."

-W. 75.

witch wyzwurd
28 Jun 2006, 23:40
Oh, Steve, by the way:

6 months: hack hack chop slice rip...
gives us 6

6/3 = 2

the time of your post: 9:42

9/6 = 3/2
42/6 = 7

Now watch as I be inventive...

Notice how the 3 and 2 share a relationship in the fraction 3/2?
That's a hint for a new technique to be applied to them...
So I'm going to borrow the 2 from 6/3 and add it to the 3 from 3/2.

3+2 = 5

Now I'll attach the 5 to the unused 7... and that's right... 75!
Just as a check (to observe the loop): 7+5=12 or "one 2"; "a single 2."
and 12/6=2; yep a tight loop.
and 1+2=3 and 12 reversed is 21 resolving into numbers in post above.

-75. Wyzwurd

29 Jun 2006, 01:19
Ha! thats pretty cool.

and now i no what they mean when saying :Figures lie and liers figgure:

29 Jun 2006, 10:34
That figures exactly -1 on the sanity scale...
Good for you.

Oops, wrote snaity!

29 Jun 2006, 11:04
Are witch wyzurd and stu pedaso the same troll under two different names?

The Unknown
29 Jun 2006, 11:58
steve the gaming guy wrote:


Is that supposed to make any sense?

HAHA :lol:

On a side note and for absolutely no reason, I feel a compelling urge to disclose that it took me a good 6 months or more to rack up 75 posts in the forum. :wink:
Why is 75 a magic number at this particular minute of time? The answer is unknown.

Some people post more than others. The fact that I have to post a reply to defend myself from that troll davidw is a factor as to how many posts I have. I see you are taking his side in all this. I thought of you as a decent netural member of the board. I just can't understand why anyone would follow davidw evil path.

29 Jun 2006, 12:24
Number one, you seem to actually bring up David in most of your topics.
There's no need to.

Number two, where has Steve said he is 'taking sides'?

Number three, you have just commented that David is a troll, and Steve is taking 'his evil path'.. Do you not expect one, or both of them, to reply to these statements?

29 Jun 2006, 12:31
Several theories on the 'unknown' oddity:

1. I picture Unknown as the kind of nerdy, loudmouthed[snip] kind of kid who constantly attacks other people for no other reason than he feels like it makes him look all big and important. He probably thinks of himself as remarkably cool and is completely oblivious to the fact that he's actually remarkably stupid.

2. He's taken out a bet with a few friends [snip] into how much gibberish he can post onto the internet before the powers that be wise up to him and ban his sorry ass.

3. He's stark staring bonkers. Judging by his comment that Steve has "taken the evil path" (who in their right mind talks like that?), this is likely to be the correct theory.


[Tr0n EDIT]
Just snipped some insightful stuff... Leaving most of the message intact.

The Unknown
29 Jun 2006, 12:44
I wont even respond to this. david you know I tried to be friends with you after I made the mistake of my first posts. I tried in vain to get along with you. You constantly attack me.

I would offer to bury the hatchet one last time. Will you put this behind us and try to be civil towards me?

29 Jun 2006, 12:46

[Tr0n EDIT]
put in a translation

29 Jun 2006, 23:31
davidw maybe you should get a new picture of yourself instead of the silly one of a baby sucking on a binky. between looking at that and all the other baby things being said........well it just reminds me of childs play.

even i am more grownup than that. :cry:

witch wyzwurd
30 Jun 2006, 10:03
Well, it seems this thread is running into a babbling brook. Hey cheerleader rah rah girl! I'm near Chicago too.


30 Jun 2006, 10:07
CheerleaderChick wrote:davidw maybe you should get a new picture of yourself instead of the silly one of a baby sucking on a binky. between looking at that and all the other baby things being said........well it just reminds me of childs play.

even i am more grownup than that. :cry:

My baby's grasp of the English language is better than yours, though.

30 Jun 2006, 10:43
That's quite far enough.
You insulted his pic.
He's insulted your English skills.. Tit for tat.

He can have a picture if he want's it - and CC can speak the new lingo-dawg!

30 Jun 2006, 12:05
i didnt insulted his pic?!?!?!?!?! it IS a picture of a baby sucking on a binky. even tr0n said before hes just stating a fact which is the same as what i did.

my english is perfect. i no sometimes spelling it is wrong. but its better than some other things that ppl say here. :cry:

30 Jun 2006, 12:08
witch wyzwurd wrote:Well, it seems this thread is running into a babbling brook. Hey cheerleader rah rah girl! I'm near Chicago too.


hey witchy! i wonder if we no each other IRL!?!?!?

im in suburb south of the city in town that begins with letter L

(dont want to give out to much info on internet) :wink:

30 Jun 2006, 14:36
I kinda viewed it as a little insult. Calling it silly.

I would also edit your post to remove "my english is perfect" ... All I'm gonna do it ask David not to respond.
If he does, then this'll get locked tight quicker and tighter than a fat man's a-hole when he stands up!

30 Jun 2006, 15:07
Okay, I've responded. Feel free to lock the post. I don't think it's going anywhere anyway.

30 Jun 2006, 15:18
Actually I meant as in a reply, a 'snappy comeback', a retort, a rebuttal, a riposte, remark, refutation, a 'parting shot', a comeback, a counterclaim...

I forgot to put that in my previous post..

30 Jun 2006, 15:20
Damn. Well, I'm sure I can squeeze out a few choice insults for CC's "my english is perfect" comment if required, but I prefer saving all my real vitriol for the Unknown's and O_Vaughan's of the world.

The Unknown
30 Jun 2006, 16:47
davidw wrote:but I prefer saving all my real vitriol for the Unknown's and O_Vaughan's of the world.

good luck with that

In Before the Lock


30 Jun 2006, 18:01
Out of everyone here, I'd have to say Al, davidw, Alex, and I have he better English in terms of spelling and grammar :?
On that note, we're not perfect.

30 Jun 2006, 18:05
Pssst, Slayer! Edit your post before someone comments on the "and I have he better English" bit!

Oops! Too late. :P

30 Jun 2006, 18:07
Nah, I'm not going to bother. I could throw in an excuse like I just got off my night shift and haven't slept for nearly 30 hours (very true), but the actual truth is a stupid typo :lol:

30 Jun 2006, 18:09
O ate stupdi tyops meself.

The Unknown
30 Jun 2006, 18:14
that's 90% of my problem (typos).. coupled with the fact I'm lazy.

30 Jun 2006, 19:06

I'd have to say lately my typing has suffered as I've started using a new wireless keyboard - which is actually stolen from a laptop.

I do try and keep typo's to a minimum, and try to keep with a good sentance structure.. Usually it just comes straight off my head though.

Alex usually is the best grammatically/spelling-wise because he doesn't post alot :P ... Unless you talk to him alot Slayer.

Although, as you pointed out (and prooved in the same post) you're not perfect.

The Unknown
30 Jun 2006, 19:58
I've always been under the assumption that informal writing styles are perfectly acceptable in forums. I've never heard of any internet forum being held to the strict standards of 'proper' english.

01 Jul 2006, 03:29
This is the internet. Improper spelling is somehow normal, and nobody really cares that much. If you plan to write something serious and be taken seriously I'd use correct spelling and grammar, though.

01 Jul 2006, 20:13
well i think you should use proper english and grammer if you are going to write something important too.

witch wyzwurd
04 Jul 2006, 03:51
Hey Pom Poms! Does that southern suburb have an "O" as its second letter? I'm north of Chick-ago a-go a go! rah! rah! Spell or SPELL? That is the question or ION QUEST. spell; pells; pell-mell; pi. I'm the pi PI (private investigator).

- Witch W.

04 Jul 2006, 12:31
hello miss witchie. omg...yes the 2nd letter is O. and the last letter is T. do you know it? how did you get to be a witch. you are pretty good.

are you north city or north burb?


witch wyzwurd
05 Jul 2006, 01:01
Miss Witch; you miss me? Cause I'm not a woman. Men can be witches too.

LO..T, hmmm, you got me on the "T." I was thinking more like a "D" for last letter as in LOMBARD. T? uh, LO.S.T? LO.CU.ST? Anyways, I'll figure it out... I'm way north... actually grew up in Gurnee, then moved to Wisconsin, few minutes from WIIL border.

-Mr. W.W.

05 Jul 2006, 01:57
hey i no where lombard is...yorktown mall is there! mine is the other one. begins with an L, ends with a T and has ockpor between it!!!

so where are you now mr witch. and sorry bout confusing u with a miss.

The Unknown
05 Jul 2006, 11:15
male witches are called warlocks...

05 Jul 2006, 11:57
BUT - you can still call them witches....
It's really odd, I watched a movie on sky the other day about a male witch.. Starred that overly British actor who you hardly see on TV.

06 Jul 2006, 03:50
how do you watch movies in the sky? like clouds?

all our tv shows have feamale witchs.

The Unknown
06 Jul 2006, 11:43
I never heard of calling them anything other than warlocks

06 Jul 2006, 13:09
I thought they were wizards?

The Unknown
06 Jul 2006, 13:22
Lucy wrote:I thought they were wizards?

wizards are a completely different animal so to speak.

06 Jul 2006, 13:25
They both wear pointy hats and do magic in a dress.

The Unknown
06 Jul 2006, 13:32
Lucy wrote:They both wear pointy hats and do magic in a dress.

bit of steriotypical hollywoodness..LOL

witch wyzwurd
06 Jul 2006, 14:12
I'm the type of witch that casts true spells...

Lockport/Warlock - got it

More of a sorcerer/sourcerer, and I write in curs.iv.e
That's my warlock gram.mar
I put spells into sentences
And my sentences net scenes.

Follow the curser; I mean cursor.
I'm a phrase shaper
The one who serves verses
And now for the period (i.e. drop).


06 Jul 2006, 16:40
Well, dictionary.com came out with different meanings - but what I've always thought:

Warlocks are male witches, and so are more ties to the Earth, and nature-magic.
While Wizards are more magic-shaping, using raw universe powers to change the universe, and learn to use magic how they wish.
And sorcerer's are magic CREATORS. Those who bring raw magic into the world and is able to use it like an extra limb - without thinking... And something linked to the undead too - perhaps more in tune with both the natural world and the spiritual world.

... At least it makes sense to me.

The Unknown
06 Jul 2006, 16:52
Tr0n wrote:Well, dictionary.com came out with different meanings - but what I've always thought:

Warlocks are male witches, and so are more ties to the Earth, and nature-magic.
While Wizards are more magic-shaping, using raw universe powers to change the universe, and learn to use magic how they wish.
And sorcerer's are magic CREATORS. Those who bring raw magic into the world and is able to use it like an extra limb - without thinking... And something linked to the undead too - perhaps more in tune with both the natural world and the spiritual world.

... At least it makes sense to me.

Oh so the sorcerer is more in line with necromancing then..interesting.

steve the gaming guy
06 Jul 2006, 18:22
My doors need more locks
because of all these warlocks
I cower in my room
behind the witch's broom
In the corner, here I sit.
The axe forums...just a bit.

I'm looking for a wizard
Are you looking for a wizard?
Yeah I'm looking for a wizard
What kind of wizard?
You say what kind of wizard?
Yeah man, I mean which wizard?
Which wizard?
Yeah, which wizard?
Witch wyzwurd
YES, which wizard??
I said witch wyzwurd.
I know...oh shut up, I'm going home.

06 Jul 2006, 18:26

"You remind me of the wizard!
- Which wyzwurd?
The wizard with the POWER!
- What power?
The power of Voo-doo!
- Whoo - doo?
You do!
- What?
Remind me of the wizard" :P

witch wyzwurd
07 Jul 2006, 05:26


Test ero ony did dlydo ok
ywo oky flo oky bid ledy book
yko oky no oky alas a suk i...

...Test ore yon; Did oddly... OK!
Yow! (Yok.) Fol., (Yok.) bid dely., book.
(Yok. Yok.) No! (Yok.) Alas! A suk!

...Test ore [test ore] at far away location [yon];
I did [did] test the ore in a bizarre way [oddly]...
the result was acceptable [ok]!

Dismay [yow]! (Source of dismay laughs [yok].)
The source of pain followed [fol.] me, (Source of dismay laughs [yok].)
offered a charge to trasport [bid dely.] ore,
and set delivery in an appointment calendar [book].

(Source of dismay laughs twice [yok; yok].)
Tester disapprovingly shouts [no]!
(Source of dismay laughs again [yok].)
Tester expresses concern [alas] about the ore he tested, because it is
being picked up and transported to an Arab market [suk]!

A loop to the beginning of the story code: I [I]... test ore yon.

-Witch W.

The Unknown
07 Jul 2006, 11:33
..........<snip>...............Nu! the hiding of Hadit.
Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I, Hadit, am the complement of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House.
In the sphere I am everywhere the centre, as she, the circumference, is nowhere found.
Yet she shall be known & I never.
Behold! the rituals of the old time are black. Let the evil ones be cast away; let the good ones be purged by the prophet! Then shall this Knowledge go aright.
I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, yet therefore is theknowledge of me the knowledge of death.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. "Come unto me" is a foolish word: for it is I that go.
Who worshipped Heru-pa-kraath have worshipped me; ill, for I am the worshipper.
Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
O prophet! thou hast ill will to learn this writing.
I see thee hate the hand & the pen; but I am stronger.
Because of me in Thee which thou knewest not.
for why? Because thou wast the knower, and me.
Now let there be a veiling of this shrine: now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness!
For I am perfect, being Not; and my number is nine by the fools; but with the just I am eight, and one in eight: Which is vital, for I am none indeed. The Empress and the King are not of me; for there is a further secret.
I am The Empress & the Hierophant. Thus eleven, as my bride is eleven.
Hear me, ye people of sighing!
The sorrows of pain and regret
Are left to the dead and the dying,
The folk that not know me as yet.
These are dead, these fellows; they feel not. We are not for the poor and sad: the lords of the earth are our kinsfolk.
Is a God to live in a dog? No! but the highest are of us. They shall rejoice, our chosen: who sorroweth is not of us.
Beauty and strength, leaping laughter and delicious languor, force and fire, are of us.
We have nothing with the outcast and the unfit: let them die in their misery. For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak: this is the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world. Think not, o king, upon that lie: That Thou Must Die: verily thou shalt not die, but live. Now let it be understood: If the body of the King dissolve, he shall remain in pure ecstasy for ever. Nuit! Hadit! Ra-Hoor-Khuit! The Sun, Strength & Sight, Light; these are for the servants of the Star & the Snake.
I am the Snake that giveth Knowledge & Delight and bright glory, and stir the hearts of men with drunkenness. To worship me take wine and strange drugs whereof I will tell my prophet, & be drunk thereof! They shall not harm ye at all. It is a lie, this folly against self. The exposure of innocence is a lie. Be strong, o man! lust, enjoy all things of sense and rapture: fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.
I am alone: there is no God where I am.
Behold! these be grave mysteries; for there are also of my friends who be hermits. Now think not to find them in the forest or on the mountain; but in beds of purple, caressed by magnificent beasts of women with large limbs, and fire and light in their eyes, and masses of flaming hair about them; there shall ye find them. Ye shall see them at rule, at victorious armies, at all the joy; and there shall be in them a joy a million times greater than this. Beware lest any force another, King against King! Love one another with burning hearts; on the low men trample in the fierce lust of your pride, in the day of your wrath.
Ye are against the people, O my chosen!
I am the secret Serpent coiled about to spring: in my coiling there is joy. If I lift up my head, I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down mine head, and shoot forth venom, then is rapture of the earth, and I and the earth are one.
There is great danger in me; for who doth not understand these runes shall make a great miss. He shall fall down into the pit called Because, and there he shall perish with the dogs of Reason.
Now a curse upon Because and his kin!
May Because be accursed for ever!
If Will stops and cries Why, invoking Because, then Will stops & does nought.
If Power asks why, then is Power weakness.
Also reason is a lie; for there is a factor infinite & unknown; & all their words are skew-wise.
Enough of Because! Be he damned for a dog!
But ye, o my people, rise up & awake!
Let the rituals be rightly performed with joy & beauty!
There are rituals of the elements and feasts of the times.
Afeast for the first night of the Prophet and his Bride!
A feast for the three days of the writing of the Book of the Law.
A feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet--secret, O Prophet!
A feast for the Supreme Ritual, and a feast for the Equinox of the Gods.
A feast for fire and a feast for water; a feast for life and a greater feast for death!
A feast every day in your hearts in the joy of my rapture!
A feast every night unto Nu, and the pleasure of uttermost delight!
Aye! feast! rejoice! there is no dread hereafter. There is the dissolution, and eternal ecstasy in the kisses of Nu.
There is death for the dogs.
Dost thou fail? Art thou sorry? Is fear in thine heart?
Where I am these are not.
Pity not the fallen! I never knew them. I am not for them. I console not: I hate the consoled & the consoler.
I am unique & conqueror. I am not of the slaves that perish. Be they damned & dead! Amen. (This is of the 4: there is a fifth who is invisible, & therein am I as a babe in an egg. )
blue am I and gold in the light of my bride: but the red gleam is in my eyes; & my spangles are purple & green.
Purple beyond purple: it is the light higher than eyesight.
There is a veil: that veil is black. It is the veil of the modest woman; it is the veil of sorrow, & the pall of death: this is none of me. Tear down that lying spectre of the centuries: veil not your vices in virtuous words: these vices are my service; ye do well, & I will reward you here and hereafter.
Fear not, o prophet, when these words are said, thou shalt not be sorry. Thou art emphatically my chosen; and blessed are the eyes that thou shalt look upon with gladness. But I will hide thee in a mask of sorrow: they that see thee shall fear thou art fallen: but I lift thee up.
Nor shall they who cry aloud their folly that thou meanest nought avail; thou shall reveal it: thou availest: they are the slaves of because: They are not of me. The stops as thou wilt; the letters? change them not in style or value!
Thou shalt obtain the order & value of the English Alphabet; thou shalt find new symbols to attribute them unto.
Begone! ye mockers; even though ye laugh in my honour ye shall laugh not long: then when ye are sad know that I have forsaken you.
He that is righteous shall be righteous still; he that is filthy shall be filthy still.
Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his poverty.
beware therefore! Love all, lest perchance is a King concealed! Say you so? Fool! If he be a King, thou canst not hurt him.
Therefore strike hard & low, and to hell with them, master!
There is a light before thine eyes, o prophet, a light undesired, most desirable.
I am uplifted in thine heart; and the kisses of the stars rain hard upon thy body.
Thou art exhaust in the voluptuous fullness of the inspiration; the expiration is sweeter than death, more rapid and laughterful than a caress of Hell's own worm.
Oh! thou art overcome: we are upon thee; our delight is all over thee: hail! hail: prophet of Nu! prophet of Had! prophet of Ra-Hoor-Khu! Now rejoice! now come in our splendour & rapture! Come in our passionate peace, & write sweet words for the Kings.
I am the Master: thou art the Holy Chosen One.
Write, & find ecstasy in writing! Work, & be our bed in working! Thrill with the joy of life & death! Ah! thy death shall be lovely: whososeeth it shall be glad. Thy death shall be the seal of the promise of our age long love. Come! lift up thine heart & rejoice! We are one; we are none.
Hold! Hold! Bear up in thy rapture; fall not in swoon of the excellent kisses!
Harder! Hold up thyself! Lift thine head! breathe not so deep -- die!
Ah! Ah! What do I feel? Is the word exhausted?
There is help & hope in other spells. Wisdom says: be strong! Then canst thou bear more joy. Be not animal; refine thy rapture! If thou drink, drink by the eight and ninety rules of art: if thou love, exceed by delicacy; and if thou do aught joyous, let there be subtlety therein!
But exceed! exceed!
Strive ever to more! and if thou art truly mine -- and doubt it not, an if thou art ever joyous! -- death is the crown of all.
Ah! Ah! Death! Death! thou shalt long for death. Death is forbidden, o man, unto thee.
The length of thy longing shall be the strength of its glory. He that lives long & desires death much is ever the King among the Kings.
Aye! listen to the numbers & the words:
4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L. What meaneth this, o prophet? Thou knowest not; nor shalt thou know ever. There cometh one to follow thee: he shall expound it. But remember, o chose none, to be me; to follow the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to look forth upon men, to tell them this glad word.
O be thou proud and mighty among men!
Lift up thyself! for there is none like unto thee among men or among Gods! Lift up thyself, o my prophet, thy stature shall surpass the stars. They shall worship thy name, foursquare, mystic, wonderful, the number of the man; and the name of thy house 418.
The end of the hiding of Hadit; and blessing & worship to the prophet of the lovely Star!..........<snip>......

Ye shall see that hour, o blessed Beast, and thou the Scarlet Concubine of his desire!
Ye shall be sad thereof.
Deem not too eagerly to catch the promises; fear not to undergo the curses. Ye, even ye, know not this meaning all.
Fear not at all; fear neither men nor Fates, nor gods, nor anything. Money fear not, nor laughter of the folk folly, nor any other power in heaven or upon the earth or under the earth. Nu is your refuge as Hadit your light; and I am the strength, force, vigour, of your arms.
Mercy let be off; damn them who pity! Kill and torture; spare not; be upon them!
That stele they shall call the Abomination of Desolation; count well its name, & it shall be to you as 718.
Why? Because of the fall of Because, that he is not there again.
Set up my image in the East: thou shalt buy thee an image which I will show thee, especial, not unlike the one thou knowest. And it shall be suddenly easy for thee to do this.
The other images group around me to support me: let all be worshipped, for they shall cluster to exalt me. I am the visible object of worship; the others are secret; for the Beast & his Bride are they: and for the winners of the Ordeal x. What is this? Thou shalt know.

07 Jul 2006, 15:27
stu has been banned

08 Jul 2006, 01:37
stu who?

witch wyzwurd
08 Jul 2006, 08:53
Response to Unknown's Post, 3 posts ago; to make it Known that double-speak hides truth too... Go do good, veil evil.

A:1, B:2, C:3, D:4, E:5, F:6, G:7, H:8, I:9, J:10, K:11, L:12, M:13
N:14, O:15, P:16, Q:17, R:18, S:19, T:20, U:21, V:22, W:23, Y:25
Z:26, A:27, B:28, C:29....

X:ordeal (according to Unknown's post):or deal

418:DAH:HAD (Unknown as the Good, according to his post)
718:GAH:HAG (Me as the Evil, according to his post)

Simple hack:

4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 24 89 R P S T O V A L

A :A
B :B


K :K

Batch Bk
Batch Kb

A :A

Batch Bk: A.D.
Batch Kb: ad.

L :L
G :G

Batch Bk: A.D., lg.
Batch Kb: ad. lg.

M :M; M :M
O :O; O :O -> Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo
R :R

Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom.

R :R
03:C; 03:C
Y :Y; Y :Y -> Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy.

Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry


Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry or deal
Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy. Ordeal


Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry or deal; b.v.
Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy. Ordeal vb.

R :R
P :P
S :S

Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry or deal; b.v.; rip's
Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy. Ordeal vb. rips

T :T
O :O

Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry or deal; b.v.; rip's t.o.
Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy. Ordeal vb. rips; t.o.

V :V
A :A
L :L

Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry or deal; b.v.; rip's t.o. val.
Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy. Ordeal vb. rips; t.o. val.

1.: Continuation of story code that unveiled message within trOn's sig.
2.: Rebuttal to Unknown's post; 2 posts ago.

Batch Bk: A.D., lg.
Mo: Cry or deal; b.v.; rip's t.o. val.

A large [lg.] quantity [batch] of Berkelium [Bk] is being transported to the suk by the delivery man (see hack of trOn's sig.; post in this thread); The time-frame for this occurrence is A.D. [A.D.]. In the moment [mo] the tester of the ore (see hack of trOn's sig.] realizes the presence of the delivery person he grievingly yells [cry] about the bid amount the delivery person suggests. The tester claims the delivery person is greedy [rip's] because of the turnover [t.o.] value [val.] received from the delivery of Berkelium. The delivery business' net worth, its book value [b.v.] will rise as a result of the greed.

Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy.
Ordeal vb. rips; t.o. val.

The data [batch] was a long [lg.] advertisement [ad.] including a large capacity [cy.] of roman [rom.] font-faced text that Unknown posted. When sent as a forum posting, kilobits [Kb] of data were sent and stored.
The judging message [ordeal] Unknown posted insulted [rips] me alphanumerically ver batim [vb.] (see 718 towards top), claiming evil is attached to this number. The purpose for my message is to turn over [t.o.] the false valuation [val.] of me.

-Witch Wyzwurd

08 Jul 2006, 10:13
This is just getting screwed up.
Where'd you get DAH and HAG?

... Stop posting nonsense - both of you.

08 Jul 2006, 10:51
I sense a bit of John Nash-ism going on here. Arbitrary attributions of pattern and interpretation lead to every possible combination of events, whether or not those events will occur/have occured. One could, if they so believed in the many-worlds view of quantum physics (or infinity in general), claim that anything possible has happened or will happen a infinite amount of times, verifying the truth of your 'output'. What lacks is, of course, meaning.

08 Jul 2006, 11:14
... and you! :P

Lol, yeah - I've always thought about time being consistent with the seperate realities though - although that in itself is a law which doesn't need to be obeyed..

I'm never sure about the infinite thing.. I mean, if every time something could be done differently - atoms moving etc (let's say every micro-micro-micro second, which would basically be THE ammount of time which passes and can't be ANY smaller.. This doesn't mean measurement or anything) - another universe is created, although it'll keep going - infinity is a LONG way to go - and infact means it keeps going... But surely there's a limit to the number of differing possibilties!
If the universe ends, does that mean time ends too? Seeing as it's space-time.
And if time ends, then surely all the other universes will also cease to exist!

So, we're all leading pointless lives!
... But you knew that already ;) .

08 Jul 2006, 11:25
Well, I do believe time is intimately related to space, specifically finite space. If space were infinite, then time relative to infinity would measure nothing. Measurement ceases to function in an infinite 'place'. Measurement only has meaning/useful information in a finite space. As time is a dimensional measurement, I cannot see it existing inside the infinite.

witch wyzwurd
08 Jul 2006, 21:40
First: trOn, you must read Unknown's posting to locate the numbers referred to then compare those numbers to the alphanumerical table I've provided. Then think anagrammatically. And if you've read my post that reveals structure out of your signature, then you should come to believe in the falseness of the nonsense you claim.

Second: Overact, your supposition of my 'output' as possible association to event that might or might not happen' is utterly wrong. And your accusation that my interpretations lack meaning are unfounded, especially since I translate the code. If you couldn't grasp Morse Code, would you claim a communication of dots and dashes to be meaningless? Braille isn't meaningless to the blind, but to the sightful it's just a bunch of bumps. Test your intelligence concerning 'possibilities' by studying my linguistical experiment located on my webpage at http://www.globallablog.com or since you can spot meaning, go directly to http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cabinet2003 and http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cabinet2001 to realize the programmed reality you are. I really do suggest you start at the front page, so you can fully understand what you're looking at.

My responses are in politeness, but strict adherence to the truth I am. I really do enjoy reading your posts concerning time and space.

-75. 75.
-GE GE: lightbulb company
-eg. The Light.

08 Jul 2006, 21:46
I think this is the only forum I've been on where the freaks and the trolls outnumber the normal people.

09 Jul 2006, 00:21
Quite true that.

09 Jul 2006, 02:18
davidw wrote:I think this is the only forum I've been on where the freaks and the trolls outnumber the normal people.

which are you? oh never mind, i know. you're the freak.


09 Jul 2006, 02:30
What's wrong with being a freak?

-- The freak occasionally known as ralphmerridew

09 Jul 2006, 03:12
oh hello freak! lol didnt know you were here.

ok then. davidw doesnt seem to like either. so he must be a troll which is probably worse. why doesn't he just change his name?


09 Jul 2006, 03:30
Have we met elsewhere? Your name doesn't seem familiar.

09 Jul 2006, 09:50
Give you a brain, CC, and you'd be dangerous.

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 11:32
Hey CC it's WW. By the way, I live in a town that begins with a K.

-Witch Wyzwurd

09 Jul 2006, 12:17

Overact, your supposition of my 'output' as possible association to event that might or might not happen' is utterly wrong.

It seemed to me that you were making a prediction. If I was wrong, my bad. If I was right, then I still believe it's hogwash.

And your accusation that my interpretations lack meaning are unfounded, especially since I translate the code.

The ability to translate or interpret something does not indicate that you instill/discover meaning simply because of the interpretation.

If you couldn't grasp Morse Code, would you claim a communication of dots and dashes to be meaningless? Braille isn't meaningless to the blind, but to the sightful it's just a bunch of bumps.

Morse Code is encoded, then decoded, in a single system of written language. The coder and decoder are using the same interpreter. Manipulating other people's text and numbers is patently ridiculous, because the encoders use one interpreter and you use another.

Test your intelligence concerning 'possibilities' by studying my linguistical experiment located on my webpage at http://www.globallablog.com or since you can spot meaning, go directly to http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cabinet2003 and http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cabinet2001...

Hey, I'm not above learning, lemme' go check it out. (I have visited your site before, but remained uninspired.)

Nope. Other than the aesthetic (which I like), both of the site and of the content, I find a decisive lack of meaning in what you are doing. You are also applying your decryptions to meanings (events) that already exist (I thought otherwise, a la prediction above) and so the claim that you are discovering new knowledge (in your website header) is false.

The second link is broken.

The third link is broken.

...to realize the programmed reality you are.

I'm not sure in what context you mean this. If you are speaking of cellular automata via Stephen Wolfram, then I remain skeptical. If you are speaking of Information Theory and the slow merger of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, then I agree with you. Information is, indeed, physical. Physical things are information. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you mean.

What I believe you are doing, and you may correct me if I am wrong, is reaping the words growing in the field chaos, of a billion monkeys typing at a type writer, then massaging those words into pattern. This is a natural tendency, to make sense of the chaotic. (I don't mean to belittle you or trivialize your process.)

In any case, I do think we are programmed creatures, though whether we think that in the same sense is doubtful.

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 13:01
Okay Overcat: let's start here. The correct links are http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cab2003.html and http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cab2001.html.

You have to read the instructions thoroughly to understand the specific nature of the decryptions. For both Word Stacks listed above (the links) a anecdote concerning the 9/11 WTC Towers crash and "terrorism" is listed. Listed only because all last names of George Bush's cabinet members are used. And don't even block the truth by stating that any pattern could've been formed, since using my system, there are only so many letters available, and those letters must be connected in a certain way, and the listing of the words formed from the connected letters must be listed in a certain order.

Now check out the Word Stack for Michael Jackson, listed under the music category. Again, a decryption that characterizes him. Check out all the others. See how each category resolves into a certain informational type of decryption, but the decryptions for each puzzle is about the puzzle's subject?

In response to the "prediction" side of your statement: If you read the very top of the home page... it says "Resurrect the past" alongside "Unfurl the future." And yes the future can be told using my system, but if the puzzle is solved after the occurrence listed by the decryption, then the message tells the past, but if it's solved before the occurrence it defines the future.

I understand your ignorance to my study, and maybe lack of attention and concentration, leaves you believing it's "hogwash," but to hogs, a bath is an occurrence they look forward to.

And to the attaching of code to unrelated text: If you built a planet, consciousness, and life, and you devised a code as a means to locate a point in time and to follow the progression of a situation in case editing needed to be done, would you make it obvious to every eye that it passed in front of? No, silly, it's a code! A "hidden" code. And if you can break down text into meaningful phrases that coincide with actual events, then by all means, please deny mine being worthful, but until then don't bury your own, obviously intelligent (and I mean that) consciousness, with dumbing doubt.

-Witch W.

P.s. It really bothers me that someone with your intellect cannot easily see it's true. Every person I've shown Stacks to fully understand them and see they're true. Please, contemplate the strict rules governing the formation of and solving of the Word Stacks.

09 Jul 2006, 13:46
witch wyzwurd wrote:Okay Overcat: let's start here. The correct links are http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cab2003.html and http://www.globallablog.com/legi_cab2001.html.

Amazing how many times you post these links and still get the second one wrong.

Pssst... try putting the full stop outside the link next time.

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 14:22
(Removes binky)...
Thanks binky boy...


(shoves binky back in mouth)
Now shut-up.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha... ha... mmm? Ha!


09 Jul 2006, 14:26
Yay! Third time right! Now we can all look at your site!


Actually, I think you had the link right the first time round. At least that made more sense than the gibberish it links to now.

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 14:47
Trying to make friends David? I think you've got that ribbon tied to that one hair too tight. Hold on... snip! Whoops, that was your last nerve, although it was dead.

-Witch W.

09 Jul 2006, 14:53
Security must be lapse where you are, witch wyzwurd. I mean, you're in a lunatic asylum where they let you have scissors?


09 Jul 2006, 18:15
This reminds me of Professor Poppelbaum's decryption of the Moabite Cipher:

http://www.online-literature.com/r-free ... s-cases/6/

09 Jul 2006, 18:37
Now, first and foremost, I am not attempting to block truth. Don't get your broomstick in a knot.

Obviously this cryptographic pursuit provides you with a sense of profundity, and is beneficial to your enjoyment of life. We all have our hobbies. I'll just let it be. If it turns out your endeavours prove fruitful to humankind, enriching our lives and lighting the road of progress, then I'm sure I will join you one day in deciphering many more Word Stacks. If, however, your work proves otherwise, then it's all bridge under the water. Wait - water first, then bridge.

I apologize for any offense.

09 Jul 2006, 19:56
Get any group of words long enough and you can make a sentance of anything you want to!

I could take one of your messages (WW) and say how you're creating an evil race of flying monkeys.. Or how you're planning to kill someone (I started to think about that when looking at your signature).

I see nothing but you taking words/sentences and messing about with them to try and create another sentence.

Killing each other off in this evil competition:

kil - ling, kill ling (wu), Kill Ling Wu,
ea-ch, EA (Electronic Arts) ch (ch-chair), electronic chair, electric chair,
other, oth - er, oath - ER, oath in the Emergency Room,
off, (put through ROT13 we get) bss, B.S.S, Bachelor of Science in Surveying,
in, ni, monty python, Tony Hympton,
this, T.H. - is, he is,
evil, live, alive,
competition, com - peti - tion, communication - petty - tie-on, communications petty officer, with his tie on.

So we have:
Someone will Kill Ling Wu using the electric chair because of an oath in the Emergency Room with a Bachelor of Science in Surveying named Tony Hympton. He is alive, and is linked with a communications petty officer, with his tie on.

OMG, it's a message!

You're taking words and creating your own message from them.. I could have made 100 different stories from those words.

09 Jul 2006, 20:05
Hey, let me have a go. I'll try and make a sentence out of the following words:

witch wyzwurd start raving mad and a troll to boot

Ought to be a tricky one but I'm sure I'll figure it out in the end.

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 21:50
Freak: Thanks for the story. I'm not a person who cares to read fiction; usually can't get passed a first chapter, but I enjoyed and found synchronicity in your supplied link.

Overcat: I do appreciate your humble approach in your disinclination. There is one point you are disregarding though: it has proven fruitful; just not to your perspective. That's one aspect I'm meaning to unravel in you. You're approaching the subject from yourself and claiming its result according to your belief. It's there and plain to see. Thanks for your response.

And trOn: Oh, trOn! What have you done? Come here and place your head on my shoulder. Are you okay? Have a headache? Your decryption is just a bunch of made up words. Ling Wu? I see where you're coming from, but think you're way off base. You've obviously entangled humor and an inclination to prove me wrong into your decoding. It might help you to take a step back and review my decoding process before you jump in and try to destroy it.

David?: If you can get farther than WIT in your desire, and make sense, then please display your attempt. But, truthfully, I think you're just trying to make friends again. You know: the "I hate it... So do I" approach at soul-connecting. If we both hate it and we both criticize it, then we must be the same!

-W. Wyzwurd

09 Jul 2006, 22:04
witch wyzwurd wrote:
David?: If you can get farther than WIT in your desire, and make sense, then please display your attempt. But, truthfully, I think you're just trying to make friends again. You know: the "I hate it... So do I" approach at soul-connecting. If we both hate it and we both criticize it, then we must be the same!

Part of me is tempted to come up with a sensible reply to that, but you don't handle sensible replies very well, so I'll settle for this instead:


09 Jul 2006, 22:07
Slight comment on your 2003 cabinet.

"came as a disheartening surprise to many people {orb shock man; a moan}."
can be changed to
"while the sun {orb} was still low in the sky, came as a disheartening surprise to many people {shock man; a moan}."

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 22:53
Thanks "faker." Were you talking about 2003 cabinet doors in your kitchen that I need to slam against your head? Or 2003 times it needs to be done from each of those 2003 cabinet doors! I guess if I believed that my decryptions could be interpreted any way possible, I would do that. But obviously the "sun" has nothing to do with rest of decryption and nowhere in the decryption does it say about it being "low." You were probably making an attempt to show me in a kind way that any translation can be attached to the decrypted words, but anger related to certain forum members, such as binky boy, has surfaced my unkind, rash side. So thanks for your criticism, but still is unfounded. (Calm down me... just calm down... breathe... ha, ha, okay then.)

As for you binky boy... I see you've taken the binky out of your mouth!

Having fun... having fun... yes, just all in fun... wheeeeew!

Thanks for your responses!

-Witch Wyzwurd

witch wyzwurd
09 Jul 2006, 23:29

kil - ling, kill ling (wu), Kill Ling Wu,

trOn, your identity has been revealed...

1. Goto "I am the teh man" post and at the end see pic of trOn.
2. Read quote from above that belongs to recent post in this thread.
3. Connect to Ling Wu webpage (top of Google search).
4. See pic of Ling Wu:


and as far as Tony Hympton goes....

- W.

09 Jul 2006, 23:41

while the sun {orb} was still low in the sky,

The attacks took place in the morning, WW. This is completely relevant and consistent with your method of interpretation.

The Unknown
10 Jul 2006, 11:33
grass is green

10 Jul 2006, 12:42

Your decryption is just a bunch of made up words.

I think this is one of those universal truths that runs not only through this message thread, but throughout the entirety of your life WW.

witch wyzwurd
10 Jul 2006, 20:44
Hey, thanks for the reply Overcat:

Overcat wrote:

while the sun {orb} was still low in the sky,

The attacks took place in the morning, WW. This is completely relevant and consistent with your method of interpretation.[/quote]


Did the sun have an x-class solar flare that morning? Did Man get zapped by the sun?

Moreover, if you read the phrases of my decryption in order then you will find a logical sequence instilled.

First phrase: General overview/introduction
Second phrase: Surrounding location of event
Third phrase: Specific location of event
Fourth phrase: First action of event
Fifth phrase: Second action of event
Sixth phrase: Third action of event

All descriptions have a direct relationship to the event in which the decryption describes. I'm not pulling words out of a hat and assigning meaning to them just to satisfy a decryption. Sure ORB SHOCK MAN could've been translated as "an orbicular piece of debris fallen from the WTC buildeing struck a man as he ran away" or "the planet Earth, as a conscious orbicular entity, surprised Man with a horrific event on 9/11" or... the translation you've provided, which I appreciate.

A good exercise is to visualize each phrase like a movie frame. If you add in the "sun" translation, then as you view the frames, the "sun" becomes information that embellishes the story, but pulls its focus away from the main point. If the decryption stated ORB RISING or EARLY MORN ORB; NOW or something to that effect, then I would be more likely to concur with you.

And trOn

tr0n writes:

Your decryption is just a bunch of made up words.

I think this is one of those universal truths that runs not only through this message thread, but throughout the entirety of your life WW.

...be right back..

10 Jul 2006, 20:51
Is one of the mods going to lock and/or delete this thread? I'd hate for a newcomer to stumble across it and think we're all as barmy as WW.

witch wyzwurd
10 Jul 2006, 21:10
Oh, hey David.

-Witch Wyzwurd

10 Jul 2006, 22:39
Hah, I'm tempted, but there is nothing lockable about this thread.
Nonsense threads are 'general chat', and while I disagree with the principle - I have no right to stop the discussion.

11 Jul 2006, 01:23
there goes davidw being nasty to another gamer.


witch wyzwurd
11 Jul 2006, 11:15
One day a particle physicist approached a colleague with the notion that water when broken down resolves into 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom...

PP1: By jove! Water is 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom!
PP2: That's utter nonsense! It's obvious that water is a particle with 10 protons, whereas Hydrogen has 1 proton and Oxygen has 8!
PP1: Exactly! There's 2 Hydrogen atoms and 1 Oxygen atom stuck together! Making 10 protons in all!
PP2: What! Have you gone starking mad? What does Hydrogen have to do with Oxygen? Can you breathe water? Can you build a Hydrogen bomb with water? They're two separate elements all together. Mind your microscope!
PP1: I'm telling you I'm right! And our universe is made up of all these elements stuck together in various ways creating what is! Like an enormous dimensional puzzle.
PP2: No! The universe is made up of sun particles or moon particles or dirt particles. Nothing else! Quit grouping things together that are separate entities!
PP1: For someone who works with particles, it sure is difficult to prove to you something about the nature of particles.
PP2: Hhhmp!

For Text Adventure Game enthusiasts, you sure have made it difficult for yourselves to see that destiny is a Text Adventure. And to add: Close the thread? I've lost half my Text Game because of a bug in the Quest Editor. I guess that means the Quest Editor project should be considered garbage and ASL gibberish? But hey, we're talking about gaming software here. And we all know that gaming software and its code reigns over discovering the code which is the blueprint for destiny. Some might even call it: "The Secret to Life." But who really cares about that?

Hey Einstein! Hey Tesla! You were all crazy! Forumers said so!... And now they wear your shirt.

Resistance is futile. And I'd have to vote for Star Trek over Star Wars, even though I still have to see Ressurection and the last one... Star Wars was so corny... I even liked Spaceballs and Hitchiker's better.

Ok guys and girls, enjoy the day!

-Witch Wyzwurd

11 Jul 2006, 12:35
I thought H2O was discovered when people were combining hydrogen and oxygen atoms, trying to get a good mixture for an explosion or something.

Plus the fact they didn't have hydrogen bombs.

Plus that conversation would have happened back around the 1500's or something, when religeon ruled science.

And how do you relate this to text adventures exactly? Destiny in text adventures?
So destiny is to text adventures as particle behaviour is to particle physics?

And closing a thread because of it's contents is like calling software rubbish because you've lost data from a QDK bug.

I'm pretty sure Einstein could think in straight lines. Outside the box - sure! But not in zig-zags or loops.

[Tr0n EDIT]
Sorry, mis-spelt Einstein.. Capital E and second ie the wrong way 'round.

witch wyzwurd
11 Jul 2006, 18:33
Ha, ha, ha... ok tr0n,

Peace play in your heart.

- Witch

11 Jul 2006, 19:10
When will you finish it witch?

witch wyzwurd
11 Jul 2006, 19:37
Oh, how refreshing. A nice person to talk with. Forgive me if I bask in the sweetness of your scent. Mmmm, ahhh. Here's some CO2 to keep you going. Hack! Weeds stay clear!

I'm just starting to shift my mind back to coding my TAG. I'm not going to guess how long, but a few months... at least. Thanks Daisy. Got any games yourself?

-W. W.

-EARTH magic
-HEART magic
-HATER magic

witch wyzwurd
12 Jul 2006, 19:44
"Did you read the news today, oh boy!"
"The paper holds their folded faces to the floor."

Witch spells:

...Test ore yon; Did oddly... OK!
Yow! (Yok.) Fol., (Yok.) bid dely., book.
(Yok. Yok.) No! (Yok.) Alas! A suk!

Batch Bk: A.D., lg. Mo: Cry or deal; b.v.; rip's t.o. val.

Mumbai train bombing; Cues:
1. Harmful material
2. Mode of delivery
3. To write down (think: pencil)
4. Concern
5. Displeasure
6. Arab
7. Present day
8. Gain

Witch spells:

Batch Kb: ad. lg.; rom. cy. Ordeal vb. rips; t.o. val.

U.S. Government computers hacked; Cues:
1. Computer information
2. Large amount of data
3. Gain

It's getting clearer!


P.s. Notice how I haven't posted about this subject for a couple days. Consider it: the quiet before the storm.

Mumbai (mum buy)
Dubai (do buy)

witch wyzwurd
10 Aug 2006, 20:53
For those who are unfamiliar with the following subject matter, please browse through this thread from the beginning and key in on the conversations regarding codes.

Well, it seems that yet again my decryptions are becoming less obscure.

End of my post on July 12th, 2006:

P.s. Notice how I haven't posted about this subject for a couple days. Consider it: the quiet before the storm.

... and... thunder, thunder, ligtning.... May I present to you... the storm.

If your hip to U.S. news, California and New York had just suffered from extensive record-breaking heat damage and power outages, even incurring death. The flights that were planned to be blown up in U.S. territory were headed for New York and California. The mysterious substance Berkelium I hacked earlier in this thread was being delivered to Arab market.

Terrorists: Arab
Berkelium: named after Berkeley, CALIFORNIA.
Berkelium: represents mysterious liquid explosive material.

Another location being flown to was Washington. The other decryption resolved into information concerning computer data, and immediately preceded the news about U.S. Government computers being hacked into.

Government computers hacked: terrorism
U.S. Government H.Q.: WASHINGTON, D.C. (direct and current code)

Listed in hierarchical order....



One way to stop (STOP) terrorism (HATRED) is to rend (AXE) the code concerning flights going to the United States from the United Kingdom (U.S. FROM U.K.).

Now, earlier in this thread you'll find HAD and HAG.

A:1, B:2, C:3, D:4, E:5, F:6, G:7, H:8

HAD: 8-1-4: 8/14: August 14
HAG: 8-1-7: 8/17: August 17

Cryptologically Yours,
-Witch Wyzwurd

10 Aug 2006, 23:04
I completely missed this post! I need my name on this!


11 Aug 2006, 03:17
i would band you all fair and squareish... excuse my languiage folks... It was a heavy night :D

11 Aug 2006, 11:03
You need to get back on your medications witch :roll:

witch wyzwurd
11 Aug 2006, 20:52
You know, when I was younger, I would smash windows, grafitti, peel paint off cars, and steal magazines in my neighborhood. As I did it, I never questioned why, I just did it like a zombie. If I did think about it afterwards, I never admitted to myself it was wrong, but ignored it by planning to do it again.

Garbage cans don't think about the trash that sits in them or after they dispense the trash why more is put into them, they just hold it. What I'm saying is when I caused trouble I accepted, held, and dispensed anger like a garbage can. No matter how intelligent it would've been to listen or do the right thing for my optimal survival and happiness, I would've ignored it. It was much more funny to outlash and be angry.


What is it that makes someone angry enough to not care to listen? In my case, I was accepting being ignored by my father. The loss of love from him made me angry which confused me. Because I couldn't see the source of my pain, I did anything but express it toward its origin. But with your situation, it's obviously sexual non-competence due to lack of organ size and disease. I don't blame you though, since God made you this way. Your lack of ingenuity, disability to follow intelligence, and utter scorn is simply the result of a creator who should've never been a creator, since it took the creator 13.5 billion years to develop a storyplot in which I'm defending pure truth against 3 whacked out idiots. Other proofs of poor functionality include, but not limited to: rape, incest, and murder. Do you really want to type posts about uselessness and be the robot of a creator less intelligent than the local mentally challenged and deranged? What a waste... bucket!


11 Aug 2006, 21:18
Daisy wrote:You need to get back on your medications witch :roll:

I'd have thought she'd have to be on medication to come up with that kind of crap.

witch wyzwurd
12 Aug 2006, 03:40
dullness... idiocy... helplessness... debateable... for arguments' sake... unyielding anger... boredom... lazy fingers that can't reach the correct letters on the keypad... lazy brains that can't form the correct spelling of words in thought; therefore, transmitting that poor data to lazy fingers that can't touch the right letters on keyboard... key bored... key board... key bore... key b... ke... zzzzzzzzzzz... uh... oh... yah... um... zzzzzzzzzzzz... snore... ignore... what for?... lame brains idling at a speed destined to ease life's energy into a state of pure destructive laziness... go to my computer, load up forum, check posts, send negative responses to each and every message... each and every message... each an... zzzzz... zzzz... zzzzzz... I'm God's... do it!... He said do it!... zzzzzzzz... zzzz... no choice, just do it... no thought... no... I know... just d... uh... oh yah... she... he... witch... she... he... uh... oh... yah... um... mmm... um... durrrrrrr... oh... oh yah... get witch mad... mad witch... refuse witch... which witch?... oh yah... God says... oh yah... me a robot... uh... durrrrr... nothing's real... real?... realness?... utter laughter... ha,ha,ha,... ha... um, ha... water... thirsty... msg... hungry... uh, duh... um, durr!... shoes... shoes?... um, naw... like shoes... like shoes?... um, type unrelated response to topic... yes!... clutter up posts with my sinister plot... they're doomed!... doomed!... doo... I tell ya!... do... uch, zzzzzzzz... achauchu... purfffffrrritttt... uhhchu... well,... well what?... hmmm... I don't know... I don't know?... know?... know what?... no... n....


12 Aug 2006, 04:47
Oh, I get it now!

He's a smackhead!

12 Aug 2006, 08:30
Nah. Most smackheads make more sense than that.

12 Aug 2006, 13:47
Do you think his posts are proof that a million monkeys with a million typewriters, are coming up with stuff?

12 Aug 2006, 15:28
I'd hate to think a million monkeys couldn't come up with something more intelligent than that.

12 Aug 2006, 15:44
davidw wrote:I'd hate to think a million monkeys couldn't come up with something more intelligent than that.

A valid statement.

A = 1, B = 2, C = 3

A + B = C


witch wyzwurd
13 Aug 2006, 13:02
Anything that's dumb is a valid statement to you.

The sad thing is: a million monkeys would probably come up with whatever you're discussing, but you wouldn't have. And 3 or 4 monkeys could spell better than posters like tr0n... "falsalities." Do you think? Oh, please, please, do you think? And by the way: Oh, now my hair is cropped, people will like me more; do you think? Bark, bark! Leash-boy!


13 Aug 2006, 18:26
Falsity - that's the word!
You try working a 14-hour day, then a 10 hour day, and posting to your nonsense after being awake 12-ish hours on that second day. Then care if you can't quite capture the word you're thinking about..
I knew it didn't exist at the time, but didn't quite have enough time to "give a damn" (tm). Actually, I thought it was kind of like "Fatalities" from Mortal combat..

come up with whatever you're discussing, but you wouldn't have

So they would have come up with this - but they wouldn't have.... Oh no, I get it.. They would have come up with this conversation - but we couldn't have come up with this... Which actually means the monkeys wouldn't either as this topic doesn't exist - and so neither do you..

Oh, I had my hopes up for a minute there!
Damn paradox's (paradi?) - so hard to avoid with a below-average IQ!

13 Aug 2006, 20:46
I like this... Arguing with intelliegence.

13 Aug 2006, 22:09
You mean me?
Yah, I have a talent for it.. Comes from my father I guess - where he'd always be taking on the big guns etc.

I just let them sit and FIZZLE themselves over and over again.
I didn't believe I still had the talent until now.. I have (suddenly) alot of fury I want to let out on some little garbage-can.

Must be working through my weekend that's done it.. I haven't had a good argument in years.. This guy might just be stupid enough to keep coming back.

13 Aug 2006, 22:22
Arguing with stupid people just makes it worse since they don't have anything of value to actually argue about...

"Yeah, so does your mum!" kinda thing :?

13 Aug 2006, 22:36
Yeah, true..

I'd hate to actually argue with someone who actually knows what they're talking about though.. Means my brain would have to think, instead of me just impersonating someone with some grey-matter.

13 Aug 2006, 22:44
It's the 21st Century, trying to find somebody with a valid argument, who actually can be bothered to argue in the first place, is like trying to find a needle in a planet made of hay (see what I did there?)

13 Aug 2006, 22:49
You hid a needle?

13 Aug 2006, 22:53
I'm mean arn't I.

witch wyzwurd
14 Aug 2006, 11:09
witch wyzwurd wrote:For those who are unfamiliar with the following subject matter, please browse through this thread from the beginning and key in on the conversations regarding codes.

Now, earlier in this thread you'll find HAD and HAG.

A:1, B:2, C:3, D:4, E:5, F:6, G:7, H:8

HAD: 8-1-4: 8/14: August 14
HAG: 8-1-7: 8/17: August 17

HAD: 8-1-4: 8/14: August 14: Lebanon/Israel Cease-Fire Agreement.

"Had" is indicative of something that was possessed in the past; therefore, the past-tense. Cease-Fire keys in on the war becoming the past.

OMG Zelimos, I'm a genius!

Ok, fight amongst yourselves, and with a million monkeys if you prefer.

Futuristically Yours,
-Witch Wyzwurd

witch wyzwurd
18 Aug 2006, 00:16
Witch Wyzwurd wrote:

For those who are unfamiliar with the following subject matter, please browse through this thread from the beginning and key in on the conversations regarding codes.

Now, earlier in this thread you'll find HAD and HAG.

A:1, B:2, C:3, D:4, E:5, F:6, G:7, H:8

HAD: 8-1-4: 8/14: August 14
HAG: 8-1-7: 8/17: August 17

Concerning 817; HAG and 8/17:

HAG: A stormy, turbulent violent woman; a fury; a she-monster; a vixen; a virago; a termagant.

8/17: A Pakistanian woman attempted to carry four bottles of mysterious liquid on board an airplane in West Virgina (home of Washington, D.C.). Two of the bottles tested positive for explosive chemicals; therefore, an act of terrorism was attempted. Her violent action fits her into the "hag" category of personality types.

CNN link to story:
http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/08/17/airpor ... index.html

Every decryption in this thread that I've asserted has been tied to a real event including terrorism. Moreover, the real stories share commonalities, such as locations.

-W. Wyzwurd

P.S.: Avalanche and Ozzy Osbourne next.

18 Aug 2006, 16:16
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

19 Aug 2006, 04:37
Believe it or not, every word that has ever been said to you, and any words that you have used in your lifetime, are embedded in your body. Your memory banks begin to store this information as you are developing in the womb.

Think about all the words you speak on a daily basis. How do these words affect your life? How do the words you speak affect your relationships, your family, your friends, your co-workers, and even strangers?

Everything about you is an expression of your consciousness and your energy field. Therefore your words are an expressive form of your energy. Your words are the physical expression of your consciousness into manifestation. You create your reality. So begin by taking an inventory of the words that you use everyday.

Do your words inspire, uplift you. Do they support and enhance your creative abilities? Are they positive, productive and affirming to your life? Or are they based on belief systems or ideas that negative and depressive. As an exercise write down words that support

Your words are the molecules of your frequency and vibration. Your words are the sounds and resonance of your consciousness. Every word or group of words, which you express are the molecules of your combined energy and consciousness that create your reality. How wondrous is that! But on the other side of the Wordology that might not be so wondrous, be clear about what you say, especially about yourself.

Everything about your words, your ideas, your thoughts, your belief systems, your views are simply the forms of the energy of your consciousness, whether they are being said from your unconsciousness consciousness. Being conscious is the key!

Therefore, you set the consciousness of your words into motion and into manifestation through the use of your energy. If your words are negative, the reality that you create for your life becomes unproductive and fearful. Your energy gets drained. When your thoughts or ideas are positive, your energy is productive, uplifting and energizing. This is the way your consciousness and your energy partner with you to create and manifest your life.

As an exercise, write down the words you use when you think or speak about yourself. Are they positive, affirming, supportive? Or are words negative, and do they drain your energy?. When you say the words out lout, how do the words affect you emotionally and physically? Where do you feel them in your body? How do the words you speak make you feel?

Remember everything you say has an impact on your life as well on having a impact on others. We imprint each other every day by the words we use. The more you become aware of your words, the more pro-active your life becomes. Speak from your heart. You will feel the difference in your body. Speak from your heart and your life becomes heart filled. Speak from your heart, and your body heals naturally. Speak from your heart and you become more centered and balanced. Speak from your heart and you become healthier.. Speak from your ego and you create more challenges in your life.

So….be aware before your speak! Remember, no matter what you say, you are always speaking to yourself first about yourself and your words indicate exactly where you are…and whether you are conscious or not!

Published AZNetNews, Phoenix, AZ

witch wyzwurd
19 Aug 2006, 06:53

Speak from your ego and you create more challenges in your life.

Aye, Zelimos. Evidenced by many posts and the replies to them in the Chat forum.

Word Up!


19 Aug 2006, 15:26

Kindly summarize in 10 words or less.


19 Aug 2006, 20:31
I just copy/pasted it so I could look as annoying as WW.

19 Aug 2006, 21:01
Well Zel's whole post boils down to:

Your words can control your emotional, physical, and spiritual self. Use the correct words. Analyse what words you do use, and how they effect you. And speak from your heart.

I kind of found parts of that message contradictory in itself (saying use more uplifting words - but speak from the heart). Not to mention downright false (heals your body naturally).

I recently took that test where you vision a box in a desert, with a ladder and a horse and some flowers.. That was quite interesting! I saw the flowers as bright roses, blooming in the middle of everything, etc - and it tells you how you feel about alot around you (even if you didn't know before hand). It actually makes sense too!

20 Aug 2006, 02:46
I didn't even read it rofl.

witch wyzwurd
20 Aug 2006, 11:17
Witch wrote in this thread on 8.18.2006 at 4:16pm concerning future.

P.S.: Avalanche and Ozzy Osbourne next.

Tr0n wrote in "My new shirt company..." on 8.17.2006 at 3:08pm


Avalanche: n. A fall of earth, rocks, etc., similar to that of an avalanche of snow or ice.
Wally: n. (scottish) 1.)Fine; splendid. 2.)Strong.

WASILLA, ALASKA: On 8.19.2006 at 11:52pm, major flooding occurred with mudslides and area deemed a disaster area. http://www.cnn.com


...and alaska is icy...

Witch wrote in "I am new here" on 8.19.2006 at 6:56pm

Subway! Did I say SUBWAY? I did say subway.

A wrap with all the vegetables and pepper and oregano! Mmmm.

Subway: A popular sandwich shop company.
Wrap: A type of sandwich.

BRISTOL ISLAND, SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS (USGS): On 8.20.2006 at 1:41am, a massive 6.9-7.2 earthquake occurred in the Scotia Sea of the Atlantic Ocean with Bristol Island being the nearest landmass. http://www.cnn.com This South Sandwich island is mostly covered in ice and volcanoes (avalanche prone). South Sandwich Islands is part of the U.K.!


(sandwich/sand.wich/son of a beach
James Cook discovered quake)

(recent spam poster in this forum; natalya69:
natalya69/atlanya69/atlantic 6.9/atlanta)

(USGS/U.S. and S.G./United States and South Georgia island/South Georgia island is an island grouped with the Sandwich Islands.)

(Atlanta, the capital of the southern state Georgia)

It's getting nearer and clearer.


P.s.: Still to come; Ozzy Osbourne.

20 Aug 2006, 16:13
That makes two of us :lol:

Tron, when you pictured your box in a desert. What kind of sand did you picture?

20 Aug 2006, 20:40
Mine was a small-ish blue box in a big wide desert..
The blueness of the box was quite calm and relaxed.
It was at my feet.
The ladder was off to the right, standing straight up. The wood was kind of brand new.
The horse was standing still, forming a triangle with the box & ladder. Slightly close to the ladder. The horse was fine, and had a brillient white mane.
The flowers were in the middle of the triangle, and as I said, they were glowing white roses, bringing forth light and warm feelings.
The storm, was a small rain storm, over this group of objects, and although it was stationary - I think it was going to move on.

All these should give you an impression on:
How you think about: Yourself. Your family/friends. Your lover/girlfriend. How you feel about children (or the children you have). And also your life at the moment, and where you stand in the world.
Personally I think it's right too.

Post what your answers are... I'll link to a quiz website if you want - just answer all the questions before you look at the analysis!

witch wyzwurd
11 Sept 2006, 20:06
Witch Wyzwurd wrote in this thread on 8.18.2006 at 4:16pm concerning future event:

P.S.: Ozzy Osbourne next.

Here it is: http://missingexploited.com/2006/08/31/ ... y-osborne/

At this link you'll find about the 9.08.2006 prosecution of a 39 year old Australian man, Aurthur Fairwell, whose lawyer said his client raped a 13 yr old girl because his client thought he was Ozzy Osboursne and heard that Ozzy had sex with a 13 yr old girl, so he had to follow in his idol's footsteps. Arthur Fairwell said he was being treated poorly concerning his case because he's of Middle Eastern descent, and ever since 9-11 Middle Easterners are scorned upon.

Next: Look at that rainbow; no, really look!
tr0n, what's up with that green car?

-Witch Wyzwurd

11 Sept 2006, 22:45
So you've successfully found an obscure news item relating to Ozzy Osbourne. Well done.

A quick look through Google News shows there's a news item relating to Ozzy Osbourne almost every day though - and I'd hardly say this one was big.

There's even more hits on Google News for "rainbow"...

12 Sept 2006, 10:45
Try and find something related to Steve Blues.

witch wyzwurd
13 Sept 2006, 11:29
Alex wrote:So you've successfully found an obscure news item relating to Ozzy Osbourne. Well done.

A quick look through Google News shows there's a news item relating to Ozzy Osbourne almost every day though - and I'd hardly say this one was big.

There's even more hits on Google News for "rainbow"...

Naw, I think you missed the point. Plus I didn't browse Google for the news. And the story stands out from normal Ozzy-news, especially during the time period between 8.18.2006 and 9.08.2006. Plus, "big" is subjective: would it take his death or him carried off by a thunderbird to be "big" news that satisfies you? Sure there's thousands of stories about rainbows, but you don't see me using them do you? What makes me laugh is that I offer methods to bring the future into the present moment that are provable and tangible, yet some here deny only, no matter how it's shown. The last attempt possible for you to make me believe that I can't foretell is to tell me that my day-to-day visions I experience and then see unfold are not happening. Or that the intelligence guiding your judgment of me in these matters overrides or even oversees, as if it manages, and is stronger and more pronounced than the intelligence behind my abilities. And if your goal is to push me aside... well, enjoy the return.

My main focus in displaying my predictions here is not to win your favor, but to provide myself with a means to allow expression of my ability in front of an audience. This gets the ideas out of my head and strengthens the mode of prediction. These keywords float through my mind, so instead of trapping them there, I vent them. By doing so, the keywords will expand into longer phrases, then sentences, and then ultimately into descriptive anecdotes.

Much like creating Quest, Alex. You had the idea, but instead of trapping it in your mind, you grew it outside yourself. If you'd left it as a thought, aspects of the Quest system that formed during its physical construction would've never been.

Oh well, I guess it's like a real UFO sighting. No matter how trustworthy or right the experiencer is, some people are going to make themselves believe and try to make the experiencer believe that it's not true. For some reason those that don't know or are not right want to maintain their opinion and prove it as being right and convince everyone else to be just as dumb. I guess this way slow learners have a way to hinder and keep up with the flow of intelligence's evolution.

Your stance, Alex, is false. And no matter how tough you intend your reaction to my post to be, it's just plain weak. If your reply, Alex, was meant as a challenge for me to post a more clearer prediction, then I welcome that opportunity for growth. But I doubt it was... "Well done"; No thanks, I'm a vegan witch.

13 Sept 2006, 11:33
Amazing how the words "well done" can provoke such a whiny response, WW. If someone wishes you "good morning", do you spend weeks analysing what they said and then conclude that they were actually having a dig at you?

witch wyzwurd
13 Sept 2006, 12:18
davidw wrote:Amazing how the words "well done" can provoke such a whiny response, WW. If someone wishes you "good morning", do you spend weeks analysing what they said and then conclude that they were actually having a dig at you?

So when you respond to an insult, you're whining? Then you ponder a nice gesture as being an action to analyze for weeks? You're a complete retard... and I mean that. Thumb through your last 500 posts for more proof... Retard! Oh, and I bet you might want to twist "whiny response" and "spend weeks analyzing" to not be insults of my character that you know nothing about or are not willing to learn or not intelligent enough to accept. Do you have any goodness in you? Or does it fill you with pride to be a life-destroying evil? Well... answer. Be truthful to yourself and me out loud. You don't have the strength!


13 Sept 2006, 12:37
witch wyzwurd wrote:


Amazing how the words "well done" can provoke such a whiny response, WW. If someone wishes you "good morning", do you spend weeks analysing what they said and then conclude that they were actually having a dig at you?

So when you respond to an insult, you're whining? Then you ponder a nice gesture as being an action to analyze for weeks? You're a complete retard... and I mean that. Thumb through your last 500 posts for more proof... Retard! Oh, and I bet you might want to twist "whiny response" and "spend weeks analyzing" to not be insults of my character that you know nothing about or are not willing to learn or not intelligent enough to accept. Do you have any goodness in you? Or does it fill you with pride to be a life-destroying evil? Well... answer. Be truthful to yourself and me out loud. You don't have the strength!


I thank you. I wondered how much it would take to tip the balance from you being thought of as "demented but other harmless loony who posts lots of gibberish" to "sulky little kid throwing a temper tantrum because someone made a slight dig at him". I see it didn't take much at all. :)

But such hate! Such vitriol! I guess the old saying is true: the truth does hurt.

13 Sept 2006, 20:45
Found a new victim Davidw?

The hate continues.

13 Sept 2006, 20:46
I didn't think it'd be long before my own personal gay stalker joined in the fun. Missed me, Unknown? Ask nicely and I'll send you a signed photo. :)

witch wyzwurd
14 Sept 2006, 01:07
So what's the plan DW? We argue through posts for no reason whatsoever? Very unproductive. So anyways, DW, what Quest games have you built?


P.s.: Thanks for the evidence: "Truth does hurt." No it doesn't, it heals. Lies hurt! Oh, the backwardness of some worldlings. What's your next validless cliche?... Ignorance is bliss? Yah, sure, being utterly dumb saves. Baa-aa-a-aaa, baaa-aaa-aa-aaa,....

14 Sept 2006, 06:28
Well, I always had you figured for a complete idiot but a few people here had their doubts. I'm sure that if you carry on like this for much longer, you'll dispel them.

What games have I written? Here you go:


14 Sept 2006, 12:32
You should read more carefully, davidw. He asked what _Quest_ games you've written, and the Quest port of NFH is missing from that list.

14 Sept 2006, 12:43
I know what he asked, just felt like a bit of trumpet blowing was called for. :)

So, okay... one Quest game. Which works out at one more than WW has written.

14 Sept 2006, 14:33
I've written 1 complete game since I've been here, and it's a Fruit (slot) Machine.

Not worth submitting to the site though.

14 Sept 2006, 15:15
No one seems to have written much with Quest, despite how many years it's been out. Has anyone written more than a couple of games? (By games, I mean actual proper sized games and not the kind of done-in-five-minutes-and-not-tested efforts that appear from time to time.) Hopefully things will change with Quest 4.

14 Sept 2006, 15:38
davidw wrote:No one seems to have written much with Quest, despite how many years it's been out. Has anyone written more than a couple of games? (By games, I mean actual proper sized games and not the kind of done-in-five-minutes-and-not-tested efforts that appear from time to time.) Hopefully things will change with Quest 4.

I've seen what Elexxorine is working on, I think it shows the true capability of QuestNet.

Somebody such as yourself who is well-known for writing good standard IF games should have a go at writing a full-size Quest game to demonstrate it's single-player capabilities.

14 Sept 2006, 16:07
Maybe with Quest 4, but not now.

Is Elexxorine's game likely to be due any time soon? People seem to be forever working on hugely ambitious projects with Quest yet never manage to finish any of them.

14 Sept 2006, 16:11
I'll speak to Elex about putting the server up again. It's a little buggy and unfinished but so far it's very nicely done. If you've played the old Telnet muds, it's very much like them.

She wants to re-write it though I think.

I've got a similar game in the works which we're going to be working on together.

I'm in the process of reinstalling windows again on both my computers, so I can't access my design guide at the moment.

14 Sept 2006, 16:34
Yeah, i started a long time ago, and some of the earlier codes are done badly, plus i have this one horrible bug that i have no idea what's causing it.... yeah, i've already started to redo stuff, keeping the working stuff and updating the bad stuff... but that's just system, there's no real 'game' as such yet, a made a test town with NPC's, shops and such but only to test systems.... i'm starting to make a plot line and such tough.... and i'm not giving up on this one!!!!

14 Sept 2006, 16:49
test server is open

Address: questnet.servegame.com
Port: 4000


14 Sept 2006, 19:16
Okay, (trying to be helpful for a change :) ):

1. A quick glance at the intro doesn't come across very positively due to typos and grammar problems - "as well as a advanced weather system", a "battle martix" and one huge run on sentence. The intro to a game should be spotless as that's the first thing people see.

2. Playing a bit further, I'm asked to choose a race from a list without knowing anything about the races in question beforehand.

3. The character creation was a pain (though as you only have to go through it once, I suppose it's an acceptable pain). Is there really any reason for me to decide which colour eyes I have? Or the length and colour of my hair? I'm all in favour of customing my character but wouldn't customising my strength, speed, combat abilities, etc, make more sense?

4. Beyond that, I wasn't sure what to do. I wandered around, I tried examining a few things that were mentioned in room description but which didn't have descriptions for them, and wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing next. Is there an introduction I missed somewhere?

18 Sept 2006, 17:12
Ok, this is a PRE-release, with no game content, only the systemy stuff, and the version steve has is in fact now out of date.

1. i'm dyslexic, but i can spell dyslexia.... *shrugs*
2. race desrciptions are provided when chosing, you can say 'no'...
3. there's no battle system, once it's put in, yes you will have stuff to do with it in the game....
4. once again, pre-release, no game ocntent, just making the system workings, for a game to be built around.

i may actually finish the system fully then compress it to a library, so other may use it (if i chose to) and such...


David, you are only the second person to see it other than me... seriously.

witch wyzwurd
19 Sept 2006, 19:51
Ok DavidW, I took my time to go to your Wikipagae and browse your game titles. I downloaded Adrift's Runner and downloaded your Warlord and two-other-names-in-title game; don't have it on screen for exact name.... Will you look at that: Even though the master of crap continues to plummet unyielding amounts of insults upon me, I still have the kindness to check into his efforts. Maybe I can act like him and throw empty, unintelligent criticism around, so in an attempt to be like him, I'll be an egotistical jerk. Or maybe: I'll be not like the whiny "child" he claims I am, but a mature, dignified co-text-based game creator. Or, I mean, since he's always right: He's the creator of a Quest game, but I'm devoid of any such efforts, so how dare I use the term co-.

...I liked your menu concept before game start where a person chooses 1-5.
...Your "clear screen (con)" option doesn't work (what's cls1?).
...You give the player an option to move "north" on "Straggly Path" when they can't go in that direction. I believe they can only go "northeast" there.
...Some of your syntax needs editing (such as 2nd paragraph of "Approach to the Fortress"). "There is a gateway situated partway along, to one side of a tower, currently closed tight..." huh?
..."open door" for the hut after bomb blasts reveals a duplicate response.
...If the hut's door has been blown off, I'd like to be able to go inside using "go to hut" or "enter hut" or some simple command. I don't think the thrill of a text-based game is to search for a secret command which allows an obvious intention.

As of now, I've gotten as far as walking around castle and reading room descriptions. The last item on my list above has perturbed me and has turned me off toward your game. I will put in more effort toward solving the riddles of the game, but seeing that I'm creating my own Quest game, most of my time is spent doing that. Oh, wait, that's right, you said you've created one more Quest game than me (that puts you at 1 and me at 0), so how can I possibly be creating a game. You know so much -- Ignorance is bliss?

Anyways, David, lose the attitude.


19 Sept 2006, 20:39
I could respond to that intelligently but, well, you're a complete loony so why bother?

19 Sept 2006, 21:32
WW, your opening statement on that post pretty much lined you up for an insulting reply. Instead of giving people something to reply back at with an aggresive response, why not just ignore it and post something relating to the topic at hand.

Me and David used to be at each others throat, but it got to the stage where enough was enough, it's not fair on Alex to flood his forum with direspectful content. It doesn't take a genius to just NOT post direct insults. You cry like a baby when he comes back at you, so why do it?

Anyway... I've forgotten what this topic was even about.

19 Sept 2006, 21:53
A quick glance back at the first post in the thread reveals:


I don't completely understand how you have the time to watch over such stupidity (ie DavidW arguments, and such). Either you are selling your programs mad-time, independently wealthy, sponsored, yadda yadda yadda and can't figure out anything else to do or somehow you've figured a way to multiply your cerebral cortex and attach it to your various tasks and run yourself on auto-pilot. I respect you for it though.

Well anyway, maybe one day the junk will clear, members of the forum will help maintain the integrity of the forums, and you'll be able to apply yourself to furthering the ASL editor.

Til then: $%*u$&**k#a%! blah blah blah-achspeweeblahahacha... vomit!

And WW wonders why I think he's mad.

20 Sept 2006, 17:25
The vomit is just the icing on the cake.... and it's a nastey cake to start with! LOLZ!

witch wyzwurd
20 Sept 2006, 19:18

Me and David used to be at each others throat, but it got to the stage where enough was enough, it's not fair on Alex to flood his forum with direspectful content. It doesn't take a genius to just NOT post direct insults. You cry like a baby when he comes back at you, so why do it?

In fact: I explicitly remember creating threads for the exact purpose of eliciting positive posts only, and don't remember seeing one such thread from anyone else. And how many of you posted in those? Maybe 5-6 total? And not 1 from DavidW. So go on about how you and DavidW get along, but there again, DavidW and I haven't conversed until recently when he threw an insult my way. And as far as anyone who mindlessly says I'm "childish," a "baby," "a whiner," or any other misplaced comment for responding to your dopey insults can stick it back in your diaper. I have found some of you in this forum to be a bunch of egotistical, dim-witful, text-based losers (but in real-person maybe you're actually cool). "I cry like a baby..." Oh, wah!

Baaaaa-aaa-a-aaa, baaa-aa-aaaa-aa, baa-aaaaa-aaa


20 Sept 2006, 20:12
Gee, someone accuses you of whining like a little cry baby and there you go and whine like a little cry baby.

I wonder if accusing you of having suicidial tendencies would do any good...?

20 Sept 2006, 22:08
davidw wrote:I wonder if accusing you of having suicidial tendencies would do any good...?


W.W wrote:So go on about how you and DavidW get along

We don't... There's just a right time for everything, I'm sure I'll get my turn again soon.

W.W wrote:I have found some of you in this forum to be a bunch of egotistical, dim-witful, text-based losers (but in real-person maybe you're actually cool).

Really?... cool.