
18 Jun 2006, 15:31
Hiyas, guys, I'm finally back now that my exams are over and my computer hooked up to the good ol' internet. I missed yau all loads...

18 Jun 2006, 15:46
What exams did you take?

18 Jun 2006, 16:56
maths, english, sceince, pe, rs, history, german, french, eletronics. i think i'll get about an a average. :D

18 Jun 2006, 17:09
Kool. how do you take an exam for pe?

18 Jun 2006, 17:17
well, for the practical bit you play a sport and they grade you. written side is just dumbed down biololgy and commonsense.

18 Jun 2006, 17:27
I had tougher PE tests, with rules and regulations for certain games like football and stuff... I, by the way, know NOTHING about how football works - or most other games for that matter.

But yeah, the rest are dumbed down biology stuff - and also some crooked biology too (like "the lactic acid creates a debt, which you pay off later" ...

18 Jun 2006, 17:33
what sport did you play?

18 Jun 2006, 18:05
tabletennis!!! it was a joke! seriously.

19 Jun 2006, 15:56
tried tabletennis today. sucked at it. definitely not for me

The Unknown
19 Jun 2006, 17:06
Tables should be made for only a few things. Holding my beer, deer meat, and grill pork products. They should be strong enough to hold plenty!

Welcome back elexxorine. :)

The Buck

19 Jun 2006, 19:38
Hey thanks guys. Glad to see there's some nice poeple hear and not just trolls.... :cry:

19 Jun 2006, 20:47
I shall not hear a bad thing against table tennis!!
*smites with all the mod powers I have*

... Table tennis is cool, haven't you ever watched Forest Gump?
All you need is hand-eye co-ordination and you can play it. Pretty fun for something to do once in a while.

20 Jun 2006, 02:45
i always get a good grade in PE. we call it Gym sumetimes to make the teacher mad. LOL. Im a cheerleader so we do flips & splits & handsprings after warm up. that always gets an A+ :-) whooohooo!

The Unknown
20 Jun 2006, 11:10
elexxorine wrote:Hey thanks guys. Glad to see there's some nice poeple hear and not just trolls.... :cry:

Sorry, I just can't get into table tennis... it wasn't meant as a cut to you.

20 Jun 2006, 13:54
I never said you were a troll..... quite the opposite in fact. I liked your table joke.... lol.

20 Jun 2006, 15:44
I take it you mean david and zelimos

The Unknown
21 Jun 2006, 12:38
Thanks, you can understand my sensitiveness. davidw attacks me on sight.. I've been called a post whore, a troll, and gowd only know what else.

As far as being a postwhore... Well if you make more than 2 posts here you could be considered a postwhore. This forum is rather small.:lol:

21 Jun 2006, 14:56
I better say nothing then :lol: :lol:

21 Jun 2006, 23:56
I've been here since a few months after the start of the first forum, along with a few others such as CW/Tr0n, Al, and Alex, and I think I estimate my total posts at under 500. You can ignore what my profile says - I've been here much longer.

22 Jun 2006, 08:14
\o/ WHOOOO, post whoring!!

On these forum's I've posted ~1300 I guess, and on the last ones I posted over 1000..

I think The last ones were when I joined...
The older ones I remember for like a day or two.

22 Jun 2006, 09:23
I gots 300 ish, but I joined a lot later than you guys.... two years already. wow. Time flies and all that.

The Unknown
23 Jun 2006, 11:28
Wow, great post...that was some serious table tennis.

Here's a video that Ryori showed me. It's some girl named Abe Natsumi. I'm getting hooked on it. It doesn't hurt that she is smokinn hooyyttttt!!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU03FVAK ... sumi%20abe

23 Jun 2006, 19:12